Signal Processing Group, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all
Abstract:To estimate the direction of arrival (DOA) of multiple speakers, subspace-based prototype transfer function matching methods such as multiple signal classification (MUSIC) or relative transfer function (RTF) vector matching are commonly employed. In general, these methods require calibrated microphone arrays, which are characterized by a known array geometry or a set of known prototype transfer functions for several directions. In this paper, we consider a partially calibrated microphone array, composed of a calibrated binaural hearing aid and a (non-calibrated) external microphone at an unknown location with no available set of prototype transfer functions. We propose a procedure for completing sets of prototype transfer functions by exploiting the orthogonality of subspaces, allowing to apply matching-based DOA estimation methods with partially calibrated microphone arrays. For the MUSIC and RTF vector matching methods, experimental results for two speakers in noisy and reverberant environments clearly demonstrate that for all locations of the external microphone DOAs can be estimated more accurately with completed sets of prototype transfer functions than with incomplete sets. \c{opyright}20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
Abstract:Reverberation may severely degrade the quality of speech signals recorded using microphones in a room. For compact microphone arrays, the choice of the reference microphone for multi-microphone dereverberation typically does not have a large influence on the dereverberation performance. In contrast, when the microphones are spatially distributed, the choice of the reference microphone may significantly contribute to the dereverberation performance. In this paper, we propose to perform reference microphone selection for the weighted prediction error (WPE) dereverberation algorithm based on the normalized $\ell_p$-norm of the dereverberated output signal. Experimental results for different source positions in a reverberant laboratory show that the proposed method yields a better dereverberation performance than reference microphone selection based on the early-to-late reverberation ratio or signal power.
Abstract:Hearable devices, equipped with one or more microphones, are commonly used for speech communication. Here, we consider the scenario where a hearable is used to capture the user's own voice in a noisy environment. In this scenario, own voice reconstruction (OVR) is essential for enhancing the quality and intelligibility of the recorded noisy own voice signals. In previous work, we developed a deep learning-based OVR system, aiming to reduce the amount of device-specific recordings for training by using data augmentation with phoneme-dependent models of own voice transfer characteristics. Given the limited computational resources available on hearables, in this paper we propose low-complexity variants of an OVR system based on the FT-JNF architecture and investigate the required amount of device-specific recordings for effective data augmentation and fine-tuning. Simulation results show that the proposed OVR system considerably improves speech quality, even under constraints of low complexity and a limited amount of device-specific recordings.
Abstract:Accurately estimating the direction-of-arrival (DOA) of a speech source using a compact microphone array (CMA) is often complicated by background noise and reverberation. A commonly used DOA estimation method is the steered response power with phase transform (SRP-PHAT) function, which has been shown to work reliably in moderate levels of noise and reverberation. Since for closely spaced microphones the spatial coherence of noise and reverberation may be high over an extended frequency range, this may negatively affect the SRP-PHAT spectra, resulting in DOA estimation errors. Assuming the availability of an auxiliary microphone at an unknown position which is spatially separated from the CMA, in this paper we propose to compute the SRP-PHAT spectra between the microphones of the CMA based on the SRP-PHAT spectra between the auxiliary microphone and the microphones of the CMA. For different levels of noise and reverberation, we show how far the auxiliary microphone needs to be spatially separated from the CMA for the auxiliary microphone-based SRP-PHAT spectra to be more reliable than the SRP-PHAT spectra without the auxiliary microphone. These findings are validated based on simulated microphone signals for several auxiliary microphone positions and two different noise and reverberation conditions.
Abstract:Own voice pickup for hearables in noisy environments benefits from using both an outer and an in-ear microphone outside and inside the occluded ear. Due to environmental noise recorded at both microphones, and amplification of the own voice at low frequencies and band-limitation at the in-ear microphone, an own voice reconstruction system is needed to enable communication. A large amount of own voice signals is required to train a supervised deep learning-based own voice reconstruction system. Training data can either be obtained by recording a large amount of own voice signals of different talkers with a specific device, which is costly, or through augmentation of available speech data. Own voice signals can be simulated by assuming a linear time-invariant relative transfer function between hearable microphones for each phoneme, referred to as own voice transfer characteristics. In this paper, we propose data augmentation techniques for training an own voice reconstruction system based on speech-dependent models of own voice transfer characteristics between hearable microphones. The proposed techniques use few recorded own voice signals to estimate transfer characteristics and can then be used to simulate a large amount of own voice signals based on single-channel speech signals. Experimental results show that the proposed speech-dependent individual data augmentation technique leads to better performance compared to other data augmentation techniques or compared to training only on the available recorded own voice signals, and additional fine-tuning on the available recorded signals can improve performance further.
Abstract:Ensuring intelligible speech communication for hearing assistive devices in low-latency scenarios presents significant challenges in terms of speech enhancement, coding and transmission. In this paper, we propose novel solutions for low-latency joint speech transmission and enhancement, leveraging deep neural networks (DNNs). Our approach integrates two state-of-the-art DNN architectures for low-latency speech enhancement and low-latency analog joint source-channel-based transmission, creating a combined low-latency system and jointly training both systems in an end-to-end approach. Due to the computational demands of the enhancement system, this order is suitable when high computational power is unavailable in the decoder, like hearing assistive devices. The proposed system enables the configuration of total latency, achieving high performance even at latencies as low as 3 ms, which is typically challenging to attain. The simulation results provide compelling evidence that a joint enhancement and transmission system is superior to a simple concatenation system in diverse settings, encompassing various wireless channel conditions, latencies, and background noise scenarios.
Abstract:Studies have shown that in noisy acoustic environments, providing binaural signals to the user of an assistive listening device may improve speech intelligibility and spatial awareness. This paper presents a binaural speech enhancement method using a complex convolutional neural network with an encoder-decoder architecture and a complex multi-head attention transformer. The model is trained to estimate individual complex ratio masks in the time-frequency domain for the left and right-ear channels of binaural hearing devices. The model is trained using a novel loss function that incorporates the preservation of spatial information along with speech intelligibility improvement and noise reduction. Simulation results for acoustic scenarios with a single target speaker and isotropic noise of various types show that the proposed method improves the estimated binaural speech intelligibility and preserves the binaural cues better in comparison with several baseline algorithms.
Abstract:Recently, a mask-based beamformer with attention-based spatial covariance matrix aggregator (ASA) was proposed, which was demonstrated to track moving sources accurately. However, the deep neural network model used in this algorithm is limited to a specific channel configuration, requiring a different model in case a different channel permutation, channel count, or microphone array geometry is considered. Addressing this limitation, in this paper, we investigate three approaches to improve the robustness of the ASA-based tracking method against such variations: incorporating random channel configurations during the training process, employing the transform-average-concatenate (TAC) method to process multi-channel input features (allowing for any channel count and enabling permutation invariance), and utilizing input features that are robust against variations of the channel configuration. Our experiments, conducted using the CHiME-3 and DEMAND datasets, demonstrate improved robustness against mismatches in channel permutations, channel counts, and microphone array geometries compared to the conventional ASA-based tracking method without compromising performance in matched conditions, suggesting that the mask-based beamformer with ASA integrating the proposed approaches has the potential to track moving sources for arbitrary microphone arrays.
Abstract:Reverberation can severely degrade the quality of speech signals recorded using microphones in an enclosure. In acoustic sensor networks with spatially distributed microphones, a similar dereverberation performance may be achieved using only a subset of all available microphones. Using the popular convex relaxation method, in this paper we propose to perform microphone subset selection for the weighted prediction error (WPE) multi-channel dereverberation algorithm by introducing a group sparsity penalty on the prediction filter coefficients. The resulting problem is shown to be solved efficiently using the accelerated proximal gradient algorithm. Experimental evaluation using measured impulse responses shows that the performance of the proposed method is close to the optimal performance obtained by exhaustive search, both for frequency-dependent as well as frequency-independent microphone subset selection. Furthermore, the performance using only a few microphones for frequency-independent microphone subset selection is only marginally worse than using all available microphones.
Abstract:Spatially selective active noise control (ANC) hearables are designed to reduce unwanted noise from certain directions while preserving desired sounds from other directions. In previous studies, the target signal has been defined either as the delayed desired component in one of the reference microphone signals or as the desired component in the error microphone signal without any delay. In this paper, we systematically investigate the influence of delays in different target signals on the ANC performance and provide an intuitive explanation for how the system obtains the desired signal. Simulations were conducted on a pair of open-fitting hearables for localized speech and noise sources in an anechoic environment. The performance was assessed in terms of noise reduction, signal quality and control effort. Results indicate that optimal performance is achieved without delays when the target signal is defined at the error microphone, whereas causality necessitates delays when the target signal is defined at the reference microphone. The optimal delay is found to be the acoustic delay between this reference microphone and the error microphone from the desired source.