Abstract:Algorithm selection is crucial in the field of optimization, as no single algorithm performs perfectly across all types of optimization problems. Finding the best algorithm among a given set of algorithms for a given problem requires a detailed analysis of the problem's features. To do so, it is important to have a diverse set of benchmarking instances highlighting the difference in algorithms' performance. In this paper, we evolve diverse benchmarking instances for chance-constrained optimization problems that contain stochastic components characterized by their expected values and variances. These instances clearly differentiate the performance of two given algorithms, meaning they are easy to solve by one algorithm and hard to solve by the other. We introduce a $(\mu+1)~EA$ for feature-based diversity optimization to evolve such differentiating instances. We study the chance-constrained maximum coverage problem with stochastic weights on the vertices as an example of chance-constrained optimization problems. The experimental results demonstrate that our method successfully generates diverse instances based on different features while effectively distinguishing the performance between a pair of algorithms.
Abstract:Quality diversity (QD) algorithms have shown to provide sets of high quality solutions for challenging problems in robotics, games, and combinatorial optimisation. So far, theoretical foundational explaining their good behaviour in practice lack far behind their practical success. We contribute to the theoretical understanding of these algorithms and study the behaviour of QD algorithms for a classical planning problem seeking several solutions. We study the all-pairs-shortest-paths (APSP) problem which gives a natural formulation of the behavioural space based on all pairs of nodes of the given input graph that can be used by Map-Elites QD algorithms. Our results show that Map-Elites QD algorithms are able to compute a shortest path for each pair of nodes efficiently in parallel. Furthermore, we examine parent selection techniques for crossover that exhibit significant speed ups compared to the standard QD approach.
Abstract:We present the first parameterized analysis of a standard (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm on a distribution of vertex cover problems. We show that if the planted cover is at most logarithmic, restarting the (1+1) EA every $O(n \log n)$ steps will find a cover at least as small as the planted cover in polynomial time for sufficiently dense random graphs $p > 0.71$. For superlogarithmic planted covers, we prove that the (1+1) EA finds a solution in fixed-parameter tractable time in expectation. We complement these theoretical investigations with a number of computational experiments that highlight the interplay between planted cover size, graph density and runtime.
Abstract:In real-world applications, users often favor structurally diverse design choices over one high-quality solution. It is hence important to consider more solutions that decision-makers can compare and further explore based on additional criteria. Alongside the existing approaches of evolutionary diversity optimization, quality diversity, and multimodal optimization, this paper presents a fresh perspective on this challenge by considering the problem of identifying a fixed number of solutions with a pairwise distance above a specified threshold while maximizing their average quality. We obtain first insight into these objectives by performing a subset selection on the search trajectories of different well-established search heuristics, whether specifically designed with diversity in mind or not. We emphasize that the main goal of our work is not to present a new algorithm but to look at the problem in a more fundamental and theoretically tractable way by asking the question: What trade-off exists between the minimum distance within batches of solutions and the average quality of their fitness? These insights also provide us with a way of making general claims concerning the properties of optimization problems that shall be useful in turn for benchmarking algorithms of the approaches enumerated above. A possibly surprising outcome of our empirical study is the observation that naive uniform random sampling establishes a very strong baseline for our problem, hardly ever outperformed by the search trajectories of the considered heuristics. We interpret these results as a motivation to develop algorithms tailored to produce diverse solutions of high average quality.
Abstract:Variants of the GSEMO algorithm using multi-objective formulations have been successfully analyzed and applied to optimize chance-constrained submodular functions. However, due to the effect of the increasing population size of the GSEMO algorithm considered in these studies from the algorithms, the approach becomes ineffective if the number of trade-offs obtained grows quickly during the optimization run. In this paper, we apply the sliding-selection approach introduced in [21] to the optimization of chance-constrained monotone submodular functions. We theoretically analyze the resulting SW-GSEMO algorithm which successfully limits the population size as a key factor that impacts the runtime and show that this allows it to obtain better runtime guarantees than the best ones currently known for the GSEMO. In our experimental study, we compare the performance of the SW-GSEMO to the GSEMO and NSGA-II on the maximum coverage problem under the chance constraint and show that the SW-GSEMO outperforms the other two approaches in most cases. In order to get additional insights into the optimization behavior of SW-GSEMO, we visualize the selection behavior of SW-GSEMO during its optimization process and show it beats other algorithms to obtain the highest quality of solution in variable instances.
Abstract:The main goal of diversity optimization is to find a diverse set of solutions which satisfy some lower bound on their fitness. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are often used for such tasks, since they are naturally designed to optimize populations of solutions. This approach to diversity optimization, called EDO, has been previously studied from theoretical perspective, but most studies considered only EAs with a trivial offspring population such as the $(\mu + 1)$ EA. In this paper we give an example instance of a $k$-vertex cover problem, which highlights a critical difference of the diversity optimization from the regular single-objective optimization, namely that there might be a locally optimal population from which we can escape only by replacing at least two individuals at once, which the $(\mu + 1)$ algorithms cannot do. We also show that the $(\mu + \lambda)$ EA with $\lambda \ge \mu$ can effectively find a diverse population on $k$-vertex cover, if using a mutation operator inspired by Branson and Sutton (TCS 2023). To avoid the problem of subset selection which arises in the $(\mu + \lambda)$ EA when it optimizes diversity, we also propose the $(1_\mu + 1_\mu)$ EA$_D$, which is an analogue of the $(1 + 1)$ EA for populations, and which is also efficient at optimizing diversity on the $k$-vertex cover problem.
Abstract:Constrained submodular optimization problems play a key role in the area of combinatorial optimization as they capture many NP-hard optimization problems. So far, Pareto optimization approaches using multi-objective formulations have been shown to be successful to tackle these problems while single-objective formulations lead to difficulties for algorithms such as the $(1+1)$-EA due to the presence of local optima. We introduce for the first time single-objective algorithms that are provably successful for different classes of constrained submodular maximization problems. Our algorithms are variants of the $(1+\lambda)$-EA and $(1+1)$-EA and increase the feasible region of the search space incrementally in order to deal with the considered submodular problems.
Abstract:Constrained single-objective problems have been frequently tackled by evolutionary multi-objective algorithms where the constraint is relaxed into an additional objective. Recently, it has been shown that Pareto optimization approaches using bi-objective models can be significantly sped up using sliding windows (Neumann and Witt, ECAI 2023). In this paper, we extend the sliding window approach to $3$-objective formulations for tackling chance constrained problems. On the theoretical side, we show that our new sliding window approach improves previous runtime bounds obtained in (Neumann and Witt, GECCO 2023) while maintaining the same approximation guarantees. Our experimental investigations for the chance constrained dominating set problem show that our new sliding window approach allows one to solve much larger instances in a much more efficient way than the 3-objective approach presented in (Neumann and Witt, GECCO 2023).
Abstract:Chance-constrained problems involve stochastic components in the constraints which can be violated with a small probability. We investigate the impact of different types of chance constraints on the performance of iterative search algorithms and study the classical maximum coverage problem in graphs with chance constraints. Our goal is to evolve reliable chance constraint settings for a given graph where the performance of algorithms differs significantly not just in expectation but with high confidence. This allows to better learn and understand how different types of algorithms can deal with different types of constraint settings and supports automatic algorithm selection. We develop an evolutionary algorithm that provides sets of chance constraints that differentiate the performance of two stochastic search algorithms with high confidence. We initially use traditional approximation ratio as the fitness function of (1+1)~EA to evolve instances, which shows inadequacy to generate reliable instances. To address this issue, we introduce a new measure to calculate the performance difference for two algorithms, which considers variances of performance ratios. Our experiments show that our approach is highly successful in solving the instability issue of the performance ratios and leads to evolving reliable sets of chance constraints with significantly different performance for various types of algorithms.
Abstract:The diversity optimization is the class of optimization problems, in which we aim at finding a diverse set of good solutions. One of the frequently used approaches to solve such problems is to use evolutionary algorithms which evolve a desired diverse population. This approach is called evolutionary diversity optimization (EDO). In this paper, we analyse EDO on a 3-objective function LOTZ$_k$, which is a modification of the 2-objective benchmark function (LeadingOnes, TrailingZeros). We prove that the GSEMO computes a set of all Pareto-optimal solutions in $O(kn^3)$ expected iterations. We also analyze the runtime of the GSEMO$_D$ (a modification of the GSEMO for diversity optimization) until it finds a population with the best possible diversity for two different diversity measures, the total imbalance and the sorted imbalances vector. For the first measure we show that the GSEMO$_D$ optimizes it asymptotically faster than it finds a Pareto-optimal population, in $O(kn^2\log(n))$ expected iterations, and for the second measure we show an upper bound of $O(k^2n^3\log(n))$ expected iterations. We complement our theoretical analysis with an empirical study, which shows a very similar behavior for both diversity measures that is close to the theory predictions.