Abstract:Counterfactual examples are widely used in natural language processing (NLP) as valuable data to improve models, and in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) to understand model behavior. The automated generation of counterfactual examples remains a challenging task even for large language models (LLMs), despite their impressive performance on many tasks. In this paper, we first introduce ZeroCF, a faithful approach for leveraging important words derived from feature attribution methods to generate counterfactual examples in a zero-shot setting. Second, we present a new framework, FitCF, which further verifies aforementioned counterfactuals by label flip verification and then inserts them as demonstrations for few-shot prompting, outperforming two state-of-the-art baselines. Through ablation studies, we identify the importance of each of FitCF's core components in improving the quality of counterfactuals, as assessed through flip rate, perplexity, and similarity measures. Furthermore, we show the effectiveness of LIME and Integrated Gradients as backbone attribution methods for FitCF and find that the number of demonstrations has the largest effect on performance. Finally, we reveal a strong correlation between the faithfulness of feature attribution scores and the quality of generated counterfactuals.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce a methodology for alignment designed to enhance the ability of large language models (LLMs) to articulate their reasoning (self-explanation) even in the absence of annotated rationale explanations. Our alignment methodology comprises three key components: explanation quality assessment, self-instruction dataset generation, and model alignment. Additionally, we present a novel technique called Alignment with Anchor Preference Pairs, which improves the selection of preference pairs by categorizing model outputs into three groups: consistently correct, consistently incorrect, and variable. By applying tailored strategies to each category, we enhance the effectiveness of Direct Preference Optimization (DPO). Our experimental results demonstrate that this approach significantly improves explanation quality while maintaining accuracy compared to other fine-tuning strategies.
Abstract:Natural language explanations (NLEs) are vital for elucidating the reasoning behind large language model (LLM) decisions. Many techniques have been developed to generate NLEs using LLMs. However, like humans, LLMs might not always produce optimal NLEs on first attempt. Inspired by human learning processes, we introduce Cross-Refine, which employs role modeling by deploying two LLMs as generator and critic, respectively. The generator outputs a first NLE and then refines this initial explanation using feedback and suggestions provided by the critic. Cross-Refine does not require any supervised training data or additional training. We validate Cross-Refine across three NLP tasks using three state-of-the-art open-source LLMs through automatic and human evaluation. We select Self-Refine (Madaan et al., 2023) as the baseline, which only utilizes self-feedback to refine the explanations. Our findings from automatic evaluation and a user study indicate that Cross-Refine outperforms Self-Refine. Meanwhile, Cross-Refine can perform effectively with less powerful LLMs, whereas Self-Refine only yields strong results with ChatGPT. Additionally, we conduct an ablation study to assess the importance of feedback and suggestions. Both of them play an important role in refining explanations. We further evaluate Cross-Refine on a bilingual dataset in English and German.
Abstract:Preservation of private user data is of paramount importance for high Quality of Experience (QoE) and acceptability, particularly with services treating sensitive data, such as IT-based health services. Whereas anonymization techniques were shown to be prone to data re-identification, synthetic data generation has gradually replaced anonymization since it is relatively less time and resource-consuming and more robust to data leakage. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been used for generating synthetic datasets, especially GAN frameworks adhering to the differential privacy phenomena. This research compares state-of-the-art GAN-based models for synthetic data generation to generate time-series synthetic medical records of dementia patients which can be distributed without privacy concerns. Predictive modeling, autocorrelation, and distribution analysis are used to assess the Quality of Generating (QoG) of the generated data. The privacy preservation of the respective models is assessed by applying membership inference attacks to determine potential data leakage risks. Our experiments indicate the superiority of the privacy-preserving GAN (PPGAN) model over other models regarding privacy preservation while maintaining an acceptable level of QoG. The presented results can support better data protection for medical use cases in the future.
Abstract:The detection of hate speech online has become an important task, as offensive language such as hurtful, obscene and insulting content can harm marginalized people or groups. This paper presents TU Berlin team experiments and results on the task 1A and 1B of the shared task on hate speech and offensive content identification in Indo-European languages 2021. The success of different Natural Language Processing models is evaluated for the respective subtasks throughout the competition. We tested different models based on recurrent neural networks in word and character levels and transfer learning approaches based on Bert on the provided dataset by the competition. Among the tested models that have been used for the experiments, the transfer learning-based models achieved the best results in both subtasks.