Abstract:Unsupervised anomaly detection methods can identify surface defects in industrial images by leveraging only normal samples for training. Due to the risk of overfitting when learning from a single class, anomaly synthesis strategies are introduced to enhance detection capability by generating artificial anomalies. However, existing strategies heavily rely on anomalous textures from auxiliary datasets. Moreover, their limitations in the coverage and directionality of anomaly synthesis may result in a failure to capture useful information and lead to significant redundancy. To address these issues, we propose a novel Progressive Boundary-guided Anomaly Synthesis (PBAS) strategy, which can directionally synthesize crucial feature-level anomalies without auxiliary textures. It consists of three core components: Approximate Boundary Learning (ABL), Anomaly Feature Synthesis (AFS), and Refined Boundary Optimization (RBO). To make the distribution of normal samples more compact, ABL first learns an approximate decision boundary by center constraint, which improves the center initialization through feature alignment. AFS then directionally synthesizes anomalies with more flexible scales guided by the hypersphere distribution of normal features. Since the boundary is so loose that it may contain real anomalies, RBO refines the decision boundary through the binary classification of artificial anomalies and normal features. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance and the fastest detection speed on three widely used industrial datasets, including MVTec AD, VisA, and MPDD. The code will be available at: https://github.com/cqylunlun/PBAS.
Abstract:Anomaly synthesis strategies can effectively enhance unsupervised anomaly detection. However, existing strategies have limitations in the coverage and controllability of anomaly synthesis, particularly for weak defects that are very similar to normal regions. In this paper, we propose Global and Local Anomaly co-Synthesis Strategy (GLASS), a novel unified framework designed to synthesize a broader coverage of anomalies under the manifold and hypersphere distribution constraints of Global Anomaly Synthesis (GAS) at the feature level and Local Anomaly Synthesis (LAS) at the image level. Our method synthesizes near-in-distribution anomalies in a controllable way using Gaussian noise guided by gradient ascent and truncated projection. GLASS achieves state-of-the-art results on the MVTec AD (detection AUROC of 99.9\%), VisA, and MPDD datasets and excels in weak defect detection. The effectiveness and efficiency have been further validated in industrial applications for woven fabric defect detection. The code and dataset are available at: \url{https://github.com/cqylunlun/GLASS}.
Abstract:Search and recommendation (S&R) are the two most important scenarios in e-commerce. The majority of users typically interact with products in S&R scenarios, indicating the need and potential for joint modeling. Traditional multi-scenario models use shared parameters to learn the similarity of multiple tasks, and task-specific parameters to learn the divergence of individual tasks. This coarse-grained modeling approach does not effectively capture the differences between S&R scenarios. Furthermore, this approach does not sufficiently exploit the information across the global label space. These issues can result in the suboptimal performance of multi-scenario models in handling both S&R scenarios. To address these issues, we propose an effective and universal framework for Unified Search and Recommendation (USR), designed with S&R Views User Interest Extractor Layer (IE) and S&R Views Feature Generator Layer (FG) to separately generate user interests and scenario-agnostic feature representations for S&R. Next, we introduce a Global Label Space Multi-Task Layer (GLMT) that uses global labels as supervised signals of auxiliary tasks and jointly models the main task and auxiliary tasks using conditional probability. Extensive experimental evaluations on real-world industrial datasets show that USR can be applied to various multi-scenario models and significantly improve their performance. Online A/B testing also indicates substantial performance gains across multiple metrics. Currently, USR has been successfully deployed in the 7Fresh App.