Aalborg University, Oticon A/S
Abstract:While attention-based architectures, such as Conformers, excel in speech enhancement, they face challenges such as scalability with respect to input sequence length. In contrast, the recently proposed Extended Long Short-Term Memory (xLSTM) architecture offers linear scalability. However, xLSTM-based models remain unexplored for speech enhancement. This paper introduces xLSTM-SENet, the first xLSTM-based single-channel speech enhancement system. A comparative analysis reveals that xLSTM-and notably, even LSTM-can match or outperform state-of-the-art Mamba- and Conformer-based systems across various model sizes in speech enhancement on the VoiceBank+Demand dataset. Through ablation studies, we identify key architectural design choices such as exponential gating and bidirectionality contributing to its effectiveness. Our best xLSTM-based model, xLSTM-SENet2, outperforms state-of-the-art Mamba- and Conformer-based systems on the Voicebank+DEMAND dataset.
Abstract:Target-Speaker Voice Activity Detection (TS-VAD) is the task of detecting the presence of speech from a known target-speaker in an audio frame. Recently, deep neural network-based models have shown good performance in this task. However, training these models requires extensive labelled data, which is costly and time-consuming to obtain, particularly if generalization to unseen environments is crucial. To mitigate this, we propose a causal, Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) pretraining framework, called Denoising Autoregressive Predictive Coding (DN-APC), to enhance TS-VAD performance in noisy conditions. We also explore various speaker conditioning methods and evaluate their performance under different noisy conditions. Our experiments show that DN-APC improves performance in noisy conditions, with a general improvement of approx. 2% in both seen and unseen noise. Additionally, we find that FiLM conditioning provides the best overall performance. Representation analysis via tSNE plots reveals robust initial representations of speech and non-speech from pretraining. This underscores the effectiveness of SSL pretraining in improving the robustness and performance of TS-VAD models in noisy environments.
Abstract:Advancing the design of robust hearing aid (HA) voice control is crucial to increase the HA use rate among hard of hearing people as well as to improve HA users' experience. In this work, we contribute towards this goal by, first, presenting a novel HA speech dataset consisting of noisy own voice captured by 2 behind-the-ear (BTE) and 1 in-ear-canal (IEC) microphones. Second, we provide baseline HA voice control results from the evaluation of light, state-of-the-art keyword spotting models utilizing different combinations of HA microphone signals. Experimental results show the benefits of exploiting bandwidth-limited bone-conducted speech (BCS) from the IEC microphone to achieve noise-robust HA voice control. Furthermore, results also demonstrate that voice control performance can be boosted by assisting BCS by the broader-bandwidth BTE microphone signals. Aiming at setting a baseline upon which the scientific community can continue to progress, the HA noisy speech dataset has been made publicly available.
Abstract:The performance of deep neural network-based speech enhancement systems typically increases with the training dataset size. However, studies that investigated the effect of training dataset size on speech enhancement performance did not consider recent approaches, such as diffusion-based generative models. Diffusion models are typically trained with massive datasets for image generation tasks, but whether this is also required for speech enhancement is unknown. Moreover, studies that investigated the effect of training dataset size did not control for the data diversity. It is thus unclear whether the performance improvement was due to the increased dataset size or diversity. Therefore, we systematically investigate the effect of training dataset size on the performance of popular state-of-the-art discriminative and diffusion-based speech enhancement systems. We control for the data diversity by using a fixed set of speech utterances, noise segments and binaural room impulse responses to generate datasets of different sizes. We find that the diffusion-based systems do not benefit from increasing the training dataset size as much as the discriminative systems. They perform the best relative to the discriminative systems with datasets of 10 h or less, but they are outperformed by the discriminative systems with datasets of 100 h or more.
Abstract:Ensuring intelligible speech communication for hearing assistive devices in low-latency scenarios presents significant challenges in terms of speech enhancement, coding and transmission. In this paper, we propose novel solutions for low-latency joint speech transmission and enhancement, leveraging deep neural networks (DNNs). Our approach integrates two state-of-the-art DNN architectures for low-latency speech enhancement and low-latency analog joint source-channel-based transmission, creating a combined low-latency system and jointly training both systems in an end-to-end approach. Due to the computational demands of the enhancement system, this order is suitable when high computational power is unavailable in the decoder, like hearing assistive devices. The proposed system enables the configuration of total latency, achieving high performance even at latencies as low as 3 ms, which is typically challenging to attain. The simulation results provide compelling evidence that a joint enhancement and transmission system is superior to a simple concatenation system in diverse settings, encompassing various wireless channel conditions, latencies, and background noise scenarios.
Abstract:Advanced auditory models are useful in designing signal-processing algorithms for hearing-loss compensation or speech enhancement. Such auditory models provide rich and detailed descriptions of the auditory pathway, and might allow for individualization of signal-processing strategies, based on physiological measurements. However, these auditory models are often computationally demanding, requiring significant time to compute. To address this issue, previous studies have explored the use of deep neural networks to emulate auditory models and reduce inference time. While these deep neural networks offer impressive efficiency gains in terms of computational time, they may suffer from uneven emulation performance as a function of auditory-model frequency-channels and input sound pressure level, making them unsuitable for many tasks. In this study, we demonstrate that the conventional machine-learning optimization objective used in existing state-of-the-art methods is the primary source of this limitation. Specifically, the optimization objective fails to account for the frequency- and level-dependencies of the auditory model, caused by a large input dynamic range and different types of hearing losses emulated by the auditory model. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new optimization objective that explicitly embeds the frequency- and level-dependencies of the auditory model. Our results show that this new optimization objective significantly improves the emulation performance of deep neural networks across relevant input sound levels and auditory-model frequency channels, without increasing the computational load during inference. Addressing these limitations is essential for advancing the application of auditory models in signal-processing tasks, ensuring their efficacy in diverse scenarios.
Abstract:This article investigates the use of deep neural networks (DNNs) for hearing-loss compensation. Hearing loss is a prevalent issue affecting millions of people worldwide, and conventional hearing aids have limitations in providing satisfactory compensation. DNNs have shown remarkable performance in various auditory tasks, including speech recognition, speaker identification, and music classification. In this study, we propose a DNN-based approach for hearing-loss compensation, which is trained on the outputs of hearing-impaired and normal-hearing DNN-based auditory models in response to speech signals. First, we introduce a framework for emulating auditory models using DNNs, focusing on an auditory-nerve model in the auditory pathway. We propose a linearization of the DNN-based approach, which we use to analyze the DNN-based hearing-loss compensation. Additionally we develop a simple approach to choose the acoustic center frequencies of the auditory model used for the compensation strategy. Finally, we evaluate the DNN-based hearing-loss compensation strategies using listening tests with hearing impaired listeners. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach results in feasible hearing-loss compensation strategies. Our proposed approach was shown to provide an increase in speech intelligibility and was found to outperform a conventional approach in terms of perceived speech quality.
Abstract:Studies have shown that in noisy acoustic environments, providing binaural signals to the user of an assistive listening device may improve speech intelligibility and spatial awareness. This paper presents a binaural speech enhancement method using a complex convolutional neural network with an encoder-decoder architecture and a complex multi-head attention transformer. The model is trained to estimate individual complex ratio masks in the time-frequency domain for the left and right-ear channels of binaural hearing devices. The model is trained using a novel loss function that incorporates the preservation of spatial information along with speech intelligibility improvement and noise reduction. Simulation results for acoustic scenarios with a single target speaker and isotropic noise of various types show that the proposed method improves the estimated binaural speech intelligibility and preserves the binaural cues better in comparison with several baseline algorithms.
Abstract:Pre-emphasis filtering, compensating for the natural energy decay of speech at higher frequencies, has been considered as a common pre-processing step in a number of speech processing tasks over the years. In this work, we demonstrate, for the first time, that pre-emphasis filtering may also be used as a simple and computationally-inexpensive way to leverage deep neural network-based speech enhancement performance. Particularly, we look into pre-emphasizing the estimated and actual clean speech prior to loss calculation so that different speech frequency components better mirror their perceptual importance during the training phase. Experimental results on a noisy version of the TIMIT dataset show that integrating the pre-emphasis-based methodology at hand yields relative estimated speech quality improvements of up to 4.6% and 3.4% for noise types seen and unseen, respectively, during the training phase. Similar to the case of pre-emphasis being considered as a default pre-processing step in classical automatic speech recognition and speech coding systems, the pre-emphasis-based methodology analyzed in this article may potentially become a default add-on for modern speech enhancement.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose the use of self-supervised pretraining on a large unlabelled data set to improve the performance of a personalized voice activity detection (VAD) model in adverse conditions. We pretrain a long short-term memory (LSTM)-encoder using the autoregressive predictive coding (APC) framework and fine-tune it for personalized VAD. We also propose a denoising variant of APC, with the goal of improving the robustness of personalized VAD. The trained models are systematically evaluated on both clean speech and speech contaminated by various types of noise at different SNR-levels and compared to a purely supervised model. Our experiments show that self-supervised pretraining not only improves performance in clean conditions, but also yields models which are more robust to adverse conditions compared to purely supervised learning.