Abstract:Scene graphs have emerged as a structured and serializable environment representation for grounded spatial reasoning with Large Language Models (LLMs). In this work, we propose SG-RwR, a Schema-Guided Retrieve-while-Reason framework for reasoning and planning with scene graphs. Our approach employs two cooperative, code-writing LLM agents: a (1) Reasoner for task planning and information queries generation, and a (2) Retriever for extracting corresponding graph information following the queries. Two agents collaborate iteratively, enabling sequential reasoning and adaptive attention to graph information. Unlike prior works, both agents are prompted only with the scene graph schema rather than the full graph data, which reduces the hallucination by limiting input tokens, and drives the Reasoner to generate reasoning trace abstractly.Following the trace, the Retriever programmatically query the scene graph data based on the schema understanding, allowing dynamic and global attention on the graph that enhances alignment between reasoning and retrieval. Through experiments in multiple simulation environments, we show that our framework surpasses existing LLM-based approaches in numerical Q\&A and planning tasks, and can benefit from task-level few-shot examples, even in the absence of agent-level demonstrations. Project code will be released.
Abstract:Gaussian Splatting has changed the game for real-time photo-realistic rendering. One of the most popular applications of Gaussian Splatting is to create animatable avatars, known as Gaussian Avatars. Recent works have pushed the boundaries of quality and rendering efficiency but suffer from two main limitations. Either they require expensive multi-camera rigs to produce avatars with free-view rendering, or they can be trained with a single camera but only rendered at high quality from this fixed viewpoint. An ideal model would be trained using a short monocular video or image from available hardware, such as a webcam, and rendered from any view. To this end, we propose GASP: Gaussian Avatars with Synthetic Priors. To overcome the limitations of existing datasets, we exploit the pixel-perfect nature of synthetic data to train a Gaussian Avatar prior. By fitting this prior model to a single photo or video and fine-tuning it, we get a high-quality Gaussian Avatar, which supports 360$^\circ$ rendering. Our prior is only required for fitting, not inference, enabling real-time application. Through our method, we obtain high-quality, animatable Avatars from limited data which can be animated and rendered at 70fps on commercial hardware. See our project page (https://microsoft.github.io/GASP/) for results.
Abstract:Recent works have shown that sequence modeling can be effectively used to train reinforcement learning (RL) policies. However, the success of applying existing sequence models to planning, in which we wish to obtain a trajectory of actions to reach some goal, is less straightforward. The typical autoregressive generation procedures of sequence models preclude sequential refinement of earlier steps, which limits the effectiveness of a predicted plan. In this paper, we suggest an approach towards integrating planning with sequence models based on the idea of iterative energy minimization, and illustrate how such a procedure leads to improved RL performance across different tasks. We train a masked language model to capture an implicit energy function over trajectories of actions, and formulate planning as finding a trajectory of actions with minimum energy. We illustrate how this procedure enables improved performance over recent approaches across BabyAI and Atari environments. We further demonstrate unique benefits of our iterative optimization procedure, involving new task generalization, test-time constraints adaptation, and the ability to compose plans together. Project website: https://hychen-naza.github.io/projects/LEAP
Abstract:Deep neural networks are susceptible to generating overconfident yet erroneous predictions when presented with data beyond known concepts. This challenge underscores the importance of detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) samples in the open world. In this work, we propose a novel feature-space OOD detection score that jointly reasons with both class-specific and class-agnostic information. Specifically, our approach utilizes Whitened Linear Discriminant Analysis to project features into two subspaces - the discriminative and residual subspaces - in which the ID classes are maximally separated and closely clustered, respectively. The OOD score is then determined by combining the deviation from the input data to the ID distribution in both subspaces. The efficacy of our method, named WDiscOOD, is verified on the large-scale ImageNet-1k benchmark, with six OOD datasets that covers a variety of distribution shifts. WDiscOOD demonstrates superior performance on deep classifiers with diverse backbone architectures, including CNN and vision transformer. Furthermore, we also show that our method can more effectively detect novel concepts in representation space trained with contrastive objectives, including supervised contrastive loss and multi-modality contrastive loss.
Abstract:We propose a new 6-DoF grasp pose synthesis approach from 2D/2.5D input based on keypoints. Keypoint-based grasp detector from image input has demonstrated promising results in the previous study, where the additional visual information provided by color images compensates for the noisy depth perception. However, it relies heavily on accurately predicting the location of keypoints in the image space. In this paper, we devise a new grasp generation network that reduces the dependency on precise keypoint estimation. Given an RGB-D input, our network estimates both the grasp pose from keypoint detection as well as scale towards the camera. We further re-design the keypoint output space in order to mitigate the negative impact of keypoint prediction noise to Perspective-n-Point (PnP) algorithm. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the baseline by a large margin, validating the efficacy of our approach. Finally, despite trained on simple synthetic objects, our method demonstrate sim-to-real capacity by showing competitive results in real-world robot experiments.
Abstract:Great success has been achieved in the 6-DoF grasp learning from the point cloud input, yet the computational cost due to the point set orderlessness remains a concern. Alternatively, we explore the grasp generation from the RGB-D input in this paper. The proposed solution, Keypoint-GraspNet, detects the projection of the gripper keypoints in the image space and then recover the SE(3) poses with a PnP algorithm. A synthetic dataset based on the primitive shape and the grasp family is constructed to examine our idea. Metric-based evaluation reveals that our method outperforms the baselines in terms of the grasp proposal accuracy, diversity, and the time cost. Finally, robot experiments show high success rate, demonstrating the potential of the idea in the real-world applications.
Abstract:We consider the task of grasping a target object based on a natural language command query. Previous work primarily focused on localizing the object given the query, which requires a separate grasp detection module to grasp it. The cascaded application of two pipelines incurs errors in overlapping multi-object cases due to ambiguity in the individual outputs. This work proposes a model named Command Grasping Network(CGNet) to directly output command satisficing grasps from RGB image and textual command inputs. A dataset with ground truth (image, command, grasps) tuple is generated based on the VMRD dataset to train the proposed network. Experimental results on the generated test set show that CGNet outperforms a cascaded object-retrieval and grasp detection baseline by a large margin. Three physical experiments demonstrate the functionality and performance of CGNet.