Abstract:Ensuring safe driving while maintaining travel efficiency for autonomous vehicles in dynamic and occluded environments is a critical challenge. This paper proposes an occlusion-aware contingency safety-critical planning approach for real-time autonomous driving in such environments. Leveraging reachability analysis for risk assessment, forward reachable sets of occluded phantom vehicles are computed to quantify dynamic velocity boundaries. These velocity boundaries are incorporated into a biconvex nonlinear programming (NLP) formulation, enabling simultaneous optimization of exploration and fallback trajectories within a receding horizon planning framework. To facilitate real-time optimization and ensure coordination between trajectories, we employ the consensus alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to decompose the biconvex NLP problem into low-dimensional convex subproblems. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated through simulation studies and real-world experiments in occluded intersections. Experimental results demonstrate enhanced safety and improved travel efficiency, enabling real-time safe trajectory generation in dynamic occluded intersections under varying obstacle conditions. A video showcasing the experimental results is available at https://youtu.be/CHayG7NChqM.
Abstract:In this work, we present BiM-ACPPO, a bilevel multi-armed bandit-based hierarchical reinforcement learning framework for interaction-aware decision-making and planning at unsignalized intersections. Essentially, it proactively takes the uncertainties associated with surrounding vehicles (SVs) into consideration, which encompass those stemming from the driver's intention, interactive behaviors, and the varying number of SVs. Intermediate decision variables are introduced to enable the high-level RL policy to provide an interaction-aware reference, for guiding low-level model predictive control (MPC) and further enhancing the generalization ability of the proposed framework. By leveraging the structured nature of self-driving at unsignalized intersections, the training problem of the RL policy is modeled as a bilevel curriculum learning task, which is addressed by the proposed Exp3.S-based BiMAB algorithm. It is noteworthy that the training curricula are dynamically adjusted, thereby facilitating the sample efficiency of the RL training process. Comparative experiments are conducted in the high-fidelity CARLA simulator, and the results indicate that our approach achieves superior performance compared to all baseline methods. Furthermore, experimental results in two new urban driving scenarios clearly demonstrate the commendable generalization performance of the proposed method.
Abstract:Recent advancements in reinforcement learning (RL) demonstrate the significant potential in autonomous driving. Despite this promise, challenges such as the manual design of reward functions and low sample efficiency in complex environments continue to impede the development of safe and effective driving policies. To tackle these issues, we introduce LearningFlow, an innovative automated policy learning workflow tailored to urban driving. This framework leverages the collaboration of multiple large language model (LLM) agents throughout the RL training process. LearningFlow includes a curriculum sequence generation process and a reward generation process, which work in tandem to guide the RL policy by generating tailored training curricula and reward functions. Particularly, each process is supported by an analysis agent that evaluates training progress and provides critical insights to the generation agent. Through the collaborative efforts of these LLM agents, LearningFlow automates policy learning across a series of complex driving tasks, and it significantly reduces the reliance on manual reward function design while enhancing sample efficiency. Comprehensive experiments are conducted in the high-fidelity CARLA simulator, along with comparisons with other existing methods, to demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach. The results demonstrate that LearningFlow excels in generating rewards and curricula. It also achieves superior performance and robust generalization across various driving tasks, as well as commendable adaptation to different RL algorithms.
Abstract:Decision-making and motion planning are pivotal in ensuring the safety and efficiency of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs). Existing methodologies typically adopt two paradigms: decision then planning or generation then scoring. However, the former often struggles with misalignment between decisions and planning, while the latter encounters significant challenges in integrating short-term operational utility with long-term tactical efficacy. To address these issues, we introduce CALMM-Drive, a novel Confidence-Aware Large Multimodal Model (LMM) empowered Autonomous Driving framework. Our approach employs Top-K confidence elicitation, which facilitates the generation of multiple candidate decisions along with their confidence levels. Furthermore, we propose a novel planning module that integrates a diffusion model for trajectory generation and a hierarchical refinement process to find the optimal path. This framework enables the selection of the best plan accounting for both low-level solution quality and high-level tactical confidence, which mitigates the risks of one-shot decisions and overcomes the limitations induced by short-sighted scoring mechanisms. Comprehensive evaluations in nuPlan closed-loop simulation environments demonstrate the effectiveness of CALMM-Drive in achieving reliable and flexible driving performance, showcasing a significant advancement in the integration of uncertainty in LMM-empowered AVs. The code will be released upon acceptance.
Abstract:For autonomous driving in highly dynamic environments, it is anticipated to predict the future behaviors of surrounding vehicles (SVs) and make safe and effective decisions. However, modeling the inherent coupling effect between the prediction and decision-making modules has been a long-standing challenge, especially when there is a need to maintain appropriate computational efficiency. To tackle these problems, we propose a novel integrated intention prediction and decision-making approach, which explicitly models the coupling relationship and achieves efficient computation. Specifically, a spectrum attention net is designed to predict the intentions of SVs by capturing the trends of each frequency component over time and their interrelations. Fast computation of the intention prediction module is attained as the predicted intentions are not decoded to trajectories in the executing process. Furthermore, the proximal policy optimization (PPO) algorithm is employed to address the non-stationary problem in the framework through a modest policy update enabled by a clipping mechanism within its objective function. On the basis of these developments, the intention prediction and decision-making modules are integrated through joint learning. Experiments are conducted in representative traffic scenarios, and the results reveal that the proposed integrated framework demonstrates superior performance over several deep reinforcement learning (DRL) baselines in terms of success rate, efficiency, and safety in driving tasks.
Abstract:In this work, we present a reward-driven automated curriculum reinforcement learning approach for interaction-aware self-driving at unsignalized intersections, taking into account the uncertainties associated with surrounding vehicles (SVs). These uncertainties encompass the uncertainty of SVs' driving intention and also the quantity of SVs. To deal with this problem, the curriculum set is specifically designed to accommodate a progressively increasing number of SVs. By implementing an automated curriculum selection mechanism, the importance weights are rationally allocated across various curricula, thereby facilitating improved sample efficiency and training outcomes. Furthermore, the reward function is meticulously designed to guide the agent towards effective policy exploration. Thus the proposed framework could proactively address the above uncertainties at unsignalized intersections by employing the automated curriculum learning technique that progressively increases task difficulty, and this ensures safe self-driving through effective interaction with SVs. Comparative experiments are conducted in $Highway\_Env$, and the results indicate that our approach achieves the highest task success rate, attains strong robustness to initialization parameters of the curriculum selection module, and exhibits superior adaptability to diverse situational configurations at unsignalized intersections. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated using the high-fidelity CARLA simulator.
Abstract:Abrupt maneuvers by surrounding vehicles (SVs) can typically lead to safety concerns and affect the task efficiency of the ego vehicle (EV), especially with model uncertainties stemming from environmental disturbances. This paper presents a real-time fail-operational controller that ensures the asymptotic convergence of an uncertain EV to a safe state, while preserving task efficiency in dynamic environments. An incremental Bayesian learning approach is developed to facilitate online learning and inference of changing environmental disturbances. Leveraging disturbance quantification and constraint transformation, we develop a stochastic fail-operational barrier based on the control barrier function (CBF). With this development, the uncertain EV is able to converge asymptotically from an unsafe state to a defined safe state with probabilistic stability. Subsequently, the stochastic fail-operational barrier is integrated into an efficient fail-operational controller based on quadratic programming (QP). This controller is tailored for the EV operating under control constraints in the presence of environmental disturbances, with both safety and efficiency objectives taken into consideration. We validate the proposed framework in connected cruise control (CCC) tasks, where SVs perform aggressive driving maneuvers. The simulation results demonstrate that our method empowers the EV to swiftly return to a safe state while upholding task efficiency in real time, even under time-varying environmental disturbances.
Abstract:Multi-modal behaviors exhibited by surrounding vehicles (SVs) can typically lead to traffic congestion and reduce the travel efficiency of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in dense traffic. This paper proposes a real-time parallel trajectory optimization method for the AV to achieve high travel efficiency in dynamic and congested environments. A spatiotemporal safety module is developed to facilitate the safe interaction between the AV and SVs in the presence of trajectory prediction errors resulting from the multi-modal behaviors of the SVs. By leveraging multiple shooting and constraint transcription, we transform the trajectory optimization problem into a nonlinear programming problem, which allows for the use of optimization solvers and parallel computing techniques to generate multiple feasible trajectories in parallel. Subsequently, these spatiotemporal trajectories are fed into a multi-objective evaluation module considering both safety and efficiency objectives, such that the optimal feasible trajectory corresponding to the optimal target lane can be selected. The proposed framework is validated through simulations in a dense and congested driving scenario with multiple uncertain SVs. The results demonstrate that our method enables the AV to safely navigate through a dense and congested traffic scenario while achieving high travel efficiency and task accuracy in real time.
Abstract:Unsignalized intersections are typically considered as one of the most representative and challenging scenarios for self-driving vehicles. To tackle autonomous driving problems in such scenarios, this paper proposes a curriculum proximal policy optimization (CPPO) framework with stage-decaying clipping. By adjusting the clipping parameter during different stages of training through proximal policy optimization (PPO), the vehicle can first rapidly search for an approximate optimal policy or its neighborhood with a large parameter, and then converges to the optimal policy with a small one. Particularly, the stage-based curriculum learning technology is incorporated into the proposed framework to improve the generalization performance and further accelerate the training process. Moreover, the reward function is specially designed in view of different curriculum settings. A series of comparative experiments are conducted in intersection-crossing scenarios with bi-lane carriageways to verify the effectiveness of the proposed CPPO method. The results show that the proposed approach demonstrates better adaptiveness to different dynamic and complex environments, as well as faster training speed over baseline methods.
Abstract:In this work, we propose a novel learning-based online model predictive control (MPC) framework for motion synthesis of self-driving vehicles. In this framework, the decision variables are generated as instantaneous references to modulate the cost functions of online MPC, where the constraints of collision avoidance and drivable surface boundaries are latently represented in the soft form. Hence, the embodied maneuvers of the ego vehicle are empowered to adapt to complex and dynamic traffic environments, even with unmodeled uncertainties of other traffic participants. Furthermore, we implement a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework for policy search to cast the step actions as the decision variables, where the practical and lightweight observations are considered as the input features of the policy network. The proposed approach is implemented in the high-fidelity simulator involving compound-complex urban driving scenarios, and the results demonstrate that the proposed development manifests remarkable adaptiveness to complex and dynamic traffic environments with a success rate of 85%. Also, its advantages in terms of safety, maneuverability, and robustness are illustrated.