Abstract:Recent large language models (LLMs) support long contexts ranging from 128K to 1M tokens. A popular method for evaluating these capabilities is the needle-in-a-haystack (NIAH) test, which involves retrieving a "needle" (relevant information) from a "haystack" (long irrelevant context). Extensions of this approach include increasing distractors, fact chaining, and in-context reasoning. However, in these benchmarks, models can exploit existing literal matches between the needle and haystack to simplify the task. To address this, we introduce NoLiMa, a benchmark extending NIAH with a carefully designed needle set, where questions and needles have minimal lexical overlap, requiring models to infer latent associations to locate the needle within the haystack. We evaluate 12 popular LLMs that claim to support contexts of at least 128K tokens. While they perform well in short contexts (<1K), performance degrades significantly as context length increases. At 32K, for instance, 10 models drop below 50% of their strong short-length baselines. Even GPT-4o, one of the top-performing exceptions, experiences a reduction from an almost-perfect baseline of 99.3% to 69.7%. Our analysis suggests these declines stem from the increased difficulty the attention mechanism faces in longer contexts when literal matches are absent, making it harder to retrieve relevant information.
Abstract:English-centric large language models (LLMs) often show strong multilingual capabilities. However, the multilingual performance of these models remains unclear and is not thoroughly evaluated for many languages. Most benchmarks for multilinguality focus on classic NLP tasks, or cover a minimal number of languages. We introduce MEXA, a method for assessing the multilingual capabilities of pre-trained English-centric LLMs using parallel sentences, which are available for more languages than existing downstream tasks. MEXA leverages the fact that English-centric LLMs use English as a kind of pivot language in their intermediate layers. It computes the alignment between English and non-English languages using parallel sentences to evaluate the transfer of language understanding from English to other languages. This alignment can be used to estimate model performance in other languages. We conduct studies using various parallel datasets (FLORES-200 and Bible), models (Llama family, Gemma family, Mistral, and OLMo), and established downstream tasks (Belebele, m-MMLU, and m-ARC). We explore different methods to compute embeddings in decoder-only models. Our results show that MEXA, in its default settings, achieves a statistically significant average Pearson correlation of 0.90 with three established downstream tasks across nine models and two parallel datasets. This suggests that MEXA is a reliable method for estimating the multilingual capabilities of English-centric LLMs, providing a clearer understanding of their multilingual potential and the inner workings of LLMs. Leaderboard: https://huggingface.co/spaces/cis-lmu/Mexa, Code: https://github.com/cisnlp/Mexa.
Abstract:Many datasets have been developed to train and evaluate document-level relation extraction (RE) models. Most of these are constructed using real-world data. It has been shown that RE models trained on real-world data suffer from factual biases. To evaluate and address this issue, we present CovEReD, a counterfactual data generation approach for document-level relation extraction datasets using entity replacement. We first demonstrate that models trained on factual data exhibit inconsistent behavior: while they accurately extract triples from factual data, they fail to extract the same triples after counterfactual modification. This inconsistency suggests that models trained on factual data rely on spurious signals such as specific entities and external knowledge $\unicode{x2013}$ rather than on the input context $\unicode{x2013}$ to extract triples. We show that by generating document-level counterfactual data with CovEReD and training models on them, consistency is maintained with minimal impact on RE performance. We release our CovEReD pipeline as well as Re-DocRED-CF, a dataset of counterfactual RE documents, to assist in evaluating and addressing inconsistency in document-level RE.
Abstract:While current large language models (LLMs) demonstrate some capabilities in knowledge-intensive tasks, they are limited by relying on their parameters as an implicit storage mechanism. As a result, they struggle with infrequent knowledge and temporal degradation. In addition, the uninterpretable nature of parametric memorization makes it challenging to understand and prevent hallucination. Parametric memory pools and model editing are only partial solutions. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) $\unicode{x2013}$ though non-parametric $\unicode{x2013}$ has its own limitations: it lacks structure, complicates interpretability and makes it hard to effectively manage stored knowledge. In this paper, we introduce MemLLM, a novel method of enhancing LLMs by integrating a structured and explicit read-and-write memory module. MemLLM tackles the aforementioned challenges by enabling dynamic interaction with the memory and improving the LLM's capabilities in using stored knowledge. Our experiments indicate that MemLLM enhances the LLM's performance and interpretability, in language modeling in general and knowledge-intensive tasks in particular. We see MemLLM as an important step towards making LLMs more grounded and factual through memory augmentation.
Abstract:An emerging solution for explaining Transformer-based models is to use vector-based analysis on how the representations are formed. However, providing a faithful vector-based explanation for a multi-layer model could be challenging in three aspects: (1) Incorporating all components into the analysis, (2) Aggregating the layer dynamics to determine the information flow and mixture throughout the entire model, and (3) Identifying the connection between the vector-based analysis and the model's predictions. In this paper, we present DecompX to tackle these challenges. DecompX is based on the construction of decomposed token representations and their successive propagation throughout the model without mixing them in between layers. Additionally, our proposal provides multiple advantages over existing solutions for its inclusion of all encoder components (especially nonlinear feed-forward networks) and the classification head. The former allows acquiring precise vectors while the latter transforms the decomposition into meaningful prediction-based values, eliminating the need for norm- or summation-based vector aggregation. According to the standard faithfulness evaluations, DecompX consistently outperforms existing gradient-based and vector-based approaches on various datasets. Our code is available at https://github.com/mohsenfayyaz/DecompX.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced the field of natural language processing (NLP) through their extensive parameters and comprehensive data utilization. However, existing LLMs lack a dedicated memory unit, limiting their ability to explicitly store and retrieve knowledge for various tasks. In this paper, we propose RET-LLM a novel framework that equips LLMs with a general write-read memory unit, allowing them to extract, store, and recall knowledge from the text as needed for task performance. Inspired by Davidsonian semantics theory, we extract and save knowledge in the form of triplets. The memory unit is designed to be scalable, aggregatable, updatable, and interpretable. Through qualitative evaluations, we demonstrate the superiority of our proposed framework over baseline approaches in question answering tasks. Moreover, our framework exhibits robust performance in handling temporal-based question answering tasks, showcasing its ability to effectively manage time-dependent information.
Abstract:Several proposals have been put forward in recent years for improving out-of-distribution (OOD) performance through mitigating dataset biases. A popular workaround is to train a robust model by re-weighting training examples based on a secondary biased model. Here, the underlying assumption is that the biased model resorts to shortcut features. Hence, those training examples that are correctly predicted by the biased model are flagged as being biased and are down-weighted during the training of the main model. However, assessing the importance of an instance merely based on the predictions of the biased model may be too naive. It is possible that the prediction of the main model can be derived from another decision-making process that is distinct from the behavior of the biased model. To circumvent this, we introduce a fine-tuning strategy that incorporates the similarity between the main and biased model attribution scores in a Product of Experts (PoE) loss function to further improve OOD performance. With experiments conducted on natural language inference and fact verification benchmarks, we show that our method improves OOD results while maintaining in-distribution (ID) performance.
Abstract:Current pre-trained language models rely on large datasets for achieving state-of-the-art performance. However, past research has shown that not all examples in a dataset are equally important during training. In fact, it is sometimes possible to prune a considerable fraction of the training set while maintaining the test performance. Established on standard vision benchmarks, two gradient-based scoring metrics for finding important examples are GraNd and its estimated version, EL2N. In this work, we employ these two metrics for the first time in NLP. We demonstrate that these metrics need to be computed after at least one epoch of fine-tuning and they are not reliable in early steps. Furthermore, we show that by pruning a small portion of the examples with the highest GraNd/EL2N scores, we can not only preserve the test accuracy, but also surpass it. This paper details adjustments and implementation choices which enable GraNd and EL2N to be applied to NLP.
Abstract:There has been a growing interest in interpreting the underlying dynamics of Transformers. While self-attention patterns were initially deemed as the primary option, recent studies have shown that integrating other components can yield more accurate explanations. This paper introduces a novel token attribution analysis method that incorporates all the components in the encoder block and aggregates this throughout layers. Through extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments, we demonstrate that our method can produce faithful and meaningful global token attributions. Our experiments reveal that incorporating almost every encoder component results in increasingly more accurate analysis in both local (single layer) and global (the whole model) settings. Our global attribution analysis significantly outperforms previous methods on various tasks regarding correlation with gradient-based saliency scores. Our code is freely available at https://github.com/mohsenfayyaz/GlobEnc.
Abstract:Pre-trained language models have shown stellar performance in various downstream tasks. But, this usually comes at the cost of high latency and computation, hindering their usage in resource-limited settings. In this work, we propose a novel approach for reducing the computational cost of BERT with minimal loss in downstream performance. Our method dynamically eliminates less contributing tokens through layers, resulting in shorter lengths and consequently lower computational cost. To determine the importance of each token representation, we train a Contribution Predictor for each layer using a gradient-based saliency method. Our experiments on several diverse classification tasks show speedups up to 22x during inference time without much sacrifice in performance. We also validate the quality of the selected tokens in our method using human annotations in the ERASER benchmark. In comparison to other widely used strategies for selecting important tokens, such as saliency and attention, our proposed method has a significantly lower false positive rate in generating rationales. Our code is freely available at https://github.com/amodaresi/AdapLeR .