Abstract:Video Moment Retrieval is a common task to evaluate the performance of visual-language models - it involves localising start and end times of moments in videos from query sentences. The current task formulation assumes that the queried moment is present in the video, resulting in false positive moment predictions when irrelevant query sentences are provided. In this paper we propose the task of Negative-Aware Video Moment Retrieval (NA-VMR), which considers both moment retrieval accuracy and negative query rejection accuracy. We make the distinction between In-Domain and Out-of-Domain negative queries and provide new evaluation benchmarks for two popular video moment retrieval datasets: QVHighlights and Charades-STA. We analyse the ability of current SOTA video moment retrieval approaches to adapt to Negative-Aware Video Moment Retrieval and propose UniVTG-NA, an adaptation of UniVTG designed to tackle NA-VMR. UniVTG-NA achieves high negative rejection accuracy (avg. $98.4\%$) scores while retaining moment retrieval scores to within $3.87\%$ Recall@1. Dataset splits and code are available at https://github.com/keflanagan/MomentofUntruth
Abstract:We present a validation dataset of newly-collected kitchen-based egocentric videos, manually annotated with highly detailed and interconnected ground-truth labels covering: recipe steps, fine-grained actions, ingredients with nutritional values, moving objects, and audio annotations. Importantly, all annotations are grounded in 3D through digital twinning of the scene, fixtures, object locations, and primed with gaze. Footage is collected from unscripted recordings in diverse home environments, making HDEPIC the first dataset collected in-the-wild but with detailed annotations matching those in controlled lab environments. We show the potential of our highly-detailed annotations through a challenging VQA benchmark of 26K questions assessing the capability to recognise recipes, ingredients, nutrition, fine-grained actions, 3D perception, object motion, and gaze direction. The powerful long-context Gemini Pro only achieves 38.5% on this benchmark, showcasing its difficulty and highlighting shortcomings in current VLMs. We additionally assess action recognition, sound recognition, and long-term video-object segmentation on HD-EPIC. HD-EPIC is 41 hours of video in 9 kitchens with digital twins of 413 kitchen fixtures, capturing 69 recipes, 59K fine-grained actions, 51K audio events, 20K object movements and 37K object masks lifted to 3D. On average, we have 263 annotations per minute of our unscripted videos.
Abstract:The goal of this work is to generate step-by-step visual instructions in the form of a sequence of images, given an input image that provides the scene context and the sequence of textual instructions. This is a challenging problem as it requires generating multi-step image sequences to achieve a complex goal while being grounded in a specific environment. Part of the challenge stems from the lack of large-scale training data for this problem. The contribution of this work is thus three-fold. First, we introduce an automatic approach for collecting large step-by-step visual instruction training data from instructional videos. We apply this approach to one million videos and create a large-scale, high-quality dataset of 0.6M sequences of image-text pairs. Second, we develop and train ShowHowTo, a video diffusion model capable of generating step-by-step visual instructions consistent with the provided input image. Third, we evaluate the generated image sequences across three dimensions of accuracy (step, scene, and task) and show our model achieves state-of-the-art results on all of them. Our code, dataset, and trained models are publicly available.
Abstract:Hand pose represents key information for action recognition in the egocentric perspective, where the user is interacting with objects. We propose to improve egocentric 3D hand pose estimation based on RGB frames only by using pseudo-depth images. Incorporating state-of-the-art single RGB image depth estimation techniques, we generate pseudo-depth representations of the frames and use distance knowledge to segment irrelevant parts of the scene. The resulting depth maps are then used as segmentation masks for the RGB frames. Experimental results on H2O Dataset confirm the high accuracy of the estimated pose with our method in an action recognition task. The 3D hand pose, together with information from object detection, is processed by a transformer-based action recognition network, resulting in an accuracy of 91.73%, outperforming all state-of-the-art methods. Estimations of 3D hand pose result in competitive performance with existing methods with a mean pose error of 28.66 mm. This method opens up new possibilities for employing distance information in egocentric 3D hand pose estimation without relying on depth sensors.
Abstract:Large Vision Language Models (VLMs) are now the de facto state-of-the-art for a number of tasks including visual question answering, recognising objects, and spatial referral. In this work, we propose the HOI-Ref task for egocentric images that aims to understand interactions between hands and objects using VLMs. To enable HOI-Ref, we curate the HOI-QA dataset that consists of 3.9M question-answer pairs for training and evaluating VLMs. HOI-QA includes questions relating to locating hands, objects, and critically their interactions (e.g. referring to the object being manipulated by the hand). We train the first VLM for HOI-Ref on this dataset and call it VLM4HOI. Our results demonstrate that VLMs trained for referral on third person images fail to recognise and refer hands and objects in egocentric images. When fine-tuned on our egocentric HOI-QA dataset, performance improves by 27.9% for referring hands and objects, and by 26.7% for referring interactions.
Abstract:Determining when people are struggling from video enables a finer-grained understanding of actions and opens opportunities for building intelligent support visual interfaces. In this paper, we present a new dataset with three assembly activities and corresponding performance baselines for the determination of struggle from video. Three real-world problem-solving activities including assembling plumbing pipes (Pipes-Struggle), pitching camping tents (Tent-Struggle) and solving the Tower of Hanoi puzzle (Tower-Struggle) are introduced. Video segments were scored w.r.t. the level of struggle as perceived by annotators using a forced choice 4-point scale. Each video segment was annotated by a single expert annotator in addition to crowd-sourced annotations. The dataset is the first struggle annotation dataset and contains 5.1 hours of video and 725,100 frames from 73 participants in total. We evaluate three decision-making tasks: struggle classification, struggle level regression, and struggle label distribution learning. We provide baseline results for each of the tasks utilising several mainstream deep neural networks, along with an ablation study and visualisation of results. Our work is motivated toward assistive systems that analyze struggle, support users during manual activities and encourage learning, as well as other video understanding competencies.
Abstract:Though pre-training vision-language models have demonstrated significant benefits in boosting video-text retrieval performance from large-scale web videos, fine-tuning still plays a critical role with manually annotated clips with start and end times, which requires considerable human effort. To address this issue, we explore an alternative cheaper source of annotations, single timestamps, for video-text retrieval. We initialise clips from timestamps in a heuristic way to warm up a retrieval model. Then a video clip editing method is proposed to refine the initial rough boundaries to improve retrieval performance. A student-teacher network is introduced for video clip editing. The teacher model is employed to edit the clips in the training set whereas the student model trains on the edited clips. The teacher weights are updated from the student's after the student's performance increases. Our method is model agnostic and applicable to any retrieval models. We conduct experiments based on three state-of-the-art retrieval models, COOT, VideoCLIP and CLIP4Clip. Experiments conducted on three video retrieval datasets, YouCook2, DiDeMo and ActivityNet-Captions show that our edited clips consistently improve retrieval performance over initial clips across all the three retrieval models.
Abstract:We address the task of generating temporally consistent and physically plausible images of actions and object state transformations. Given an input image and a text prompt describing the targeted transformation, our generated images preserve the environment and transform objects in the initial image. Our contributions are threefold. First, we leverage a large body of instructional videos and automatically mine a dataset of triplets of consecutive frames corresponding to initial object states, actions, and resulting object transformations. Second, equipped with this data, we develop and train a conditioned diffusion model dubbed GenHowTo. Third, we evaluate GenHowTo on a variety of objects and actions and show superior performance compared to existing methods. In particular, we introduce a quantitative evaluation where GenHowTo achieves 88% and 74% on seen and unseen interaction categories, respectively, outperforming prior work by a large margin.
Abstract:We present Ego-Exo4D, a diverse, large-scale multimodal multiview video dataset and benchmark challenge. Ego-Exo4D centers around simultaneously-captured egocentric and exocentric video of skilled human activities (e.g., sports, music, dance, bike repair). More than 800 participants from 13 cities worldwide performed these activities in 131 different natural scene contexts, yielding long-form captures from 1 to 42 minutes each and 1,422 hours of video combined. The multimodal nature of the dataset is unprecedented: the video is accompanied by multichannel audio, eye gaze, 3D point clouds, camera poses, IMU, and multiple paired language descriptions -- including a novel "expert commentary" done by coaches and teachers and tailored to the skilled-activity domain. To push the frontier of first-person video understanding of skilled human activity, we also present a suite of benchmark tasks and their annotations, including fine-grained activity understanding, proficiency estimation, cross-view translation, and 3D hand/body pose. All resources will be open sourced to fuel new research in the community.
Abstract:The onset of long-form egocentric datasets such as Ego4D and EPIC-Kitchens presents a new challenge for the task of Temporal Sentence Grounding (TSG). Compared to traditional benchmarks on which this task is evaluated, these datasets offer finer-grained sentences to ground in notably longer videos. In this paper, we develop an approach for learning to ground sentences in these datasets using only narrations and their corresponding rough narration timestamps. We propose to artificially merge clips to train for temporal grounding in a contrastive manner using text-conditioning attention. This Clip Merging (CliMer) approach is shown to be effective when compared with a high performing TSG method -- e.g. mean R@1 improves from 3.9 to 5.7 on Ego4D and from 10.7 to 13.0 on EPIC-Kitchens. Code and data splits available from: https://github.com/keflanagan/CliMer