Abstract:We introduce V-Trans4Style, an innovative algorithm tailored for dynamic video content editing needs. It is designed to adapt videos to different production styles like documentaries, dramas, feature films, or a specific YouTube channel's video-making technique. Our algorithm recommends optimal visual transitions to help achieve this flexibility using a more bottom-up approach. We first employ a transformer-based encoder-decoder network to learn recommending temporally consistent and visually seamless sequences of visual transitions using only the input videos. We then introduce a style conditioning module that leverages this model to iteratively adjust the visual transitions obtained from the decoder through activation maximization. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through experiments conducted on our newly introduced AutoTransition++ dataset. It is a 6k video version of AutoTransition Dataset that additionally categorizes its videos into different production style categories. Our encoder-decoder model outperforms the state-of-the-art transition recommendation method, achieving improvements of 10% to 80% in Recall@K and mean rank values over baseline. Our style conditioning module results in visual transitions that improve the capture of the desired video production style characteristics by an average of around 12% in comparison to other methods when measured with similarity metrics. We hope that our work serves as a foundation for exploring and understanding video production styles further.
Abstract:The Cpp-Taskflow project addresses the long-standing question: How can we make it easier for developers to write parallel and heterogeneous programs with high performance and simultaneous high productivity? Cpp-Taskflow develops a simple and powerful task programming model to enable efficient implementations of heterogeneous decomposition strategies. Our programming model empowers users with both static and dynamic task graph constructions to incorporate a broad range of computational patterns including hybrid CPU-GPU computing, dynamic control flow, and irregularity. We develop an efficient heterogeneous work-stealing strategy that adapts worker threads to available task parallelism at any time during the graph execution. We have demonstrated promising performance of Cpp-Taskflow on both micro-benchmark and real-world applications. As an example, we solved a large machine learning workload by up to 1.5x faster, 1.6x less memory, and 1.7x fewer lines of code than two industrial-strength systems, oneTBB and StarPU, on a machine of 40 CPUs and 4 GPUs.