Abstract:Ensuring intelligible speech communication for hearing assistive devices in low-latency scenarios presents significant challenges in terms of speech enhancement, coding and transmission. In this paper, we propose novel solutions for low-latency joint speech transmission and enhancement, leveraging deep neural networks (DNNs). Our approach integrates two state-of-the-art DNN architectures for low-latency speech enhancement and low-latency analog joint source-channel-based transmission, creating a combined low-latency system and jointly training both systems in an end-to-end approach. Due to the computational demands of the enhancement system, this order is suitable when high computational power is unavailable in the decoder, like hearing assistive devices. The proposed system enables the configuration of total latency, achieving high performance even at latencies as low as 3 ms, which is typically challenging to attain. The simulation results provide compelling evidence that a joint enhancement and transmission system is superior to a simple concatenation system in diverse settings, encompassing various wireless channel conditions, latencies, and background noise scenarios.
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the problem of recovering the frequency components of a mixture of $K$ complex sinusoids from a random subset of $N$ equally-spaced time-domain samples. Because of the random subset, the samples are effectively non-uniform. Besides, the frequency values of each of the $K$ complex sinusoids are assumed to vary continuously within a given range. For this problem, we propose a two-step strategy: (i) we first lift the incomplete set of uniform samples (unavailable samples are treated as missing data) into a structured matrix with missing entries, which is potentially low-rank; then (ii) we complete the matrix using a weighted nuclear minimization problem. We call the method a \emph{ weighted lifted-structured (WLi) low-rank matrix recovery}. Our approach can be applied to a range of matrix structures such as Hankel and double-Hankel, among others, and provides improvement over the unweighted existing schemes such as EMaC and DEMaC. We provide theoretical guarantees for the proposed method, as well as numerical simulations in both noiseless and noisy settings. Both the theoretical and the numerical results confirm the superiority of the proposed approach.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the problem of estimating the direction of arrival (DOA) using a sparsely sampled uniform linear array (ULA). Based on an initial incomplete ULA measurement, our strategy is to choose a sparse subset of array elements for measuring the next snapshot. Then, we use a Hankel-structured matrix completion to interpolate for the missing ULA measurements. Finally, the source DOAs are estimated using a subspace method such as Prony on the fully recovered ULA. We theoretically provide a sufficient bound for the number of required samples (array elements) for perfect recovery. The numerical comparisons of the proposed method with existing techniques such as atomic-norm minimization and off-the-grid approaches confirm the superiority of the proposed method.