Abstract:Sampling diverse, thermodynamically feasible molecular conformations plays a crucial role in predicting properties of a molecule. In this paper we propose to use GFlowNet for sampling conformations of small molecules from the Boltzmann distribution, as determined by the molecule's energy. The proposed approach can be used in combination with energy estimation methods of different fidelity and discovers a diverse set of low-energy conformations for highly flexible drug-like molecules. We demonstrate that GFlowNet can reproduce molecular potential energy surfaces by sampling proportionally to the Boltzmann distribution.
Abstract:Phylogenetics is a branch of computational biology that studies the evolutionary relationships among biological entities. Its long history and numerous applications notwithstanding, inference of phylogenetic trees from sequence data remains challenging: the high complexity of tree space poses a significant obstacle for the current combinatorial and probabilistic techniques. In this paper, we adopt the framework of generative flow networks (GFlowNets) to tackle two core problems in phylogenetics: parsimony-based and Bayesian phylogenetic inference. Because GFlowNets are well-suited for sampling complex combinatorial structures, they are a natural choice for exploring and sampling from the multimodal posterior distribution over tree topologies and evolutionary distances. We demonstrate that our amortized posterior sampler, PhyloGFN, produces diverse and high-quality evolutionary hypotheses on real benchmark datasets. PhyloGFN is competitive with prior works in marginal likelihood estimation and achieves a closer fit to the target distribution than state-of-the-art variational inference methods.
Abstract:Our work is concerned with the generation and targeted design of RNA, a type of genetic macromolecule that can adopt complex structures which influence their cellular activities and functions. The design of large scale and complex biological structures spurs dedicated graph-based deep generative modeling techniques, which represents a key but underappreciated aspect of computational drug discovery. In this work, we investigate the principles behind representing and generating different RNA structural modalities, and propose a flexible framework to jointly embed and generate these molecular structures along with their sequence in a meaningful latent space. Equipped with a deep understanding of RNA molecular structures, our most sophisticated encoding and decoding methods operate on the molecular graph as well as the junction tree hierarchy, integrating strong inductive bias about RNA structural regularity and folding mechanism such that high structural validity, stability and diversity of generated RNAs are achieved. Also, we seek to adequately organize the latent space of RNA molecular embeddings with regard to the interaction with proteins, and targeted optimization is used to navigate in this latent space to search for desired novel RNA molecules.