Abstract:Modern language models are internally -- and mathematically -- distributions over token strings rather than \emph{character} strings, posing numerous challenges for programmers building user applications on top of them. For example, if a prompt is specified as a character string, it must be tokenized before passing it to the token-level language model. Thus, the tokenizer and consequent analyses are very sensitive to the specification of the prompt (e.g., if the prompt ends with a space or not). This paper presents algorithms for converting token-level language models to character-level ones. We present both exact and approximate algorithms. In the empirical portion of the paper, we benchmark the practical runtime and approximation quality. We find that -- even with a small computation budget -- our method is able to accurately approximate the character-level distribution (less than 0.00021 excess bits / character) at reasonably fast speeds (46.3 characters / second) on the Llama 3.1 8B language model.
Abstract:Characterizing the computational power of neural network architectures in terms of formal language theory remains a crucial line of research, as it describes lower and upper bounds on the reasoning capabilities of modern AI. However, when empirically testing these bounds, existing work often leaves a discrepancy between experiments and the formal claims they are meant to support. The problem is that formal language theory pertains specifically to recognizers: machines that receive a string as input and classify whether it belongs to a language. On the other hand, it is common to instead use proxy tasks that are similar in only an informal sense, such as language modeling or sequence-to-sequence transduction. We correct this mismatch by training and evaluating neural networks directly as binary classifiers of strings, using a general method that can be applied to a wide variety of languages. As part of this, we extend an algorithm recently proposed by Sn{\ae}bjarnarson et al. (2024) to do length-controlled sampling of strings from regular languages, with much better asymptotic time complexity than previous methods. We provide results on a variety of languages across the Chomsky hierarchy for three neural architectures: a simple RNN, an LSTM, and a causally-masked transformer. We find that the RNN and LSTM often outperform the transformer, and that auxiliary training objectives such as language modeling can help, although no single objective uniformly improves performance across languages and architectures. Our contributions will facilitate theoretically sound empirical testing of language recognition claims in future work. We have released our datasets as a benchmark called FLaRe (Formal Language Recognition), along with our code.
Abstract:Language models are widely used in computational psycholinguistics to test theories that relate the negative log probability (the surprisal) of a region of interest (a substring of characters) under a language model to its cognitive cost experienced by readers, as operationalized, for example, by gaze duration on the region. However, the application of modern language models to psycholinguistic studies is complicated by the practice of using tokenization as an intermediate step in training a model. Doing so results in a language model over token strings rather than one over character strings. Vexingly, regions of interest are generally misaligned with these token strings. The paper argues that token-level language models should be (approximately) marginalized into character-level language models before they are used in psycholinguistic studies to compute the surprisal of a region of interest; then, the marginalized character-level language model can be used to compute the surprisal of an arbitrary character substring, which we term a focal area, that the experimenter may wish to use as a predictor. Our proposal of marginalizing a token-level model into a character-level one solves this misalignment issue independently of the tokenization scheme. Empirically, we discover various focal areas whose surprisal is a better psychometric predictor than the surprisal of the region of interest itself.
Abstract:Tokenization - the practice of converting strings of characters over an alphabet into sequences of tokens over a vocabulary - is a critical yet under-theorized step in the NLP pipeline. Notably, it remains the only major step not fully integrated into widely used end-to-end neural models. This paper aims to address this theoretical gap by laying the foundations of tokenization from a formal perspective. By articulating and extending basic properties about the category of stochastic maps, we propose a unified framework for representing and analyzing tokenizer models. This framework allows us to establish general conditions for the use of tokenizers. In particular, we formally establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for a tokenizer model to preserve the consistency of statistical estimators. Additionally, we discuss statistical and computational concerns crucial for the design and implementation of tokenizer models. The framework and results advanced in this paper represent a step toward a robust theoretical foundation for neural language modeling.
Abstract:Computational historical linguistics seeks to systematically understand processes of sound change, including during periods at which little to no formal recording of language is attested. At the same time, few computational resources exist which deeply explore phonological and morphological connections between proto-languages and their descendants. This is particularly true for the family of Italic languages. To assist historical linguists in the study of Italic sound change, we introduce the Proto-Italic to Latin (PILA) dataset, which consists of roughly 3,000 pairs of forms from Proto-Italic and Latin. We provide a detailed description of how our dataset was created and organized. Then, we exhibit PILA's value in two ways. First, we present baseline results for PILA on a pair of traditional computational historical linguistics tasks. Second, we demonstrate PILA's capability for enhancing other historical-linguistic datasets through a dataset compatibility study.
Abstract:Attention, specifically scaled dot-product attention, has proven effective for natural language, but it does not have a mechanism for handling hierarchical patterns of arbitrary nesting depth, which limits its ability to recognize certain syntactic structures. To address this shortcoming, we propose stack attention: an attention operator that incorporates stacks, inspired by their theoretical connections to context-free languages (CFLs). We show that stack attention is analogous to standard attention, but with a latent model of syntax that requires no syntactic supervision. We propose two variants: one related to deterministic pushdown automata (PDAs) and one based on nondeterministic PDAs, which allows transformers to recognize arbitrary CFLs. We show that transformers with stack attention are very effective at learning CFLs that standard transformers struggle on, achieving strong results on a CFL with theoretically maximal parsing difficulty. We also show that stack attention is more effective at natural language modeling under a constrained parameter budget, and we include results on machine translation.
Abstract:Human language is full of compositional syntactic structures, and although neural networks have contributed to groundbreaking improvements in computer systems that process language, widely-used neural network architectures still exhibit limitations in their ability to process syntax. To address this issue, prior work has proposed adding stack data structures to neural networks, drawing inspiration from theoretical connections between syntax and stacks. However, these methods employ deterministic stacks that are designed to track one parse at a time, whereas syntactic ambiguity, which requires a nondeterministic stack to parse, is extremely common in language. In this dissertation, we remedy this discrepancy by proposing a method of incorporating nondeterministic stacks into neural networks. We develop a differentiable data structure that efficiently simulates a nondeterministic pushdown automaton, representing an exponential number of computations with a dynamic programming algorithm. We incorporate this module into two predominant architectures: recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformers. We show that this raises their formal recognition power to arbitrary context-free languages, and also aids training, even on deterministic context-free languages. Empirically, neural networks with nondeterministic stacks learn context-free languages much more effectively than prior stack-augmented models, including a language with theoretically maximal parsing difficulty. We also show that an RNN augmented with a nondeterminsitic stack is capable of surprisingly powerful behavior, such as learning cross-serial dependencies, a well-known non-context-free pattern. We demonstrate improvements on natural language modeling and provide analysis on a syntactic generalization benchmark. This work represents an important step toward building systems that learn to use syntax in more human-like fashion.
Abstract:Weighted pushdown automata (WPDAs) are at the core of many natural language processing tasks, like syntax-based statistical machine translation and transition-based dependency parsing. As most existing dynamic programming algorithms are designed for context-free grammars (CFGs), algorithms for PDAs often resort to a PDA-to-CFG conversion. In this paper, we develop novel algorithms that operate directly on WPDAs. Our algorithms are inspired by Lang's algorithm, but use a more general definition of pushdown automaton and either reduce the space requirements by a factor of $|\Gamma|$ (the size of the stack alphabet) or reduce the runtime by a factor of more than $|Q|$ (the number of states). When run on the same class of PDAs as Lang's algorithm, our algorithm is both more space-efficient by a factor of $|\Gamma|$ and more time-efficient by a factor of $|Q| \cdot |\Gamma|$.
Abstract:Traditional recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have a fixed, finite number of memory cells. In theory (assuming bounded range and precision), this limits their formal language recognition power to regular languages, and in practice, RNNs have been shown to be unable to learn many context-free languages (CFLs). In order to expand the class of languages RNNs recognize, prior work has augmented RNNs with a nondeterministic stack data structure, putting them on par with pushdown automata and increasing their language recognition power to CFLs. Nondeterminism is needed for recognizing all CFLs (not just deterministic CFLs), but in this paper, we show that nondeterminism and the neural controller interact to produce two more unexpected abilities. First, the nondeterministic stack RNN can recognize not only CFLs, but also many non-context-free languages. Second, it can recognize languages with much larger alphabet sizes than one might expect given the size of its stack alphabet. Finally, to increase the information capacity in the stack and allow it to solve more complicated tasks with large alphabet sizes, we propose a new version of the nondeterministic stack that simulates stacks of vectors rather than discrete symbols. We demonstrate perplexity improvements with this new model on the Penn Treebank language modeling benchmark.
Abstract:Learning hierarchical structures in sequential data -- from simple algorithmic patterns to natural language -- in a reliable, generalizable way remains a challenging problem for neural language models. Past work has shown that recurrent neural networks (RNNs) struggle to generalize on held-out algorithmic or syntactic patterns without supervision or some inductive bias. To remedy this, many papers have explored augmenting RNNs with various differentiable stacks, by analogy with finite automata and pushdown automata. In this paper, we present a stack RNN model based on the recently proposed Nondeterministic Stack RNN (NS-RNN) that achieves lower cross-entropy than all previous stack RNNs on five context-free language modeling tasks (within 0.05 nats of the information-theoretic lower bound), including a task in which the NS-RNN previously failed to outperform a deterministic stack RNN baseline. Our model assigns arbitrary positive weights instead of probabilities to stack actions, and we provide an analysis of why this improves training. We also propose a restricted version of the NS-RNN that makes it practical to use for language modeling on natural language and present results on the Penn Treebank corpus.