Abstract:We apply a generative AI pattern-recognition technique called PatternBoost to study bootstrap percolation on hypercubes. With this, we slightly improve the best existing upper bound for the size of percolating subsets of the hypercube.
Abstract:We introduce PatternBoost, a flexible method for finding interesting constructions in mathematics. Our algorithm alternates between two phases. In the first ``local'' phase, a classical search algorithm is used to produce many desirable constructions. In the second ``global'' phase, a transformer neural network is trained on the best such constructions. Samples from the trained transformer are then used as seeds for the first phase, and the process is repeated. We give a detailed introduction to this technique, and discuss the results of its application to several problems in extremal combinatorics. The performance of PatternBoost varies across different problems, but there are many situations where its performance is quite impressive. Using our technique, we find the best known solutions to several long-standing problems, including the construction of a counterexample to a conjecture that had remained open for 30 years.
Abstract:This work studies a central extremal graph theory problem inspired by a 1975 conjecture of Erd\H{o}s, which aims to find graphs with a given size (number of nodes) that maximize the number of edges without having 3- or 4-cycles. We formulate this problem as a sequential decision-making problem and compare AlphaZero, a neural network-guided tree search, with tabu search, a heuristic local search method. Using either method, by introducing a curriculum -- jump-starting the search for larger graphs using good graphs found at smaller sizes -- we improve the state-of-the-art lower bounds for several sizes. We also propose a flexible graph-generation environment and a permutation-invariant network architecture for learning to search in the space of graphs.
Abstract:We demonstrate how by using a reinforcement learning algorithm, the deep cross-entropy method, one can find explicit constructions and counterexamples to several open conjectures in extremal combinatorics and graph theory. Amongst the conjectures we refute are a question of Brualdi and Cao about maximizing permanents of pattern avoiding matrices, and several problems related to the adjacency and distance eigenvalues of graphs.