Abstract:Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models are often used to predict missing links for knowledge graphs (KGs). However, multiple KG embeddings can perform almost equally well for link prediction yet suggest conflicting predictions for certain queries, termed \textit{predictive multiplicity} in literature. This behavior poses substantial risks for KGE-based applications in high-stake domains but has been overlooked in KGE research. In this paper, we define predictive multiplicity in link prediction. We introduce evaluation metrics and measure predictive multiplicity for representative KGE methods on commonly used benchmark datasets. Our empirical study reveals significant predictive multiplicity in link prediction, with $8\%$ to $39\%$ testing queries exhibiting conflicting predictions. To address this issue, we propose leveraging voting methods from social choice theory, significantly mitigating conflicts by $66\%$ to $78\%$ according to our experiments.
Abstract:Statistical information is ubiquitous but drawing valid conclusions from it is prohibitively hard. We explain how knowledge graph embeddings can be used to approximate probabilistic inference efficiently using the example of Statistical EL (SEL), a statistical extension of the lightweight Description Logic EL. We provide proofs for runtime and soundness guarantees, and empirically evaluate the runtime and approximation quality of our approach.
Abstract:Query embedding approaches answer complex logical queries over incomplete knowledge graphs (KGs) by computing and operating on low-dimensional vector representations of entities, relations, and queries. However, current query embedding models heavily rely on excessively parameterized neural networks and cannot explain the knowledge learned from the graph. We propose a novel query embedding method, AConE, which explains the knowledge learned from the graph in the form of SROI^{-} description logic axioms while being more parameter-efficient than most existing approaches. AConE associates queries to a SROI^{-} description logic concept. Every SROI^{-} concept is embedded as a cone in complex vector space, and each SROI^{-} relation is embedded as a transformation that rotates and scales cones. We show theoretically that AConE can learn SROI^{-} axioms, and defines an algebra whose operations correspond one to one to SROI^{-} description logic concept constructs. Our empirical study on multiple query datasets shows that AConE achieves superior results over previous baselines with fewer parameters. Notably on the WN18RR dataset, AConE achieves significant improvement over baseline models. We provide comprehensive analyses showing that the capability to represent axioms positively impacts the results of query answering.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have garnered significant attention for their ability to understand text and images, generate human-like text, and perform complex reasoning tasks. However, their ability to generalize this advanced reasoning with a combination of natural language text for decision-making in dynamic situations requires further exploration. In this study, we investigate how well LLMs can adapt and apply a combination of arithmetic and common-sense reasoning, particularly in autonomous driving scenarios. We hypothesize that LLMs hybrid reasoning abilities can improve autonomous driving by enabling them to analyze detected object and sensor data, understand driving regulations and physical laws, and offer additional context. This addresses complex scenarios, like decisions in low visibility (due to weather conditions), where traditional methods might fall short. We evaluated Large Language Models (LLMs) based on accuracy by comparing their answers with human-generated ground truth inside CARLA. The results showed that when a combination of images (detected objects) and sensor data is fed into the LLM, it can offer precise information for brake and throttle control in autonomous vehicles across various weather conditions. This formulation and answers can assist in decision-making for auto-pilot systems.
Abstract:Temporal knowledge graphs represent temporal facts $(s,p,o,\tau)$ relating a subject $s$ and an object $o$ via a relation label $p$ at time $\tau$, where $\tau$ could be a time point or time interval. Temporal knowledge graphs may exhibit static temporal patterns at distinct points in time and dynamic temporal patterns between different timestamps. In order to learn a rich set of static and dynamic temporal patterns and apply them for inference, several embedding approaches have been suggested in the literature. However, as most of them resort to single underlying embedding spaces, their capability to model all kinds of temporal patterns was severely limited by having to adhere to the geometric property of their one embedding space. We lift this limitation by an embedding approach that maps temporal facts into a product space of several heterogeneous geometric subspaces with distinct geometric properties, i.e.\ Complex, Dual, and Split-complex spaces. In addition, we propose a temporal-geometric attention mechanism to integrate information from different geometric subspaces conveniently according to the captured relational and temporal information. Experimental results on standard temporal benchmark datasets favorably evaluate our approach against state-of-the-art models.
Abstract:Reasoning with knowledge graphs (KGs) has primarily focused on triple-shaped facts. Recent advancements have been explored to enhance the semantics of these facts by incorporating more potent representations, such as hyper-relational facts. However, these approaches are limited to \emph{atomic facts}, which describe a single piece of information. This paper extends beyond \emph{atomic facts} and delves into \emph{nested facts}, represented by quoted triples where subjects and objects are triples themselves (e.g., ((\emph{BarackObama}, \emph{holds\_position}, \emph{President}), \emph{succeed\_by}, (\emph{DonaldTrump}, \emph{holds\_position}, \emph{President}))). These nested facts enable the expression of complex semantics like \emph{situations} over time and \emph{logical patterns} over entities and relations. In response, we introduce NestE, a novel KG embedding approach that captures the semantics of both atomic and nested factual knowledge. NestE represents each atomic fact as a $1\times3$ matrix, and each nested relation is modeled as a $3\times3$ matrix that rotates the $1\times3$ atomic fact matrix through matrix multiplication. Each element of the matrix is represented as a complex number in the generalized 4D hypercomplex space, including (spherical) quaternions, hyperbolic quaternions, and split-quaternions. Through thorough analysis, we demonstrate the embedding's efficacy in capturing diverse logical patterns over nested facts, surpassing the confines of first-order logic-like expressions. Our experimental results showcase NestE's significant performance gains over current baselines in triple prediction and conditional link prediction. The code and pre-trained models are open available at https://github.com/xiongbo010/NestE.
Abstract:Geometric relational embeddings map relational data as geometric objects that combine vector information suitable for machine learning and structured/relational information for structured/relational reasoning, typically in low dimensions. Their preservation of relational structures and their appealing properties and interpretability have led to their uptake for tasks such as knowledge graph completion, ontology and hierarchy reasoning, logical query answering, and hierarchical multi-label classification. We survey methods that underly geometric relational embeddings and categorize them based on (i) the embedding geometries that are used to represent the data; and (ii) the relational reasoning tasks that they aim to improve. We identify the desired properties (i.e., inductive biases) of each kind of embedding and discuss some potential future work.
Abstract:Answering first-order logical (FOL) queries over knowledge graphs (KG) remains a challenging task mainly due to KG incompleteness. Query embedding approaches this problem by computing the low-dimensional vector representations of entities, relations, and logical queries. KGs exhibit relational patterns such as symmetry and composition and modeling the patterns can further enhance the performance of query embedding models. However, the role of such patterns in answering FOL queries by query embedding models has not been yet studied in the literature. In this paper, we fill in this research gap and empower FOL queries reasoning with pattern inference by introducing an inductive bias that allows for learning relation patterns. To this end, we develop a novel query embedding method, RoConE, that defines query regions as geometric cones and algebraic query operators by rotations in complex space. RoConE combines the advantages of Cone as a well-specified geometric representation for query embedding, and also the rotation operator as a powerful algebraic operation for pattern inference. Our experimental results on several benchmark datasets confirm the advantage of relational patterns for enhancing logical query answering task.
Abstract:Predicting missing links between entities in a knowledge graph is a fundamental task to deal with the incompleteness of data on the Web. Knowledge graph embeddings map nodes into a vector space to predict new links, scoring them according to geometric criteria. Relations in the graph may follow patterns that can be learned, e.g., some relations might be symmetric and others might be hierarchical. However, the learning capability of different embedding models varies for each pattern and, so far, no single model can learn all patterns equally well. In this paper, we combine the query representations from several models in a unified one to incorporate patterns that are independently captured by each model. Our combination uses attention to select the most suitable model to answer each query. The models are also mapped onto a non-Euclidean manifold, the Poincar\'e ball, to capture structural patterns, such as hierarchies, besides relational patterns, such as symmetry. We prove that our combination provides a higher expressiveness and inference power than each model on its own. As a result, the combined model can learn relational and structural patterns. We conduct extensive experimental analysis with various link prediction benchmarks showing that the combined model outperforms individual models, including state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Knowledge Graphs, such as Wikidata, comprise structural and textual knowledge in order to represent knowledge. For each of the two modalities dedicated approaches for graph embedding and language models learn patterns that allow for predicting novel structural knowledge. Few approaches have integrated learning and inference with both modalities and these existing ones could only partially exploit the interaction of structural and textual knowledge. In our approach, we build on existing strong representations of single modalities and we use hypercomplex algebra to represent both, (i), single-modality embedding as well as, (ii), the interaction between different modalities and their complementary means of knowledge representation. More specifically, we suggest Dihedron and Quaternion representations of 4D hypercomplex numbers to integrate four modalities namely structural knowledge graph embedding, word-level representations (e.g.\ Word2vec, Fasttext), sentence-level representations (Sentence transformer), and document-level representations (sentence transformer, Doc2vec). Our unified vector representation scores the plausibility of labelled edges via Hamilton and Dihedron products, thus modeling pairwise interactions between different modalities. Extensive experimental evaluation on standard benchmark datasets shows the superiority of our two new models using abundant textual information besides sparse structural knowledge to enhance performance in link prediction tasks.