Abstract:Transfer learning is a popular strategy to leverage external knowledge and improve statistical efficiency, particularly with a limited target sample. We propose a novel knowledge-guided Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization (KG-WDRO) framework that adaptively incorporates multiple sources of external knowledge to overcome the conservativeness of vanilla WDRO, which often results in overly pessimistic shrinkage toward zero. Our method constructs smaller Wasserstein ambiguity sets by controlling the transportation along directions informed by the source knowledge. This strategy can alleviate perturbations on the predictive projection of the covariates and protect against information loss. Theoretically, we establish the equivalence between our WDRO formulation and the knowledge-guided shrinkage estimation based on collinear similarity, ensuring tractability and geometrizing the feasible set. This also reveals a novel and general interpretation for recent shrinkage-based transfer learning approaches from the perspective of distributional robustness. In addition, our framework can adjust for scaling differences in the regression models between the source and target and accommodates general types of regularization such as lasso and ridge. Extensive simulations demonstrate the superior performance and adaptivity of KG-WDRO in enhancing small-sample transfer learning.
Abstract:We study the problem of fusing pre-trained (auxiliary) generative models to enhance the training of a target generative model. We propose using KL-divergence weighted barycenters as an optimal fusion mechanism, in which the barycenter weights are optimally trained to minimize a suitable loss for the target population. While computing the optimal KL-barycenter weights can be challenging, we demonstrate that this process can be efficiently executed using diffusion score training when the auxiliary generative models are also trained based on diffusion score methods. Moreover, we show that our fusion method has a dimension-free sample complexity in total variation distance provided that the auxiliary models are well fitted for their own task and the auxiliary tasks combined capture the target well. The main takeaway of our method is that if the auxiliary models are well-trained and can borrow features from each other that are present in the target, our fusion method significantly improves the training of generative models. We provide a concise computational implementation of the fusion algorithm, and validate its efficiency in the low-data regime with numerical experiments involving mixtures models and image datasets.
Abstract:We explore the control of stochastic systems with potentially continuous state and action spaces, characterized by the state dynamics $X_{t+1} = f(X_t, A_t, W_t)$. Here, $X$, $A$, and $W$ represent the state, action, and exogenous random noise processes, respectively, with $f$ denoting a known function that describes state transitions. Traditionally, the noise process $\{W_t, t \geq 0\}$ is assumed to be independent and identically distributed, with a distribution that is either fully known or can be consistently estimated. However, the occurrence of distributional shifts, typical in engineering settings, necessitates the consideration of the robustness of the policy. This paper introduces a distributionally robust stochastic control paradigm that accommodates possibly adaptive adversarial perturbation to the noise distribution within a prescribed ambiguity set. We examine two adversary models: current-action-aware and current-action-unaware, leading to different dynamic programming equations. Furthermore, we characterize the optimal finite sample minimax rates for achieving uniform learning of the robust value function across continuum states under both adversary types, considering ambiguity sets defined by $f_k$-divergence and Wasserstein distance. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our framework across various real-world settings.
Abstract:Deep learning has been widely adopted across various fields, but there has been little focus on evaluating the performance of deep learning pipelines. With the increased use of large datasets and complex models, it has become common to run the training process only once and compare the result to previous benchmarks. However, this procedure can lead to imprecise comparisons due to the variance in neural network evaluation metrics. The metric variance comes from the randomness inherent in the training process of deep learning pipelines. Traditional solutions such as running the training process multiple times are usually not feasible in deep learning due to computational limitations. In this paper, we propose a new metric framework, Calibrated Loss Metric, that addresses this issue by reducing the variance in its vanilla counterpart. As a result, the new metric has a higher accuracy to detect effective modeling improvement. Our approach is supported by theoretical justifications and extensive experimental validations in the context of Deep Click-Through Rate Prediction Models.
Abstract:Two-sided platforms are central to modern commerce and content sharing and often utilize A/B testing for developing new features. While user-side experiments are common, seller-side experiments become crucial for specific interventions and metrics. This paper investigates the effects of interference caused by feedback loops on seller-side experiments in two-sided platforms, with a particular focus on the counterfactual interleaving design, proposed in \citet{ha2020counterfactual,nandy2021b}. These feedback loops, often generated by pacing algorithms, cause outcomes from earlier sessions to influence subsequent ones. This paper contributes by creating a mathematical framework to analyze this interference, theoretically estimating its impact, and conducting empirical evaluations of the counterfactual interleaving design in real-world scenarios. Our research shows that feedback loops can result in misleading conclusions about the treatment effects.
Abstract:Motivated by the need for a robust policy in the face of environment shifts between training and the deployment, we contribute to the theoretical foundation of distributionally robust reinforcement learning (DRRL). This is accomplished through a comprehensive modeling framework centered around distributionally robust Markov decision processes (DRMDPs). This framework obliges the decision maker to choose an optimal policy under the worst-case distributional shift orchestrated by an adversary. By unifying and extending existing formulations, we rigorously construct DRMDPs that embraces various modeling attributes for both the decision maker and the adversary. These attributes include adaptability granularity, exploring history-dependent, Markov, and Markov time-homogeneous decision maker and adversary dynamics. Additionally, we delve into the flexibility of shifts induced by the adversary, examining SA and S-rectangularity. Within this DRMDP framework, we investigate conditions for the existence or absence of the dynamic programming principle (DPP). From an algorithmic standpoint, the existence of DPP holds significant implications, as the vast majority of existing data and computationally efficiency RL algorithms are reliant on the DPP. To study its existence, we comprehensively examine combinations of controller and adversary attributes, providing streamlined proofs grounded in a unified methodology. We also offer counterexamples for settings in which a DPP with full generality is absent.
Abstract:In modern recommendation systems, the standard pipeline involves training machine learning models on historical data to predict user behaviors and improve recommendations continuously. However, these data training loops can introduce interference in A/B tests, where data generated by control and treatment algorithms, potentially with different distributions, are combined. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel approach called weighted training. This approach entails training a model to predict the probability of each data point appearing in either the treatment or control data and subsequently applying weighted losses during model training. We demonstrate that this approach achieves the least variance among all estimators without causing shifts in the training distributions. Through simulation studies, we demonstrate the lower bias and variance of our approach compared to other methods.
Abstract:Motivated by applications in queueing theory, we consider a stochastic control problem whose state space is the $d$-dimensional positive orthant. The controlled process $Z$ evolves as a reflected Brownian motion whose covariance matrix is exogenously specified, as are its directions of reflection from the orthant's boundary surfaces. A system manager chooses a drift vector $\theta(t)$ at each time $t$ based on the history of $Z$, and the cost rate at time $t$ depends on both $Z(t)$ and $\theta(t)$. In our initial problem formulation, the objective is to minimize expected discounted cost over an infinite planning horizon, after which we treat the corresponding ergodic control problem. Extending earlier work by Han et al. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 8505-8510), we develop and illustrate a simulation-based computational method that relies heavily on deep neural network technology. For test problems studied thus far, our method is accurate to within a fraction of one percent, and is computationally feasible in dimensions up to at least $d=30$.
Abstract:Dynamic decision making under distributional shifts is of fundamental interest in theory and applications of reinforcement learning: The distribution of the environment on which the data is collected can differ from that of the environment on which the model is deployed. This paper presents two novel model-free algorithms, namely the distributionally robust Q-learning and its variance-reduced counterpart, that can effectively learn a robust policy despite distributional shifts. These algorithms are designed to efficiently approximate the $q$-function of an infinite-horizon $\gamma$-discounted robust Markov decision process with Kullback-Leibler uncertainty set to an entry-wise $\epsilon$-degree of precision. Further, the variance-reduced distributionally robust Q-learning combines the synchronous Q-learning with variance-reduction techniques to enhance its performance. Consequently, we establish that it attains a minmax sample complexity upper bound of $\tilde O(|S||A|(1-\gamma)^{-4}\epsilon^{-2})$, where $S$ and $A$ denote the state and action spaces. This is the first complexity result that is independent of the uncertainty size $\delta$, thereby providing new complexity theoretic insights. Additionally, a series of numerical experiments confirm the theoretical findings and the efficiency of the algorithms in handling distributional shifts.
Abstract:We consider a reinforcement learning setting in which the deployment environment is different from the training environment. Applying a robust Markov decision processes formulation, we extend the distributionally robust $Q$-learning framework studied in Liu et al. [2022]. Further, we improve the design and analysis of their multi-level Monte Carlo estimator. Assuming access to a simulator, we prove that the worst-case expected sample complexity of our algorithm to learn the optimal robust $Q$-function within an $\epsilon$ error in the sup norm is upper bounded by $\tilde O(|S||A|(1-\gamma)^{-5}\epsilon^{-2}p_{\wedge}^{-6}\delta^{-4})$, where $\gamma$ is the discount rate, $p_{\wedge}$ is the non-zero minimal support probability of the transition kernels and $\delta$ is the uncertainty size. This is the first sample complexity result for the model-free robust RL problem. Simulation studies further validate our theoretical results.