Abstract:Source separation (SS) of acoustic signals is a research field that emerged in the mid-1990s and has flourished ever since. On the occasion of ICASSP's 50th anniversary, we review the major contributions and advancements in the past three decades in the speech, audio, and music SS research field. We will cover both single- and multi-channel SS approaches. We will also look back on key efforts to foster a culture of scientific evaluation in the research field, including challenges, performance metrics, and datasets. We will conclude by discussing current trends and future research directions.
Abstract:The current dominant approach for neural speech enhancement is via purely-supervised deep learning on simulated pairs of far-field noisy-reverberant speech (i.e., mixtures) and clean speech. The trained models, however, often exhibit limited generalizability to real-recorded mixtures. To deal with this, this paper investigates training enhancement models directly on real mixtures. However, a major difficulty challenging this approach is that, since the clean speech of real mixtures is unavailable, there lacks a good supervision for real mixtures. In this context, assuming that a training set consisting of real-recorded pairs of close-talk and far-field mixtures is available, we propose to address this difficulty via close-talk speech enhancement, where an enhancement model is first trained on simulated mixtures to enhance real-recorded close-talk mixtures and the estimated close-talk speech can then be utilized as a supervision (i.e., pseudo-label) for training far-field speech enhancement models directly on the paired real-recorded far-field mixtures. We name the proposed system $\textit{ctPuLSE}$. Evaluation results on the CHiME-4 dataset show that ctPuLSE can derive high-quality pseudo-labels and yield far-field speech enhancement models with strong generalizability to real data.
Abstract:Building upon the strength of modern large language models (LLMs), generative error correction (GEC) has emerged as a promising paradigm that can elevate the performance of modern automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. One representative approach is to leverage in-context learning to prompt LLMs so that a better hypothesis can be generated by the LLMs based on a carefully-designed prompt and an $N$-best list of hypotheses produced by ASR systems. However, it is yet unknown whether the existing prompts are the most effective ones for the task of post-ASR error correction. In this context, this paper first explores alternative prompts to identify an initial set of effective prompts, and then proposes to employ an evolutionary prompt optimization algorithm to refine the initial prompts. Evaluations results on the CHiME-4 subset of the Task $1$ of the SLT $2024$ GenSEC challenge show the effectiveness and potential of the proposed algorithms.
Abstract:While far-field multi-talker mixtures are recorded, each speaker can wear a close-talk microphone so that close-talk mixtures can be recorded at the same time. Although each close-talk mixture has a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the wearer, it has a very limited range of applications, as it also contains significant cross-talk speech by other speakers and is not clean enough. In this context, we propose a novel task named cross-talk reduction (CTR) which aims at reducing cross-talk speech, and a novel solution named CTRnet which is based on unsupervised or weakly-supervised neural speech separation. In unsupervised CTRnet, close-talk and far-field mixtures are stacked as input for a DNN to estimate the close-talk speech of each speaker. It is trained in an unsupervised, discriminative way such that the DNN estimate for each speaker can be linearly filtered to cancel out the speaker's cross-talk speech captured at other microphones. In weakly-supervised CTRnet, we assume the availability of each speaker's activity timestamps during training, and leverage them to improve the training of unsupervised CTRnet. Evaluation results on a simulated two-speaker CTR task and on a real-recorded conversational speech separation and recognition task show the effectiveness and potential of CTRnet.
Abstract:The current dominant approach for neural speech enhancement is based on supervised learning by using simulated training data. The trained models, however, often exhibit limited generalizability to real-recorded data. To address this, we investigate training models directly on real target-domain data, and propose two algorithms, mixture-to-mixture (M2M) training and a co-learning algorithm that improves M2M with the help of supervised algorithms. When paired close-talk and far-field mixtures are available for training, M2M realizes speech enhancement by training a deep neural network (DNN) to produce speech and noise estimates in a way such that they can be linearly filtered to reconstruct the close-talk and far-field mixtures. This way, the DNN can be trained directly on real mixtures, and can leverage close-talk mixtures as a weak supervision to enhance far-field mixtures. To improve M2M, we combine it with supervised approaches to co-train the DNN, where mini-batches of real close-talk and far-field mixture pairs and mini-batches of simulated mixture and clean speech pairs are alternately fed to the DNN, and the loss functions are respectively (a) the mixture reconstruction loss on the real close-talk and far-field mixtures and (b) the regular enhancement loss on the simulated clean speech and noise. We find that, this way, the DNN can learn from real and simulated data to achieve better generalization to real data. We name this algorithm SuperME, $\underline{super}$vised and $\underline{m}$ixture-to-mixtur$\underline{e}$ co-learning. Evaluation results on the CHiME-4 dataset show its effectiveness and potential.
Abstract:We propose mixture to mixture (M2M) training, a weakly-supervised neural speech separation algorithm that leverages close-talk mixtures as a weak supervision for training discriminative models to separate far-field mixtures. Our idea is that, for a target speaker, its close-talk mixture has a much higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the target speaker than any far-field mixtures, and hence could be utilized to design a weak supervision for separation. To realize this, at each training step we feed a far-field mixture to a deep neural network (DNN) to produce an intermediate estimate for each speaker, and, for each of considered close-talk and far-field microphones, we linearly filter the DNN estimates and optimize a loss so that the filtered estimates of all the speakers can sum up to the mixture captured by each of the considered microphones. Evaluation results on a 2-speaker separation task in simulated reverberant conditions show that M2M can effectively leverage close-talk mixtures as a weak supervision for separating far-field mixtures.
Abstract:In reverberant conditions with a single speaker, each far-field microphone records a reverberant version of the same speaker signal at a different location. In over-determined conditions, where there are more microphones than speakers, each recorded mixture signal can be leveraged as a constraint to narrow down the solutions to target anechoic speech and thereby reduce reverberation. Equipped with this insight, we propose USDnet, a novel deep neural network (DNN) approach for unsupervised speech dereverberation (USD). At each training step, we first feed an input mixture to USDnet to produce an estimate for target speech, and then linearly filter the DNN estimate to approximate the multi-microphone mixture so that the constraint can be satisfied at each microphone, thereby regularizing the DNN estimate to approximate target anechoic speech. The linear filter can be estimated based on the mixture and DNN estimate via neural forward filtering algorithms such as forward convolutive prediction. We show that this novel methodology can promote unsupervised dereverberation of single-source reverberant speech.
Abstract:We propose a novel speech separation model designed to separate mixtures with an unknown number of speakers. The proposed model stacks 1) a dual-path processing block that can model spectro-temporal patterns, 2) a transformer decoder-based attractor (TDA) calculation module that can deal with an unknown number of speakers, and 3) triple-path processing blocks that can model inter-speaker relations. Given a fixed, small set of learned speaker queries and the mixture embedding produced by the dual-path blocks, TDA infers the relations of these queries and generates an attractor vector for each speaker. The estimated attractors are then combined with the mixture embedding by feature-wise linear modulation conditioning, creating a speaker dimension. The mixture embedding, conditioned with speaker information produced by TDA, is fed to the final triple-path blocks, which augment the dual-path blocks with an additional pathway dedicated to inter-speaker processing. The proposed approach outperforms the previous best reported in the literature, achieving 24.0 and 23.7 dB SI-SDR improvement (SI-SDRi) on WSJ0-2 and 3mix respectively, with a single model trained to separate 2- and 3-speaker mixtures. The proposed model also exhibits strong performance and generalizability at counting sources and separating mixtures with up to 5 speakers.
Abstract:We propose a multi-task universal speech enhancement (MUSE) model that can perform five speech enhancement (SE) tasks: dereverberation, denoising, speech separation (SS), target speaker extraction (TSE), and speaker counting. This is achieved by integrating two modules into an SE model: 1) an internal separation module that does both speaker counting and separation; and 2) a TSE module that extracts the target speech from the internal separation outputs using target speaker cues. The model is trained to perform TSE if the target speaker cue is given and SS otherwise. By training the model to remove noise and reverberation, we allow the model to tackle the five tasks mentioned above with a single model, which has not been accomplished yet. Evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed MUSE model can successfully handle multiple tasks with a single model.
Abstract:The past decade has witnessed substantial growth of data-driven speech enhancement (SE) techniques thanks to deep learning. While existing approaches have shown impressive performance in some common datasets, most of them are designed only for a single condition (e.g., single-channel, multi-channel, or a fixed sampling frequency) or only consider a single task (e.g., denoising or dereverberation). Currently, there is no universal SE approach that can effectively handle diverse input conditions with a single model. In this paper, we make the first attempt to investigate this line of research. First, we devise a single SE model that is independent of microphone channels, signal lengths, and sampling frequencies. Second, we design a universal SE benchmark by combining existing public corpora with multiple conditions. Our experiments on a wide range of datasets show that the proposed single model can successfully handle diverse conditions with strong performance.