Abstract:Facial brightness is a key image quality factor impacting face recognition accuracy differentials across demographic groups. In this work, we aim to decrease the accuracy gap between the similarity score distributions for Caucasian and African American female mated image pairs, as measured by d' between distributions. To balance brightness across demographic groups, we conduct three experiments, interpreting brightness in the face skin region either as median pixel value or as the distribution of pixel values. Balancing based on median brightness alone yields up to a 46.8% decrease in d', while balancing based on brightness distribution yields up to a 57.6% decrease. In all three cases, the similarity scores of the individual distributions improve, with mean scores maximally improving 5.9% for Caucasian females and 3.7% for African American females.
Abstract:One-to-many facial identification is documented to achieve high accuracy in the case where both the probe and the gallery are `mugshot quality' images. However, an increasing number of documented instances of wrongful arrest following one-to-many facial identification have raised questions about its accuracy. Probe images used in one-to-many facial identification are often cropped from frames of surveillance video and deviate from `mugshot quality' in various ways. This paper systematically explores how the accuracy of one-to-many facial identification is degraded by the person in the probe image choosing to wear dark sunglasses. We show that sunglasses degrade accuracy for mugshot-quality images by an amount similar to strong blur or noticeably lower resolution. Further, we demonstrate that the combination of sunglasses with blur or lower resolution results in even more pronounced loss in accuracy. These results have important implications for developing objective criteria to qualify a probe image for the level of accuracy to be expected if it used for one-to-many identification. To ameliorate the accuracy degradation caused by dark sunglasses, we show that it is possible to recover about 38% of the lost accuracy by synthetically adding sunglasses to all the gallery images, without model re-training. We also show that increasing the representation of wearing-sunglasses images in the training set can largely reduce the error rate. The image set assembled for this research will be made available to support replication and further research into this problem.
Abstract:Face Recognition models are commonly trained with web-scraped datasets containing millions of images and evaluated on test sets emphasizing pose, age and mixed attributes. With train and test sets both assembled from web-scraped images, it is critical to ensure disjoint sets of identities between train and test sets. However, existing train and test sets have not considered this. Moreover, as accuracy levels become saturated, such as LFW $>99.8\%$, more challenging test sets are needed. We show that current train and test sets are generally not identity- or even image-disjoint, and that this results in an optimistic bias in the estimated accuracy. In addition, we show that identity-disjoint folds are important in the 10-fold cross-validation estimate of test accuracy. To better support continued advances in face recognition, we introduce two "Goldilocks" test sets, Hadrian and Eclipse. The former emphasizes challenging facial hairstyles and latter emphasizes challenging over- and under-exposure conditions. Images in both datasets are from a large, controlled-acquisition (not web-scraped) dataset, so they are identity- and image-disjoint with all popular training sets. Accuracy for these new test sets generally falls below that observed on LFW, CPLFW, CALFW, CFP-FP and AgeDB-30, showing that these datasets represent important dimensions for improvement of face recognition. The datasets are available at: \url{https://github.com/HaiyuWu/SOTA-Face-Recognition-Train-and-Test}
Abstract:As virtual and physical identity grow increasingly intertwined, the importance of privacy and security in the online sphere becomes paramount. In recent years, multiple news stories have emerged of private companies scraping web content and doing research with or selling the data. Images uploaded online can be scraped without users' consent or knowledge. Users of social media platforms whose images are scraped may be at risk of being identified in other uploaded images or in real-world identification situations. This paper investigates how simple, accessible image manipulation techniques affect the accuracy of facial recognition software in identifying an individual's various face images based on one unique image.
Abstract:In recent years, media reports have called out bias and racism in face recognition technology. We review experimental results exploring several speculated causes for asymmetric cross-demographic performance. We consider accuracy differences as represented by variations in non-mated (impostor) and / or mated (genuine) distributions for 1-to-1 face matching. Possible causes explored include differences in skin tone, face size and shape, imbalance in number of identities and images in the training data, and amount of face visible in the test data ("face pixels"). We find that demographic differences in face pixel information of the test images appear to most directly impact the resultant differences in face recognition accuracy.
Abstract:We report the first analysis of the experimental foundations of facial attribute classification. An experiment with two annotators independently assigning values shows that only 12 of 40 commonly-used attributes are assigned values with >= 95% consistency, and that three (high cheekbones, pointed nose, oval face) have random consistency (50%). These results show that the binary face attributes currently used in this research area could re-focused to be more objective. We identify 5,068 duplicate face appearances in CelebA, the most widely used dataset in this research area, and find that individual attributes have contradicting values on from 10 to 860 of 5,068 duplicates. Manual audit of a subset of CelebA estimates error rates as high as 40% for (no beard=false), even though the labeling consistency experiment indicates that no beard could be assigned with >= 95% consistency. Selecting the mouth slightly open (MSO) attribute for deeper analysis, we estimate the error rate for (MSO=true) at about 20% and for (MSO=false) at about 2%. We create a corrected version of the MSO attribute values, and compare classification models created using the original versus corrected values. The corrected values enable a model that achieves higher accuracy than has been previously reported for MSO. Also, ScoreCAM visualizations show that the model created using the corrected attribute values is in fact more focused on the mouth region of the face. These results show that the error rate in the current CelebA attribute values should be reduced in order to enable learning of better models. The corrected attribute values for CelebA's MSO and the CelebA facial hair attributes will be made available upon publication.
Abstract:It is broadly accepted that there is a "gender gap" in face recognition accuracy, with females having higher false match and false non-match rates. However, relatively little is known about the cause(s) of this gender gap. Even the recent NIST report on demographic effects lists "analyze cause and effect" under "what we did not do". We first demonstrate that female and male hairstyles have important differences that impact face recognition accuracy. In particular, compared to females, male facial hair contributes to creating a greater average difference in appearance between different male faces. We then demonstrate that when the data used to estimate recognition accuracy is balanced across gender for how hairstyles occlude the face, the initially observed gender gap in accuracy largely disappears. We show this result for two different matchers, and analyzing images of Caucasians and of African-Americans. These results suggest that future research on demographic variation in accuracy should include a check for balanced quality of the test data as part of the problem formulation. To promote reproducible research, matchers, attribute classifiers, and datasets used in this research are/will be publicly available.
Abstract:This is the first work that we are aware of to explore how the level of brightness of the skin region in a pair of face images impacts face recognition accuracy. Image pairs with both images having mean face skin brightness in an upper-middle range of brightness are found to have the highest matching accuracy across demographics and matchers. Image pairs with both images having mean face skin brightness that is too dark or too light are found to have an increased false match rate (FMR). Image pairs with strongly different face skin brightness are found to have decreased FMR and increased false non-match rate (FNMR). Using a brightness information metric that captures the variation in brightness in the face skin region, the variation in matching accuracy is shown to correlate with the level of information available in the face skin region. For operational scenarios where image acquisition is controlled, we propose acquiring images with lighting adjusted to yield face skin brightness in a narrow range.
Abstract:Media reports have accused face recognition of being ''biased'', ''sexist'' and ''racist''. There is consensus in the research literature that face recognition accuracy is lower for females, who often have both a higher false match rate and a higher false non-match rate. However, there is little published research aimed at identifying the cause of lower accuracy for females. For instance, the 2019 Face Recognition Vendor Test that documents lower female accuracy across a broad range of algorithms and datasets also lists ''Analyze cause and effect'' under the heading ''What we did not do''. We present the first experimental analysis to identify major causes of lower face recognition accuracy for females on datasets where previous research has observed this result. Controlling for equal amount of visible face in the test images mitigates the apparent higher false non-match rate for females. Additional analysis shows that makeup-balanced datasets further improves females to achieve lower false non-match rates. Finally, a clustering experiment suggests that images of two different females are inherently more similar than of two different males, potentially accounting for a difference in false match rates.
Abstract:News reports have suggested that darker skin tone causes an increase in face recognition errors. The Fitzpatrick scale is widely used in dermatology to classify sensitivity to sun exposure and skin tone. In this paper, we analyze a set of manual Fitzpatrick skin type assignments and also employ the individual typology angle to automatically estimate the skin tone from face images. The set of manual skin tone rating experiments shows that there are inconsistencies between human raters that are difficult to eliminate. Efforts to automate skin tone rating suggest that it is particularly challenging on images collected without a calibration object in the scene. However, after the color-correction, the level of agreement between automated and manual approaches is found to be 96% or better for the MORPH images. To our knowledge, this is the first work to: (a) examine the consistency of manual skin tone ratings across observers, (b) document that there is substantial variation in the rating of the same image by different observers even when exemplar images are given for guidance and all images are color-corrected, and (c) compare manual versus automated skin tone ratings.