Abstract:This paper presents a novel method to quantify Trust in HRI. It proposes an HRI framework for estimating the Robot Trust towards the Human in the context of a narrow and specified task. The framework produces a real-time estimation of an AI agent's Artificial Trust towards a Human partner interacting with a mobile teleoperation robot. The approach for the framework is based on principles drawn from Theory of Mind, including information about the human state, action, and intent. The framework creates the ATTUNE model for Artificial Trust Towards Human Operators. The model uses metrics on the operator's state of attention, navigational intent, actions, and performance to quantify the Trust towards them. The model is tested on a pre-existing dataset that includes recordings (ROSbags) of a human trial in a simulated disaster response scenario. The performance of ATTUNE is evaluated through a qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of the analyses provide insight into the next stages of the research and help refine the proposed approach.
Abstract:Understanding and manipulating concrete and abstract concepts is fundamental to human intelligence. Yet, they remain challenging for artificial agents. This paper introduces a multimodal generative approach to high order abstract concept learning, which integrates visual and categorical linguistic information from concrete ones. Our model initially grounds subordinate level concrete concepts, combines them to form basic level concepts, and finally abstracts to superordinate level concepts via the grounding of basic-level concepts. We evaluate the model language learning ability through language-to-visual and visual-to-language tests with high order abstract concepts. Experimental results demonstrate the proficiency of the model in both language understanding and language naming tasks.
Abstract:Although attention mechanisms have achieved considerable progress in Transformer-based architectures across various Artificial Intelligence (AI) domains, their inner workings remain to be explored. Existing explainable methods have different emphases but are rather one-sided. They primarily analyse the attention mechanisms or gradient-based attribution while neglecting the magnitudes of input feature values or the skip-connection module. Moreover, they inevitably bring spurious noisy pixel attributions unrelated to the model's decision, hindering humans' trust in the spotted visualization result. Hence, we propose an easy-to-implement but effective way to remedy this flaw: Smooth Noise Norm Attention (SNNA). We weigh the attention by the norm of the transformed value vector and guide the label-specific signal with the attention gradient, then randomly sample the input perturbations and average the corresponding gradients to produce noise-free attribution. Instead of evaluating the explanation method on the binary or multi-class classification tasks like in previous works, we explore the more complex multi-label classification scenario in this work, i.e., the driving action prediction task, and trained a model for it specifically. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluation results show the superiority of SNNA compared to other SOTA attention-based explainable methods in generating a clearer visual explanation map and ranking the input pixel importance.
Abstract:Artificial agents, particularly humanoid robots, interact with their environment, objects, and people using cameras, actuators, and physical presence. Their communication methods are often pre-programmed, limiting their actions and interactions. Our research explores acquiring non-verbal communication skills through learning from demonstrations, with potential applications in sign language comprehension and expression. In particular, we focus on imitation learning for artificial agents, exemplified by teaching a simulated humanoid American Sign Language. We use computer vision and deep learning to extract information from videos, and reinforcement learning to enable the agent to replicate observed actions. Compared to other methods, our approach eliminates the need for additional hardware to acquire information. We demonstrate how the combination of these different techniques offers a viable way to learn sign language. Our methodology successfully teaches 5 different signs involving the upper body (i.e., arms and hands). This research paves the way for advanced communication skills in artificial agents.
Abstract:Theory of Mind (ToM) is a fundamental cognitive architecture that endows humans with the ability to attribute mental states to others. Humans infer the desires, beliefs, and intentions of others by observing their behavior and, in turn, adjust their actions to facilitate better interpersonal communication and team collaboration. In this paper, we investigated trust-aware robot policy with the theory of mind in a multiagent setting where a human collaborates with a robot against another human opponent. We show that by only focusing on team performance, the robot may resort to the reverse psychology trick, which poses a significant threat to trust maintenance. The human's trust in the robot will collapse when they discover deceptive behavior by the robot. To mitigate this problem, we adopt the robot theory of mind model to infer the human's trust beliefs, including true belief and false belief (an essential element of ToM). We designed a dynamic trust-aware reward function based on different trust beliefs to guide the robot policy learning, which aims to balance between avoiding human trust collapse due to robot reverse psychology. The experimental results demonstrate the importance of the ToM-based robot policy for human-robot trust and the effectiveness of our robot ToM-based robot policy in multiagent interaction settings.
Abstract:A social robot acting as a 'mediator' can enhance interactions between humans, for example, in fields such as education and healthcare. A particularly promising area of research is the use of a social robot mediator in a multiparty setting, which tends to be the most applicable in real-world scenarios. However, research in social robot mediation for multiparty interactions is still emerging and faces numerous challenges. This paper provides an overview of social robotics and mediation research by highlighting relevant literature and some of the ongoing problems. The importance of incorporating relevant psychological principles for developing social robot mediators is also presented. Additionally, the potential of implementing a Theory of Mind in a social robot mediator is explored, given how such a framework could greatly improve mediation by reading the individual and group mental states to interact effectively.
Abstract:In this work, we instantiate a novel perturbation-based multi-class explanation framework, LIPEx (Locally Interpretable Probabilistic Explanation). We demonstrate that LIPEx not only locally replicates the probability distributions output by the widely used complex classification models but also provides insight into how every feature deemed to be important affects the prediction probability for each of the possible classes. We achieve this by defining the explanation as a matrix obtained via regression with respect to the Hellinger distance in the space of probability distributions. Ablation tests on text and image data, show that LIPEx-guided removal of important features from the data causes more change in predictions for the underlying model than similar tests on other saliency-based or feature importance-based XAI methods. It is also shown that compared to LIME, LIPEx is much more data efficient in terms of the number of perturbations needed for reliable evaluation of the explanation.
Abstract:Communicating shapes our social word. For a robot to be considered social and being consequently integrated in our social environment it is fundamental to understand some of the dynamics that rule human-human communication. In this work, we tackle the problem of Addressee Estimation, the ability to understand an utterance's addressee, by interpreting and exploiting non-verbal bodily cues from the speaker. We do so by implementing an hybrid deep learning model composed of convolutional layers and LSTM cells taking as input images portraying the face of the speaker and 2D vectors of the speaker's body posture. Our implementation choices were guided by the aim to develop a model that could be deployed on social robots and be efficient in ecological scenarios. We demonstrate that our model is able to solve the Addressee Estimation problem in terms of addressee localisation in space, from a robot ego-centric point of view.
Abstract:Nowadays, robots are expected to interact more physically, cognitively, and socially with people. They should adapt to unpredictable contexts alongside individuals with various behaviours. For this reason, personalisation is a valuable attribute for social robots as it allows them to act according to a specific user's needs and preferences and achieve natural and transparent robot behaviours for humans. If correctly implemented, personalisation could also be the key to the large-scale adoption of social robotics. However, achieving personalisation is arduous as it requires us to expand the boundaries of robotics by taking advantage of the expertise of various domains. Indeed, personalised robots need to analyse and model user interactions while considering their involvement in the adaptative process. It also requires us to address ethical and socio-cultural aspects of personalised HRI to achieve inclusive and diverse interaction and avoid deception and misplaced trust when interacting with the users. At the same time, policymakers need to ensure regulations in view of possible short-term and long-term adaptive HRI. This workshop aims to raise an interdisciplinary discussion on personalisation in robotics. It aims at bringing researchers from different fields together to propose guidelines for personalisation while addressing the following questions: how to define it - how to achieve it - and how it should be guided to fit legal and ethical requirements.
Abstract:Human-robot interaction (HRI) research is progressively addressing multi-party scenarios, where a robot interacts with more than one human user at the same time. Conversely, research is still at an early stage for human-robot collaboration (HRC). The use of machine learning techniques to handle such type of collaboration requires data that are less feasible to produce than in a typical HRC setup. This work outlines concepts of design of concurrent tasks for non-dyadic HRC applications. Based upon these concepts, this study also proposes an alternative way of gathering data regarding multiuser activity, by collecting data related to single subjects and merging them in post-processing, to reduce the effort involved in producing recordings of pair settings. To validate this statement, 3D skeleton poses of activity of single subjects were collected and merged in pairs. After this, the datapoints were used to separately train a long short-term memory (LSTM) network and a variational autoencoder (VAE) composed of spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks (STGCN) to recognise the joint activities of the pairs of people. The results showed that it is possible to make use of data collected in this way for pair HRC settings and get similar performances compared to using data regarding groups of users recorded under the same settings, relieving from the technical difficulties involved in producing these data.