Abstract:Cross-encoders distilled from large language models are more effective re-rankers than cross-encoders fine-tuned using manually labeled data. However, the distilled models do not reach the language model's effectiveness. We construct and release a new distillation dataset, named Rank-DistiLLM, to investigate whether insights from fine-tuning cross-encoders on manually labeled data -- hard-negative sampling, deep sampling, and listwise loss functions -- are transferable to large language model ranker distillation. Our dataset can be used to train cross-encoders that reach the effectiveness of large language models while being orders of magnitude more efficient. Code and data is available at:
Abstract:Evaluating the quality of arguments is a crucial aspect of any system leveraging argument mining. However, it is a challenge to obtain reliable and consistent annotations regarding argument quality, as this usually requires domain-specific expertise of the annotators. Even among experts, the assessment of argument quality is often inconsistent due to the inherent subjectivity of this task. In this paper, we study the potential of using state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) as proxies for argument quality annotators. To assess the capability of LLMs in this regard, we analyze the agreement between model, human expert, and human novice annotators based on an established taxonomy of argument quality dimensions. Our findings highlight that LLMs can produce consistent annotations, with a moderately high agreement with human experts across most of the quality dimensions. Moreover, we show that using LLMs as additional annotators can significantly improve the agreement between annotators. These results suggest that LLMs can serve as a valuable tool for automated argument quality assessment, thus streamlining and accelerating the evaluation of large argument datasets.
Abstract:Trigger warnings are labels that preface documents with sensitive content if this content could be perceived as harmful by certain groups of readers. Since warnings about a document intuitively need to be shown before reading it, authors usually assign trigger warnings at the document level. What parts of their writing prompted them to assign a warning, however, remains unclear. We investigate for the first time the feasibility of identifying the triggering passages of a document, both manually and computationally. We create a dataset of 4,135 English passages, each annotated with one of eight common trigger warnings. In a large-scale evaluation, we then systematically evaluate the effectiveness of fine-tuned and few-shot classifiers, and their generalizability. We find that trigger annotation belongs to the group of subjective annotation tasks in NLP, and that automatic trigger classification remains challenging but feasible.
Abstract:Cross-encoders are effective passage re-rankers. But when re-ranking multiple passages at once, existing cross-encoders inefficiently optimize the output ranking over several input permutations, as their passage interactions are not permutation-invariant. Moreover, their high memory footprint constrains the number of passages during listwise training. To tackle these issues, we propose the Set-Encoder, a new cross-encoder architecture that (1) introduces inter-passage attention with parallel passage processing to ensure permutation invariance between input passages, and that (2) uses fused-attention kernels to enable training with more passages at a time. In experiments on TREC Deep Learning and TIREx, the Set-Encoder is more effective than previous cross-encoders with a similar number of parameters. Compared to larger models, the Set-Encoder is more efficient and either on par or even more effective.
Abstract:Since paraphrasing is an ill-defined task, the term "paraphrasing" covers text transformation tasks with different characteristics. Consequently, existing paraphrasing studies have applied quite different (explicit and implicit) criteria as to when a pair of texts is to be considered a paraphrase, all of which amount to postulating a certain level of semantic or lexical similarity. In this paper, we conduct a literature review and propose a taxonomy to organize the 25~identified paraphrasing (sub-)tasks. Using classifiers trained to identify the tasks that a given paraphrasing instance fits, we find that the distributions of task-specific instances in the known paraphrase corpora vary substantially. This means that the use of these corpora, without the respective paraphrase conditions being clearly defined (which is the normal case), must lead to incomparable and misleading results.
Abstract:Conversational search engines such as YouChat and Microsoft Copilot use large language models (LLMs) to generate answers to queries. It is only a small step to also use this technology to generate and integrate advertising within these answers - instead of placing ads separately from the organic search results. This type of advertising is reminiscent of native advertising and product placement, both of which are very effective forms of subtle and manipulative advertising. It is likely that information seekers will be confronted with such use of LLM technology in the near future, especially when considering the high computational costs associated with LLMs, for which providers need to develop sustainable business models. This paper investigates whether LLMs can also be used as a countermeasure against generated native ads, i.e., to block them. For this purpose we compile a large dataset of ad-prone queries and of generated answers with automatically integrated ads to experiment with fine-tuned sentence transformers and state-of-the-art LLMs on the task of recognizing the ads. In our experiments sentence transformers achieve detection precision and recall values above 0.9, while the investigated LLMs struggle with the task.
Abstract:Encyclopedic knowledge graphs, such as Wikidata, host an extensive repository of millions of knowledge statements. However, domain-specific knowledge from fields such as history, physics, or medicine is significantly underrepresented in those graphs. Although few domain-specific knowledge graphs exist (e.g., Pubmed for medicine), developing specialized retrieval applications for many domains still requires constructing knowledge graphs from scratch. To facilitate knowledge graph construction, we introduce WAKA: a Web application that allows domain experts to create knowledge graphs through the medium with which they are most familiar: natural language.
Abstract:We present an annotation scheme for argumentative and domain-specific aspects of scholarly articles on the theory of International Relations. At argumentation level we identify Claims and Support/Attack relations. At domain level we model discourse content in terms of Theory and Data-related statements. We annotate Waltz's 1993 text on structural realism and show that our scheme can be reliably applied by domain experts enables insights on two research questions on justifications of claims.
Abstract:Recent advances in large language models have enabled the development of viable generative information retrieval systems. A generative retrieval system returns a grounded generated text in response to an information need instead of the traditional document ranking. Quantifying the utility of these types of responses is essential for evaluating generative retrieval systems. As the established evaluation methodology for ranking-based ad hoc retrieval may seem unsuitable for generative retrieval, new approaches for reliable, repeatable, and reproducible experimentation are required. In this paper, we survey the relevant information retrieval and natural language processing literature, identify search tasks and system architectures in generative retrieval, develop a corresponding user model, and study its operationalization. This theoretical analysis provides a foundation and new insights for the evaluation of generative ad hoc retrieval systems.
Abstract:The reliability of supervised machine learning systems depends on the accuracy and availability of ground truth labels. However, the process of human annotation, being prone to error, introduces the potential for noisy labels, which can impede the practicality of these systems. While training with noisy labels is a significant consideration, the reliability of test data is also crucial to ascertain the dependability of the results. A common approach to addressing this issue is repeated labeling, where multiple annotators label the same example, and their labels are combined to provide a better estimate of the true label. In this paper, we propose a novel localization algorithm that adapts well-established ground truth estimation methods for object detection and instance segmentation tasks. The key innovation of our method lies in its ability to transform combined localization and classification tasks into classification-only problems, thus enabling the application of techniques such as Expectation-Maximization (EM) or Majority Voting (MJV). Although our main focus is the aggregation of unique ground truth for test data, our algorithm also shows superior performance during training on the TexBiG dataset, surpassing both noisy label training and label aggregation using Weighted Boxes Fusion (WBF). Our experiments indicate that the benefits of repeated labels emerge under specific dataset and annotation configurations. The key factors appear to be (1) dataset complexity, the (2) annotator consistency, and (3) the given annotation budget constraints.