Abstract:Ensuring safe driving while maintaining travel efficiency for autonomous vehicles in dynamic and occluded environments is a critical challenge. This paper proposes an occlusion-aware contingency safety-critical planning approach for real-time autonomous driving in such environments. Leveraging reachability analysis for risk assessment, forward reachable sets of occluded phantom vehicles are computed to quantify dynamic velocity boundaries. These velocity boundaries are incorporated into a biconvex nonlinear programming (NLP) formulation, enabling simultaneous optimization of exploration and fallback trajectories within a receding horizon planning framework. To facilitate real-time optimization and ensure coordination between trajectories, we employ the consensus alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to decompose the biconvex NLP problem into low-dimensional convex subproblems. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated through simulation studies and real-world experiments in occluded intersections. Experimental results demonstrate enhanced safety and improved travel efficiency, enabling real-time safe trajectory generation in dynamic occluded intersections under varying obstacle conditions. A video showcasing the experimental results is available at https://youtu.be/CHayG7NChqM.
Abstract:Ensuring safety and driving consistency is a significant challenge for autonomous vehicles operating in partially observed environments. This work introduces a consistent parallel trajectory optimization (CPTO) approach to enable safe and consistent driving in dense obstacle environments with perception uncertainties. Utilizing discrete-time barrier function theory, we develop a consensus safety barrier module that ensures reliable safety coverage within the spatiotemporal trajectory space across potential obstacle configurations. Following this, a bi-convex parallel trajectory optimization problem is derived that facilitates decomposition into a series of low-dimensional quadratic programming problems to accelerate computation. By leveraging the consensus alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for parallel optimization, each generated candidate trajectory corresponds to a possible environment configuration while sharing a common consensus trajectory segment. This ensures driving safety and consistency when executing the consensus trajectory segment for the ego vehicle in real time. We validate our CPTO framework through extensive comparisons with state-of-the-art baselines across multiple driving tasks in partially observable environments. Our results demonstrate improved safety and consistency using both synthetic and real-world traffic datasets.