Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed learning paradigm where clients collaboratively train a model while keeping their own data private. With an increasing scale of clients and models, FL encounters two key challenges, client drift due to a high degree of statistical/system heterogeneity, and lack of adaptivity. However, most existing FL research is based on unrealistic assumptions that virtually ignore system heterogeneity. In this paper, we propose Client-Centric Federated Adaptive Optimization, which is a class of novel federated adaptive optimization approaches. We enable several features in this framework such as arbitrary client participation, asynchronous server aggregation, and heterogeneous local computing, which are ubiquitous in real-world FL systems but are missed in most existing works. We provide a rigorous convergence analysis of our proposed framework for general nonconvex objectives, which is shown to converge with the best-known rate. Extensive experiments show that our approaches consistently outperform the baseline by a large margin across benchmarks.
Abstract:Current techniques for deep neural network (DNN) pruning often involve intricate multi-step processes that require domain-specific expertise, making their widespread adoption challenging. To address the limitation, the Only-Train-Once (OTO) and OTOv2 are proposed to eliminate the need for additional fine-tuning steps by directly training and compressing a general DNN from scratch. Nevertheless, the static design of optimizers (in OTO) can lead to convergence issues of local optima. In this paper, we proposed the Auto-Train-Once (ATO), an innovative network pruning algorithm designed to automatically reduce the computational and storage costs of DNNs. During the model training phase, our approach not only trains the target model but also leverages a controller network as an architecture generator to guide the learning of target model weights. Furthermore, we developed a novel stochastic gradient algorithm that enhances the coordination between model training and controller network training, thereby improving pruning performance. We provide a comprehensive convergence analysis as well as extensive experiments, and the results show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance across various model architectures (including ResNet18, ResNet34, ResNet50, ResNet56, and MobileNetv2) on standard benchmark datasets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet).
Abstract:Federated Averaging (FedAvg) is known to experience convergence issues when encountering significant clients system heterogeneity and data heterogeneity. Server momentum has been proposed as an effective mitigation. However, existing server momentum works are restrictive in the momentum formulation, do not properly schedule hyperparameters and focus only on system homogeneous settings, which leaves the role of server momentum still an under-explored problem. In this paper, we propose a general framework for server momentum, that (a) covers a large class of momentum schemes that are unexplored in federated learning (FL), (b) enables a popular stagewise hyperparameter scheduler, (c) allows heterogeneous and asynchronous local computing. We provide rigorous convergence analysis for the proposed framework. To our best knowledge, this is the first work that thoroughly analyzes the performances of server momentum with a hyperparameter scheduler and system heterogeneity. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed training paradigm that enables clients scattered across the world to cooperatively learn a global model without divulging confidential data. However, FL faces a significant challenge in the form of heterogeneous data distributions among clients, which leads to a reduction in performance and robustness. A recent approach to mitigating the impact of heterogeneous data distributions is through the use of foundation models, which offer better performance at the cost of larger computational overheads and slower inference speeds. We introduce foundation model distillation to assist in the federated training of lightweight client models and increase their performance under heterogeneous data settings while keeping inference costs low. Our results show improvement in the global model performance on a balanced testing set, which contains rarely observed samples, even under extreme non-IID client data distributions. We conduct a thorough evaluation of our framework with different foundation model backbones on CIFAR10, with varying degrees of heterogeneous data distributions ranging from class-specific data partitions across clients to dirichlet data sampling, parameterized by values between 0.01 and 1.0.
Abstract:The minimax problems arise throughout machine learning applications, ranging from adversarial training and policy evaluation in reinforcement learning to AUROC maximization. To address the large-scale data challenges across multiple clients with communication-efficient distributed training, federated learning (FL) is gaining popularity. Many optimization algorithms for minimax problems have been developed in the centralized setting (\emph{i.e.} single-machine). Nonetheless, the algorithm for minimax problems under FL is still underexplored. In this paper, we study a class of federated nonconvex minimax optimization problems. We propose FL algorithms (FedSGDA+ and FedSGDA-M) and reduce existing complexity results for the most common minimax problems. For nonconvex-concave problems, we propose FedSGDA+ and reduce the communication complexity to $O(\varepsilon^{-6})$. Under nonconvex-strongly-concave and nonconvex-PL minimax settings, we prove that FedSGDA-M has the best-known sample complexity of $O(\kappa^{3} N^{-1}\varepsilon^{-3})$ and the best-known communication complexity of $O(\kappa^{2}\varepsilon^{-2})$. FedSGDA-M is the first algorithm to match the best sample complexity $O(\varepsilon^{-3})$ achieved by the single-machine method under the nonconvex-strongly-concave setting. Extensive experimental results on fair classification and AUROC maximization show the efficiency of our algorithms.
Abstract:Conditional stochastic optimization has found applications in a wide range of machine learning tasks, such as invariant learning, AUPRC maximization, and meta-learning. As the demand for training models with large-scale distributed data grows in these applications, there is an increasing need for communication-efficient distributed optimization algorithms, such as federated learning algorithms. This paper considers the nonconvex conditional stochastic optimization in federated learning and proposes the first federated conditional stochastic optimization algorithm (FCSG) with a conditional stochastic gradient estimator and a momentum-based algorithm (FCSG-M). To match the lower bound complexity in the single-machine setting, we design an accelerated algorithm (Acc-FCSG-M) via the variance reduction to achieve the best sample and communication complexity. Compared with the existing optimization analysis for MAML in FL, federated conditional stochastic optimization considers the sample of tasks. Extensive experimental results on various tasks validate the efficiency of these algorithms.
Abstract:Multi-party collaborative training, such as distributed learning and federated learning, is used to address the big data challenges. However, traditional multi-party collaborative training algorithms were mainly designed for balanced data mining tasks and are intended to optimize accuracy (\emph{e.g.}, cross-entropy). The data distribution in many real-world applications is skewed and classifiers, which are trained to improve accuracy, perform poorly when applied to imbalanced data tasks since models could be significantly biased toward the primary class. Therefore, the Area Under Precision-Recall Curve (AUPRC) was introduced as an effective metric. Although single-machine AUPRC maximization methods have been designed, multi-party collaborative algorithm has never been studied. The change from the single-machine to the multi-party setting poses critical challenges. To address the above challenge, we study the serverless multi-party collaborative AUPRC maximization problem since serverless multi-party collaborative training can cut down the communications cost by avoiding the server node bottleneck, and reformulate it as a conditional stochastic optimization problem in a serverless multi-party collaborative learning setting and propose a new ServerLess biAsed sTochastic gradiEnt (SLATE) algorithm to directly optimize the AUPRC. After that, we use the variance reduction technique and propose ServerLess biAsed sTochastic gradiEnt with Momentum-based variance reduction (SLATE-M) algorithm to improve the convergence rate, which matches the best theoretical convergence result reached by the single-machine online method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to solve the multi-party collaborative AUPRC maximization problem.
Abstract:Machine learning models have achieved remarkable success in various real-world applications such as data science, computer vision, and natural language processing. However, model training in machine learning requires large-scale data sets and multiple iterations before it can work properly. Parallelization of training algorithms is a common strategy to speed up the process of training. However, many studies on model training and inference focus only on aspects of performance. Power consumption is also an important metric for any type of computation, especially high-performance applications. Machine learning algorithms that can be used on low-power platforms such as sensors and mobile devices have been researched, but less power optimization is done for algorithms designed for high-performance computing. In this paper, we present a C++ implementation of logistic regression and the genetic algorithm, and a Python implementation of neural networks with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm on classification tasks. We will show the impact that the complexity of the model and the size of the training data have on the parallel efficiency of the algorithm in terms of both power and performance. We also tested these implementations using shard-memory parallelism, distributed memory parallelism, and GPU acceleration to speed up machine learning model training.
Abstract:The minimax optimization over Riemannian manifolds (possibly nonconvex constraints) has been actively applied to solve many problems, such as robust dimensionality reduction and deep neural networks with orthogonal weights (Stiefel manifold). Although many optimization algorithms for minimax problems have been developed in the Euclidean setting, it is difficult to convert them into Riemannian cases, and algorithms for nonconvex minimax problems with nonconvex constraints are even rare. On the other hand, to address the big data challenges, decentralized (serverless) training techniques have recently been emerging since they can reduce communications overhead and avoid the bottleneck problem on the server node. Nonetheless, the algorithm for decentralized Riemannian minimax problems has not been studied. In this paper, we study the distributed nonconvex-strongly-concave minimax optimization problem over the Stiefel manifold and propose both deterministic and stochastic minimax methods. The Steifel manifold is a non-convex set. The global function is represented as the finite sum of local functions. For the deterministic setting, we propose DRGDA and prove that our deterministic method achieves a gradient complexity of $O( \epsilon^{-2})$ under mild conditions. For the stochastic setting, we propose DRSGDA and prove that our stochastic method achieves a gradient complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-4})$. The DRGDA and DRSGDA are the first algorithms for distributed minimax optimization with nonconvex constraints with exact convergence. Extensive experimental results on the Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) training over the Stiefel manifold demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithms.
Abstract:Federated learning has attracted increasing attention with the emergence of distributed data. While extensive federated learning algorithms have been proposed for the non-convex distributed problem, the federated learning in practice still faces numerous challenges, such as the large training iterations to converge since the sizes of models and datasets keep increasing, and the lack of adaptivity by SGD-based model updates. Meanwhile, the study of adaptive methods in federated learning is scarce and existing works either lack a complete theoretical convergence guarantee or have slow sample complexity. In this paper, we propose an efficient adaptive algorithm (i.e., FAFED) based on the momentum-based variance reduced technique in cross-silo FL. We first explore how to design the adaptive algorithm in the FL setting. By providing a counter-example, we prove that a simple combination of FL and adaptive methods could lead to divergence. More importantly, we provide a convergence analysis for our method and prove that our algorithm is the first adaptive FL algorithm to reach the best-known samples $O(\epsilon^{-3})$ and $O(\epsilon^{-2})$ communication rounds to find an $\epsilon$-stationary point without large batches. The experimental results on the language modeling task and image classification task with heterogeneous data demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithms.