Abstract:Mixed-precision quantization methods have been proposed to reduce model size while minimizing accuracy degradation. However, existing studies require retraining and do not consider the computational overhead and intermediate representations (IR) generated during the compilation process, limiting their application at the compiler level. This computational overhead refers to the runtime latency caused by frequent quantization and dequantization operations during inference. Performing these operations at the individual operator level causes significant runtime delays. To address these issues, we propose QuantuneV2, a compiler-based mixed-precision quantization method designed for practical embedded AI applications. QuantuneV2 performs inference only twice, once before quantization and once after quantization, and operates with a computational complexity of O(n) that increases linearly with the number of model parameters. We also made the sensitivity analysis more stable by using local metrics like weights, activation values, the Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio, and the Mean Squared Error. We also cut down on computational overhead by choosing the best IR and using operator fusion. Experimental results show that QuantuneV2 achieved up to a 10.28 percent improvement in accuracy and a 12.52 percent increase in speed compared to existing methods across five models: ResNet18v1, ResNet50v1, SqueezeNetv1, VGGNet, and MobileNetv2. This demonstrates that QuantuneV2 enhances model performance while maintaining computational efficiency, making it suitable for deployment in embedded AI environments.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce an open-source Korean-English vision-language model (VLM), VARCO-VISION. We incorporate a step-by-step training strategy that allows a model learn both linguistic and visual information while preserving the backbone model's knowledge. Our model demonstrates outstanding performance in diverse settings requiring bilingual image-text understanding and generation abilities compared to models of similar size. VARCO-VISION is also capable of grounding, referring, and OCR, expanding its usage and potential applications for real-world scenarios. In addition to the model, we release five Korean evaluation datasets, including four closed-set and one openset benchmarks. We anticipate that our milestone will broaden the opportunities for AI researchers aiming to train VLMs. VARCO-VISION is available at https://huggingface.co/NCSOFT/VARCO-VISION-14B.
Abstract:Recently, window-based attention methods have shown great potential for computer vision tasks, particularly in Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR). However, it may fall short in capturing long-range dependencies and relationships between distant tokens. Additionally, we find that learning on spatial domain does not convey the frequency content of the image, which is a crucial aspect in SISR. To tackle these issues, we propose a new Channel-Partitioned Attention Transformer (CPAT) to better capture long-range dependencies by sequentially expanding windows along the height and width of feature maps. In addition, we propose a novel Spatial-Frequency Interaction Module (SFIM), which incorporates information from spatial and frequency domains to provide a more comprehensive information from feature maps. This includes information about the frequency content and enhances the receptive field across the entire image. Experimental findings demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed modules and architecture. In particular, CPAT surpasses current state-of-the-art methods by up to 0.31dB.
Abstract:Employing Large Language Models (LLMs) to assess the quality of generated responses, such as prompting instruct-tuned models or fine-tuning judge models, has become a widely adopted evaluation method. It is also known that such evaluators are vulnerable to biases, such as favoring longer responses. While it is important to overcome this problem, the specifics of these biases remain under-explored. In this work, we qualitatively identify six types of biases inherent in various judge models. We propose EvalBiasBench as a meta-evaluation collection of hand-crafted test cases for each bias type. Additionally, we present de-biasing dataset construction methods and the associated preference dataset OffsetBias. Experimental results demonstrate that fine-tuning on our dataset significantly enhances the robustness of judge models against biases and improves performance across most evaluation scenarios. We release our datasets and the fine-tuned judge model to public.
Abstract:This study discusses the critical issues of Virtual Try-On in contemporary e-commerce and the prospective metaverse, emphasizing the challenges of preserving intricate texture details and distinctive features of the target person and the clothes in various scenarios, such as clothing texture and identity characteristics like tattoos or accessories. In addition to the fidelity of the synthesized images, the efficiency of the synthesis process presents a significant hurdle. Various existing approaches are explored, highlighting the limitations and unresolved aspects, e.g., identity information omission, uncontrollable artifacts, and low synthesis speed. It then proposes a novel diffusion-based solution that addresses garment texture preservation and user identity retention during virtual try-on. The proposed network comprises two primary modules - a warping module aligning clothing with individual features and a try-on module refining the attire and generating missing parts integrated with a mask-aware post-processing technique ensuring the integrity of the individual's identity. It demonstrates impressive results, surpassing the state-of-the-art in speed by nearly 20 times during inference, with superior fidelity in qualitative assessments. Quantitative evaluations confirm comparable performance with the recent SOTA method on the VITON-HD and Dresscode datasets.
Abstract:Occlusion is a long-standing problem in computer vision, particularly in instance segmentation. ACM MMSports 2023 DeepSportRadar has introduced a dataset that focuses on segmenting human subjects within a basketball context and a specialized evaluation metric for occlusion scenarios. Given the modest size of the dataset and the highly deformable nature of the objects to be segmented, this challenge demands the application of robust data augmentation techniques and wisely-chosen deep learning architectures. Our work (ranked 1st in the competition) first proposes a novel data augmentation technique, capable of generating more training samples with wider distribution. Then, we adopt a new architecture - Hybrid Task Cascade (HTC) framework with CBNetV2 as backbone and MaskIoU head to improve segmentation performance. Furthermore, we employ a Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA) training strategy to improve the model's generalization. As a result, we achieve a remarkable occlusion score (OM) of 0.533 on the challenge dataset, securing the top-1 position on the leaderboard. Source code is available at this https://github.com/nguyendinhson-kaist/MMSports23-Seg-AutoID.
Abstract:We introduce TeSS (Text Similarity Comparison using Sentence Encoder), a framework for zero-shot classification where the assigned label is determined by the embedding similarity between the input text and each candidate label prompt. We leverage representations from sentence encoders optimized to locate semantically similar samples closer to each other in embedding space during pre-training. The label prompt embeddings serve as prototypes of their corresponding class clusters. Furthermore, to compensate for the potentially poorly descriptive labels in their original format, we retrieve semantically similar sentences from external corpora and additionally use them with the original label prompt (TeSS-R). TeSS outperforms strong baselines on various closed-set and open-set classification datasets under zero-shot setting, with further gains when combined with label prompt diversification through retrieval. These results are robustly attained to verbalizer variations, an ancillary benefit of using a bi-encoder. Altogether, our method serves as a reliable baseline for zero-shot classification and a simple interface to assess the quality of sentence encoders.
Abstract:Neural radiance field (NeRF) attracts attention as a promising approach to reconstructing the 3D scene. As NeRF emerges, subsequent studies have been conducted to model dynamic scenes, which include motions or topological changes. However, most of them use an additional deformation network, slowing down the training and rendering speed. Tensorial radiance field (TensoRF) recently shows its potential for fast, high-quality reconstruction of static scenes with compact model size. In this paper, we present D-TensoRF, a tensorial radiance field for dynamic scenes, enabling novel view synthesis at a specific time. We consider the radiance field of a dynamic scene as a 5D tensor. The 5D tensor represents a 4D grid in which each axis corresponds to X, Y, Z, and time and has 1D multi-channel features per element. Similar to TensoRF, we decompose the grid either into rank-one vector components (CP decomposition) or low-rank matrix components (newly proposed MM decomposition). We also use smoothing regularization to reflect the relationship between features at different times (temporal dependency). We conduct extensive evaluations to analyze our models. We show that D-TensoRF with CP decomposition and MM decomposition both have short training times and significantly low memory footprints with quantitatively and qualitatively competitive rendering results in comparison to the state-of-the-art methods in 3D dynamic scene modeling.
Abstract:Even with recent advances in speech synthesis models, the evaluation of such models is based purely on human judgement as a single naturalness score, such as the Mean Opinion Score (MOS). The score-based metric does not give any further information about which parts of speech are unnatural or why human judges believe they are unnatural. We present a novel speech dataset, RedPen, with human annotations on unnatural speech regions and their corresponding reasons. RedPen consists of 180 synthesized speeches with unnatural regions annotated by crowd workers; These regions are then reasoned and categorized by error types, such as voice trembling and background noise. We find that our dataset shows a better explanation for unnatural speech regions than the model-driven unnaturalness prediction. Our analysis also shows that each model includes different types of error types. Summing up, our dataset successfully shows the possibility that various error regions and types lie under the single naturalness score. We believe that our dataset will shed light on the evaluation and development of more interpretable speech models in the future. Our dataset will be publicly available upon acceptance.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) is an active area of research. One of the most suitable areas for adopting FL is the medical domain, where patient privacy must be respected. Previous research, however, does not fully consider who will most likely use FL in the medical domain. It is not the hospitals who are eager to adopt FL, but the service providers such as IT companies who want to develop machine learning models with real patient records. Moreover, service providers would prefer to focus on maximizing the performance of the models at the lowest cost possible. In this work, we propose empirical benchmarks of FL methods considering both performance and monetary cost with three real-world datasets: electronic health records, skin cancer images, and electrocardiogram datasets. We also propose Federated learning with Proximal regularization eXcept local Normalization (FedPxN), which, using a simple combination of FedProx and FedBN, outperforms all other FL algorithms while consuming only slightly more power than the most power efficient method.