Abstract:Traditional robust methods in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) often struggle against coordinated adversarial attacks in cooperative scenarios. To address this limitation, we propose the Wolfpack Adversarial Attack framework, inspired by wolf hunting strategies, which targets an initial agent and its assisting agents to disrupt cooperation. Additionally, we introduce the Wolfpack-Adversarial Learning for MARL (WALL) framework, which trains robust MARL policies to defend against the proposed Wolfpack attack by fostering system-wide collaboration. Experimental results underscore the devastating impact of the Wolfpack attack and the significant robustness improvements achieved by WALL.
Abstract:In Federated Learning (FL), clients may have weak devices that cannot train the full model or even hold it in their memory space. To implement large-scale FL applications, thus, it is crucial to develop a distributed learning method that enables the participation of such weak clients. We propose EmbracingFL, a general FL framework that allows all available clients to join the distributed training regardless of their system resource capacity. The framework is built upon a novel form of partial model training method in which each client trains as many consecutive output-side layers as its system resources allow. Our study demonstrates that EmbracingFL encourages each layer to have similar data representations across clients, improving FL efficiency. The proposed partial model training method guarantees convergence to a neighbor of stationary points for non-convex and smooth problems. We evaluate the efficacy of EmbracingFL under a variety of settings with a mixed number of strong, moderate (~40% memory), and weak (~15% memory) clients, datasets (CIFAR-10, FEMNIST, and IMDB), and models (ResNet20, CNN, and LSTM). Our empirical study shows that EmbracingFL consistently achieves high accuracy as like all clients are strong, outperforming the state-of-the-art width reduction methods (i.e. HeteroFL and FjORD).
Abstract:Recently, deep multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has gained significant popularity due to its success in various cooperative multi-agent tasks. However, exploration still remains a challenging problem in MARL due to the partial observability of the agents and the exploration space that can grow exponentially as the number of agents increases. Firstly, in order to address the scalability issue of the exploration space, we define a formation-based equivalence relation on the exploration space and aim to reduce the search space by exploring only meaningful states in different formations. Then, we propose a novel formation-aware exploration (FoX) framework that encourages partially observable agents to visit the states in diverse formations by guiding them to be well aware of their current formation solely based on their own observations. Numerical results show that the proposed FoX framework significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art MARL algorithms on Google Research Football (GRF) and sparse Starcraft II multi-agent challenge (SMAC) tasks.
Abstract:Quasi-Newton methods still face significant challenges in training large-scale neural networks due to additional compute costs in the Hessian related computations and instability issues in stochastic training. A well-known method, L-BFGS that efficiently approximates the Hessian using history parameter and gradient changes, suffers convergence instability in stochastic training. So far, attempts that adapt L-BFGS to large-scale stochastic training incur considerable extra overhead, which offsets its convergence benefits in wall-clock time. In this paper, we propose mL-BFGS, a lightweight momentum-based L-BFGS algorithm that paves the way for quasi-Newton (QN) methods in large-scale distributed deep neural network (DNN) optimization. mL-BFGS introduces a nearly cost-free momentum scheme into L-BFGS update and greatly reduces stochastic noise in the Hessian, therefore stabilizing convergence during stochastic optimization. For model training at a large scale, mL-BFGS approximates a block-wise Hessian, thus enabling distributing compute and memory costs across all computing nodes. We provide a supporting convergence analysis for mL-BFGS in stochastic settings. To investigate mL-BFGS potential in large-scale DNN training, we train benchmark neural models using mL-BFGS and compare performance with baselines (SGD, Adam, and other quasi-Newton methods). Results show that mL-BFGS achieves both noticeable iteration-wise and wall-clock speedup.
Abstract:This paper presents a method for building a personalized open-domain dialogue system to address the $\textit{WWH}$ ($\textit{WHAT}$, $\textit{WHEN}$, and $\textit{HOW}$) problem for natural response generation in a commercial setting, where personalized dialogue responses are heavily interleaved with casual response turns. The proposed approach involves weighted dataset blending, negative persona information augmentation methods, and the design of personalized conversation datasets to address the challenges of $\textit{WWH}$ in personalized, open-domain dialogue systems. Our work effectively balances dialogue fluency and tendency to ground, while also introducing a response-type label to improve the controllability and explainability of the grounded responses. The combination of these methods leads to more fluent conversations, as evidenced by subjective human evaluations as well as objective evaluations.
Abstract:In cross-device Federated Learning (FL) environments, scaling synchronous FL methods is challenging as stragglers hinder the training process. Moreover, the availability of each client to join the training is highly variable over time due to system heterogeneities and intermittent connectivity. Recent asynchronous FL methods (e.g., FedBuff) have been proposed to overcome these issues by allowing slower users to continue their work on local training based on stale models and to contribute to aggregation when ready. However, we show empirically that this method can lead to a substantial drop in training accuracy as well as a slower convergence rate. The primary reason is that fast-speed devices contribute to many more rounds of aggregation while others join more intermittently or not at all, and with stale model updates. To overcome this barrier, we propose TimelyFL, a heterogeneity-aware asynchronous FL framework with adaptive partial training. During the training, TimelyFL adjusts the local training workload based on the real-time resource capabilities of each client, aiming to allow more available clients to join in the global update without staleness. We demonstrate the performance benefits of TimelyFL by conducting extensive experiments on various datasets (e.g., CIFAR-10, Google Speech, and Reddit) and models (e.g., ResNet20, VGG11, and ALBERT). In comparison with the state-of-the-art (i.e., FedBuff), our evaluations reveal that TimelyFL improves participation rate by 21.13%, harvests 1.28x - 2.89x more efficiency on convergence rate, and provides a 6.25% increment on test accuracy.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) enables collaborations among clients for train machine learning models while protecting their data privacy. Existing FL simulation platforms that are designed from the perspectives of traditional distributed training, suffer from laborious code migration between simulation and production, low efficiency, low GPU utility, low scalability with high hardware requirements and difficulty of simulating stateful clients. In this work, we firstly demystify the challenges and bottlenecks of simulating FL, and design a new FL system named as FedML \texttt{Parrot}. It improves the training efficiency, remarkably relaxes the requirements on the hardware, and supports efficient large-scale FL experiments with stateful clients by: (1) sequential training clients on devices; (2) decomposing original aggregation into local and global aggregation on devices and server respectively; (3) scheduling tasks to mitigate straggler problems and enhance computing utility; (4) distributed client state manager to support various FL algorithms. Besides, built upon our generic APIs and communication interfaces, users can seamlessly transform the simulation into the real-world deployment without modifying codes. We evaluate \texttt{Parrot} through extensive experiments for training diverse models on various FL datasets to demonstrate that \texttt{Parrot} can achieve simulating over 1000 clients (stateful or stateless) with flexible GPU devices setting ($4 \sim 32$) and high GPU utility, 1.2 $\sim$ 4 times faster than FedScale, and 10 $\sim$ 100 times memory saving than FedML. And we verify that \texttt{Parrot} works well with homogeneous and heterogeneous devices in three different clusters. Two FL algorithms with stateful clients and four algorithms with stateless clients are simulated to verify the wide adaptability of \texttt{Parrot} to different algorithms.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) has gained substantial attention in recent years due to the data privacy concerns related to the pervasiveness of consumer devices that continuously collect data from users. While a number of FL benchmarks have been developed to facilitate FL research, none of them include audio data and audio-related tasks. In this paper, we fill this critical gap by introducing a new FL benchmark for audio tasks which we refer to as FedAudio. FedAudio includes four representative and commonly used audio datasets from three important audio tasks that are well aligned with FL use cases. In particular, a unique contribution of FedAudio is the introduction of data noises and label errors to the datasets to emulate challenges when deploying FL systems in real-world settings. FedAudio also includes the benchmark results of the datasets and a PyTorch library with the objective of facilitating researchers to fairly compare their algorithms. We hope FedAudio could act as a catalyst to inspire new FL research for audio tasks and thus benefit the acoustic and speech research community. The datasets and benchmark results can be accessed at https://github.com/zhang-tuo-pdf/FedAudio.
Abstract:Limited compute and communication capabilities of edge users create a significant bottleneck for federated learning (FL) of large models. We consider a realistic, but much less explored, cross-device FL setting in which no client has the capacity to train a full large model nor is willing to share any intermediate activations with the server. To this end, we present Principal Sub-Model (PriSM) training methodology, which leverages models low-rank structure and kernel orthogonality to train sub-models in the orthogonal kernel space. More specifically, by applying singular value decomposition (SVD) to original kernels in the server model, PriSM first obtains a set of principal orthogonal kernels in which each one is weighed by its singular value. Thereafter, PriSM utilizes our novel sampling strategy that selects different subsets of the principal kernels independently to create sub-models for clients. Importantly, a kernel with a large singular value is assigned with a high sampling probability. Thus, each sub-model is a low-rank approximation of the full large model, and all clients together achieve the near full-model training. Our extensive evaluations on multiple datasets in various resource-constrained settings show that PriSM can yield an improved performance of up to 10% compared to existing alternatives, with only around 20% sub-model training.
Abstract:Local Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with periodic model averaging (FedAvg) is a foundational algorithm in Federated Learning. The algorithm independently runs SGD on multiple workers and periodically averages the model across all the workers. When local SGD runs with many workers, however, the periodic averaging causes a significant model discrepancy across the workers making the global loss converge slowly. While recent advanced optimization methods tackle the issue focused on non-IID settings, there still exists the model discrepancy issue due to the underlying periodic model averaging. We propose a partial model averaging framework that mitigates the model discrepancy issue in Federated Learning. The partial averaging encourages the local models to stay close to each other on parameter space, and it enables to more effectively minimize the global loss. Given a fixed number of iterations and a large number of workers (128), the partial averaging achieves up to 2.2% higher validation accuracy than the periodic full averaging.