Abstract:Bayesian inference promises a framework for principled uncertainty quantification of neural network predictions. Barriers to adoption include the difficulty of fully characterizing posterior distributions on network parameters and the interpretability of posterior predictive distributions. We demonstrate that under a discretized prior for the inner layer weights, we can exactly characterize the posterior predictive distribution as a Gaussian mixture. This setting allows us to define equivalence classes of network parameter values which produce the same likelihood (training error) and to relate the elements of these classes to the network's scaling regime -- defined via ratios of the training sample size, the size of each layer, and the number of final layer parameters. Of particular interest are distinct parameter realizations that map to low training error and yet correspond to distinct modes in the posterior predictive distribution. We identify settings that exhibit such predictive multimodality, and thus provide insight into the accuracy of unimodal posterior approximations. We also characterize the capacity of a model to "learn from data" by evaluating contraction of the posterior predictive in different scaling regimes.
Abstract:We present LazyDINO, a transport map variational inference method for fast, scalable, and efficiently amortized solutions of high-dimensional nonlinear Bayesian inverse problems with expensive parameter-to-observable (PtO) maps. Our method consists of an offline phase in which we construct a derivative-informed neural surrogate of the PtO map using joint samples of the PtO map and its Jacobian. During the online phase, when given observational data, we seek rapid posterior approximation using surrogate-driven training of a lazy map [Brennan et al., NeurIPS, (2020)], i.e., a structure-exploiting transport map with low-dimensional nonlinearity. The trained lazy map then produces approximate posterior samples or density evaluations. Our surrogate construction is optimized for amortized Bayesian inversion using lazy map variational inference. We show that (i) the derivative-based reduced basis architecture [O'Leary-Roseberry et al., Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 388 (2022)] minimizes the upper bound on the expected error in surrogate posterior approximation, and (ii) the derivative-informed training formulation [O'Leary-Roseberry et al., J. Comput. Phys., 496 (2024)] minimizes the expected error due to surrogate-driven transport map optimization. Our numerical results demonstrate that LazyDINO is highly efficient in cost amortization for Bayesian inversion. We observe one to two orders of magnitude reduction of offline cost for accurate posterior approximation, compared to simulation-based amortized inference via conditional transport and conventional surrogate-driven transport. In particular, LazyDINO outperforms Laplace approximation consistently using fewer than 1000 offline samples, while other amortized inference methods struggle and sometimes fail at 16,000 offline samples.
Abstract:Computing expected information gain (EIG) from prior to posterior (equivalently, mutual information between candidate observations and model parameters or other quantities of interest) is a fundamental challenge in Bayesian optimal experimental design. We formulate flexible transport-based schemes for EIG estimation in general nonlinear/non-Gaussian settings, compatible with both standard and implicit Bayesian models. These schemes are representative of two-stage methods for estimating or bounding EIG using marginal and conditional density estimates. In this setting, we analyze the optimal allocation of samples between training (density estimation) and approximation of the outer prior expectation. We show that with this optimal sample allocation, the MSE of the resulting EIG estimator converges more quickly than that of a standard nested Monte Carlo scheme. We then address the estimation of EIG in high dimensions, by deriving gradient-based upper bounds on the mutual information lost by projecting the parameters and/or observations to lower-dimensional subspaces. Minimizing these upper bounds yields projectors and hence low-dimensional EIG approximations that outperform approximations obtained via other linear dimension reduction schemes. Numerical experiments on a PDE-constrained Bayesian inverse problem also illustrate a favorable trade-off between dimension truncation and the modeling of non-Gaussianity, when estimating EIG from finite samples in high dimensions.
Abstract:Conditional simulation is a fundamental task in statistical modeling: Generate samples from the conditionals given finitely many data points from a joint distribution. One promising approach is to construct conditional Brenier maps, where the components of the map pushforward a reference distribution to conditionals of the target. While many estimators exist, few, if any, come with statistical or algorithmic guarantees. To this end, we propose a non-parametric estimator for conditional Brenier maps based on the computational scalability of \emph{entropic} optimal transport. Our estimator leverages a result of Carlier et al. (2010), which shows that optimal transport maps under a rescaled quadratic cost asymptotically converge to conditional Brenier maps; our estimator is precisely the entropic analogues of these converging maps. We provide heuristic justifications for choosing the scaling parameter in the cost as a function of the number of samples by fully characterizing the Gaussian setting. We conclude by comparing the performance of the estimator to other machine learning and non-parametric approaches on benchmark datasets and Bayesian inference problems.
Abstract:Gradient-based dimension reduction decreases the cost of Bayesian inference and probabilistic modeling by identifying maximally informative (and informed) low-dimensional projections of the data and parameters, allowing high-dimensional problems to be reformulated as cheaper low-dimensional problems. A broad family of such techniques identify these projections and provide error bounds on the resulting posterior approximations, via eigendecompositions of certain diagnostic matrices. Yet these matrices require gradients or even Hessians of the log-likelihood, excluding the purely data-driven setting and many problems of simulation-based inference. We propose a framework, derived from score-matching, to extend gradient-based dimension reduction to problems where gradients are unavailable. Specifically, we formulate an objective function to directly learn the score ratio function needed to compute the diagnostic matrices, propose a tailored parameterization for the score ratio network, and introduce regularization methods that capitalize on the hypothesized low-dimensional structure. We also introduce a novel algorithm to iteratively identify the low-dimensional reduced basis vectors more accurately with limited data based on eigenvalue deflation methods. We show that our approach outperforms standard score-matching for problems with low-dimensional structure, and demonstrate its effectiveness for PDE-constrained Bayesian inverse problems and conditional generative modeling.
Abstract:Approximation using Fourier features is a popular technique for scaling kernel methods to large-scale problems, with myriad applications in machine learning and statistics. This method replaces the integral representation of a shift-invariant kernel with a sum using a quadrature rule. The design of the latter is meant to reduce the number of features required for high-precision approximation. Specifically, for the squared exponential kernel, one must design a quadrature rule that approximates the Gaussian measure on $\mathbb{R}^d$. Previous efforts in this line of research have faced difficulties in higher dimensions. We introduce a new family of quadrature rules that accurately approximate the Gaussian measure in higher dimensions by exploiting its isotropy. These rules are constructed as a tensor product of a radial quadrature rule and a spherical quadrature rule. Compared to previous work, our approach leverages a thorough analysis of the approximation error, which suggests natural choices for both the radial and spherical components. We demonstrate that this family of Fourier features yields improved approximation bounds.
Abstract:Identifying low-dimensional structure in high-dimensional probability measures is an essential pre-processing step for efficient sampling. We introduce a method for identifying and approximating a target measure $\pi$ as a perturbation of a given reference measure $\mu$ along a few significant directions of $\mathbb{R}^{d}$. The reference measure can be a Gaussian or a nonlinear transformation of a Gaussian, as commonly arising in generative modeling. Our method extends prior work on minimizing majorizations of the Kullback--Leibler divergence to identify optimal approximations within this class of measures. Our main contribution unveils a connection between the \emph{dimensional} logarithmic Sobolev inequality (LSI) and approximations with this ansatz. Specifically, when the target and reference are both Gaussian, we show that minimizing the dimensional LSI is equivalent to minimizing the KL divergence restricted to this ansatz. For general non-Gaussian measures, the dimensional LSI produces majorants that uniformly improve on previous majorants for gradient-based dimension reduction. We further demonstrate the applicability of this analysis to the squared Hellinger distance, where analogous reasoning shows that the dimensional Poincar\'e inequality offers improved bounds.
Abstract:Formulating dynamical models for physical phenomena is essential for understanding the interplay between the different mechanisms and predicting the evolution of physical states. However, a dynamical model alone is often insufficient to address these fundamental tasks, as it suffers from model errors and uncertainties. One common remedy is to rely on data assimilation, where the state estimate is updated with observations of the true system. Ensemble filters sequentially assimilate observations by updating a set of samples over time. They operate in two steps: a forecast step that propagates each sample through the dynamical model and an analysis step that updates the samples with incoming observations. For accurate and robust predictions of dynamical systems, discrete solutions must preserve their critical invariants. While modern numerical solvers satisfy these invariants, existing invariant-preserving analysis steps are limited to Gaussian settings and are often not compatible with classical regularization techniques of ensemble filters, e.g., inflation and covariance tapering. The present work focuses on preserving linear invariants, such as mass, stoichiometric balance of chemical species, and electrical charges. Using tools from measure transport theory (Spantini et al., 2022, SIAM Review), we introduce a generic class of nonlinear ensemble filters that automatically preserve desired linear invariants in non-Gaussian filtering problems. By specializing this framework to the Gaussian setting, we recover a constrained formulation of the Kalman filter. Then, we show how to combine existing regularization techniques for the ensemble Kalman filter (Evensen, 1994, J. Geophys. Res.) with the preservation of the linear invariants. Finally, we assess the benefits of preserving linear invariants for the ensemble Kalman filter and nonlinear ensemble filters.
Abstract:We study the problem of selecting $k$ experiments from a larger candidate pool, where the goal is to maximize mutual information (MI) between the selected subset and the underlying parameters. Finding the exact solution is to this combinatorial optimization problem is computationally costly, not only due to the complexity of the combinatorial search but also the difficulty of evaluating MI in nonlinear/non-Gaussian settings. We propose greedy approaches based on new computationally inexpensive lower bounds for MI, constructed via log-Sobolev inequalities. We demonstrate that our method outperforms random selection strategies, Gaussian approximations, and nested Monte Carlo (NMC) estimators of MI in various settings, including optimal design for nonlinear models with non-additive noise.
Abstract:Data generation remains a bottleneck in training surrogate models to predict molecular properties. We demonstrate that multitask Gaussian process regression overcomes this limitation by leveraging both expensive and cheap data sources. In particular, we consider training sets constructed from coupled-cluster (CC) and density function theory (DFT) data. We report that multitask surrogates can predict at CC level accuracy with a reduction to data generation cost by over an order of magnitude. Of note, our approach allows the training set to include DFT data generated by a heterogeneous mix of exchange-correlation functionals without imposing any artificial hierarchy on functional accuracy. More generally, the multitask framework can accommodate a wider range of training set structures -- including full disparity between the different levels of fidelity -- than existing kernel approaches based on $\Delta$-learning, though we show that the accuracy of the two approaches can be similar. Consequently, multitask regression can be a tool for reducing data generation costs even further by opportunistically exploiting existing data sources.