Picture for Mengjie Guo

Mengjie Guo

AS-Net: Fast Photoacoustic Reconstruction with Multi-feature Fusion from Sparse Data

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Jan 22, 2021
Figure 1 for AS-Net: Fast Photoacoustic Reconstruction with Multi-feature Fusion from Sparse Data
Figure 2 for AS-Net: Fast Photoacoustic Reconstruction with Multi-feature Fusion from Sparse Data
Figure 3 for AS-Net: Fast Photoacoustic Reconstruction with Multi-feature Fusion from Sparse Data
Figure 4 for AS-Net: Fast Photoacoustic Reconstruction with Multi-feature Fusion from Sparse Data
Viaarxiv icon

SkrGAN: Sketching-rendering Unconditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Medical Image Synthesis

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Aug 06, 2019
Figure 1 for SkrGAN: Sketching-rendering Unconditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Medical Image Synthesis
Figure 2 for SkrGAN: Sketching-rendering Unconditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Medical Image Synthesis
Figure 3 for SkrGAN: Sketching-rendering Unconditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Medical Image Synthesis
Figure 4 for SkrGAN: Sketching-rendering Unconditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Medical Image Synthesis
Viaarxiv icon

Towards Accurate Deceptive Opinion Spam Detection based on Word Order-preserving CNN

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Mar 19, 2018
Figure 1 for Towards Accurate Deceptive Opinion Spam Detection based on Word Order-preserving CNN
Figure 2 for Towards Accurate Deceptive Opinion Spam Detection based on Word Order-preserving CNN
Figure 3 for Towards Accurate Deceptive Opinion Spam Detection based on Word Order-preserving CNN
Figure 4 for Towards Accurate Deceptive Opinion Spam Detection based on Word Order-preserving CNN
Viaarxiv icon