Abstract:Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) combines auditory and visual speech cues to enhance the accuracy and robustness of speech recognition systems. Recent advancements in AVSR have improved performance in noisy environments compared to audio-only counterparts. However, the true extent of the visual contribution, and whether AVSR systems fully exploit the available cues in the visual domain, remains unclear. This paper assesses AVSR systems from a different perspective, by considering human speech perception. We use three systems: Auto-AVSR, AVEC and AV-RelScore. We first quantify the visual contribution using effective SNR gains at 0 dB and then investigate the use of visual information in terms of its temporal distribution and word-level informativeness. We show that low WER does not guarantee high SNR gains. Our results suggest that current methods do not fully exploit visual information, and we recommend future research to report effective SNR gains alongside WERs.
Abstract:Advancing the design of robust hearing aid (HA) voice control is crucial to increase the HA use rate among hard of hearing people as well as to improve HA users' experience. In this work, we contribute towards this goal by, first, presenting a novel HA speech dataset consisting of noisy own voice captured by 2 behind-the-ear (BTE) and 1 in-ear-canal (IEC) microphones. Second, we provide baseline HA voice control results from the evaluation of light, state-of-the-art keyword spotting models utilizing different combinations of HA microphone signals. Experimental results show the benefits of exploiting bandwidth-limited bone-conducted speech (BCS) from the IEC microphone to achieve noise-robust HA voice control. Furthermore, results also demonstrate that voice control performance can be boosted by assisting BCS by the broader-bandwidth BTE microphone signals. Aiming at setting a baseline upon which the scientific community can continue to progress, the HA noisy speech dataset has been made publicly available.
Abstract:While much of modern speech and audio processing relies on deep neural networks trained using fixed audio representations, recent studies suggest great potential in acoustic frontends learnt jointly with a backend. In this study, we focus specifically on learnable filterbanks. Prior studies have reported that in frontends using learnable filterbanks initialised to a mel scale, the learned filters do not differ substantially from their initialisation. Using a Gabor-based filterbank, we investigate the sensitivity of a learnable filterbank to its initialisation using several initialisation strategies on two audio tasks: voice activity detection and bird species identification. We use the Jensen-Shannon Distance and analysis of the learned filters before and after training. We show that although performance is overall improved, the filterbanks exhibit strong sensitivity to their initialisation strategy. The limited movement from initialised values suggests that alternate optimisation strategies may allow a learnable frontend to reach better overall performance.
Abstract:Autonomous recording units and passive acoustic monitoring present minimally intrusive methods of collecting bioacoustics data. Combining this data with species agnostic bird activity detection systems enables the monitoring of activity levels of bird populations. Unfortunately, variability in ambient noise levels and subject distance contribute to difficulties in accurately detecting bird activity in recordings. The choice of acoustic frontend directly affects the impact these issues have on system performance. In this paper, we benchmark traditional fixed-parameter acoustic frontends against the new generation of learnable frontends on a wide-ranging bird audio detection task using data from the DCASE2018 BAD Challenge. We observe that Per-Channel Energy Normalization is the best overall performer, achieving an accuracy of 89.9%, and that in general learnable frontends significantly outperform traditional methods. We also identify challenges in learning filterbanks for bird audio.
Abstract:This paper explores low resource classifiers and features for the detection of bird activity, suitable for embedded Automatic Recording Units which are typically deployed for long term remote monitoring of bird populations. Features include low-level spectral parameters, statistical moments on pitch samples, and features derived from amplitude modulation. Performance is evaluated on several lightweight classifiers using the NIPS4Bplus dataset. Our experiments show that random forest classifiers perform best on this task, achieving an accuracy of 0.721 and an F1-Score of 0.604. We compare the results of our system against both a Convolutional Neural Network based detector, and standard MFCC features. Our experiments show that we can achieve equal or better performance in most metrics using features and models with a smaller computational cost and which are suitable for edge deployment.
Abstract:This report presents deep learning and data augmentation techniques used by a system entered into the Few-Shot Bioacoustic Event Detection for the DCASE2021 Challenge. The remit was to develop a few-shot learning system for animal (mammal and bird) vocalisations. Participants were tasked with developing a method that can extract information from five exemplar vocalisations, or shots, of mammals or birds and detect and classify sounds in field recordings. In the system described in this report, prototypical networks are used to learn a metric space, from which classification is performed by computing the distance of a query point to class prototypes, classifying based on shortest distance. We describe the architecture of this network, feature extraction methods, and data augmentation performed on the given dataset and compare our work to the challenge's baseline networks.
Abstract:In recent years, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology has approached human-level performance on conversational speech under relatively clean listening conditions. In more demanding situations involving distant microphones, overlapped speech, background noise, or natural dialogue structures, the ASR error rate is at least an order of magnitude higher. The visual modality of speech carries the potential to partially overcome these challenges and contribute to the sub-tasks of speaker diarisation, voice activity detection, and the recovery of the place of articulation, and can compensate for up to 15dB of noise on average. This article develops AV Taris, a fully differentiable neural network model capable of decoding audio-visual speech in real time. We achieve this by connecting two recently proposed models for audio-visual speech integration and online speech recognition, namely AV Align and Taris. We evaluate AV Taris under the same conditions as AV Align and Taris on one of the largest publicly available audio-visual speech datasets, LRS2. Our results show that AV Taris is superior to the audio-only variant of Taris, demonstrating the utility of the visual modality to speech recognition within the real time decoding framework defined by Taris. Compared to an equivalent Transformer-based AV Align model that takes advantage of full sentences without meeting the real-time requirement, we report an absolute degradation of approximately 3% with AV Taris. As opposed to the more popular alternative for online speech recognition, namely the RNN Transducer, Taris offers a greatly simplified fully differentiable training pipeline. As a consequence, AV Taris has the potential to popularise the adoption of Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) technology and overcome the inherent limitations of the audio modality in less optimal listening conditions.
Abstract:This paper presents an edge-based defocus blur estimation method from a single defocused image. We first distinguish edges that lie at depth discontinuities (called depth edges, for which the blur estimate is ambiguous) from edges that lie at approximately constant depth regions (called pattern edges, for which the blur estimate is well-defined). Then, we estimate the defocus blur amount at pattern edges only, and explore an interpolation scheme based on guided filters that prevents data propagation across the detected depth edges to obtain a dense blur map with well-defined object boundaries. Both tasks (edge classification and blur estimation) are performed by deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that share weights to learn meaningful local features from multi-scale patches centered at edge locations. Experiments on naturally defocused images show that the proposed method presents qualitative and quantitative results that outperform state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, with a good compromise between running time and accuracy.
Abstract:Sequence to Sequence models, in particular the Transformer, achieve state of the art results in Automatic Speech Recognition. Practical usage is however limited to cases where full utterance latency is acceptable. In this work we introduce Taris, a Transformer-based online speech recognition system aided by an auxiliary task of incremental word counting. We use the cumulative word sum to dynamically segment speech and enable its eager decoding into words. Experiments performed on the LRS2 and LibriSpeech datasets, of unconstrained and read speech respectively, show that the online system performs on a par with the offline one, while having a dynamic algorithmic delay of 5 segments. Furthermore, we show that the estimated segment length distribution resembles the word length distribution obtained with forced alignment, although our system does not require an exact segment-to-word equivalence. Taris introduces a negligible overhead compared to a standard Transformer, while the local relationship modelling between inputs and outputs grants invariance to sequence length by design.
Abstract:The audio-visual speech fusion strategy AV Align has shown significant performance improvements in audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) on the challenging LRS2 dataset. Performance improvements range between 7% and 30% depending on the noise level when leveraging the visual modality of speech in addition to the auditory one. This work presents a variant of AV Align where the recurrent Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) computation block is replaced by the more recently proposed Transformer block. We compare the two methods, discussing in greater detail their strengths and weaknesses. We find that Transformers also learn cross-modal monotonic alignments, but suffer from the same visual convergence problems as the LSTM model, calling for a deeper investigation into the dominant modality problem in machine learning.