Abstract:Selecting an appropriate prior to compensate for information loss due to the measurement operator is a fundamental challenge in imaging inverse problems. Implicit priors based on denoising neural networks have become central to widely-used frameworks such as Plug-and-Play (PnP) algorithms. In this work, we introduce Fixed-points of Restoration (FiRe) priors as a new framework for expanding the notion of priors in PnP to general restoration models beyond traditional denoising models. The key insight behind FiRe is that natural images emerge as fixed points of the composition of a degradation operator with the corresponding restoration model. This enables us to derive an explicit formula for our implicit prior by quantifying invariance of images under this composite operation. Adopting this fixed-point perspective, we show how various restoration networks can effectively serve as priors for solving inverse problems. The FiRe framework further enables ensemble-like combinations of multiple restoration models as well as acquisition-informed restoration networks, all within a unified optimization approach. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of FiRe across various inverse problems, establishing a new paradigm for incorporating pretrained restoration models into PnP-like algorithms.
Abstract:Achieving high-quality Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) reconstruction at accelerated acquisition rates remains challenging due to the inherent ill-posed nature of the inverse problem. Traditional Compressed Sensing (CS) methods, while robust across varying acquisition settings, struggle to maintain good reconstruction quality at high acceleration factors ($\ge$ 8). Recent advances in deep learning have improved reconstruction quality, but purely data-driven methods are prone to overfitting and hallucination effects, notably when the acquisition setting is varying. Plug-and-Play (PnP) approaches have been proposed to mitigate the pitfalls of both frameworks. In a nutshell, PnP algorithms amount to replacing suboptimal handcrafted CS priors with powerful denoising deep neural network (DNNs). However, in MRI reconstruction, existing PnP methods often yield suboptimal results due to instabilities in the proximal gradient descent (PGD) schemes and the lack of curated, noiseless datasets for training robust denoisers. In this work, we propose a fully unsupervised preprocessing pipeline to generate clean, noiseless complex MRI signals from multicoil data, enabling training of a high-performance denoising DNN. Furthermore, we introduce an annealed Half-Quadratic Splitting (HQS) algorithm to address the instability issues, leading to significant improvements over existing PnP algorithms. When combined with preconditioning techniques, our approach achieves state-of-the-art results, providing a robust and efficient solution for high-quality MRI reconstruction.
Abstract:Plug-and-Play (PnP) algorithms are appealing alternatives to proximal algorithms when solving inverse imaging problems. By learning a Deep Neural Network (DNN) behaving as a proximal operator, one waives the computational complexity of optimisation algorithms induced by sophisticated image priors, and the sub-optimality of handcrafted priors compared to DNNs. At the same time, these methods inherit the versatility of optimisation algorithms allowing the minimisation of a large class of objective functions. Such features are highly desirable in radio-interferometric (RI) imaging in astronomy, where the data size, the ill-posedness of the problem and the dynamic range of the target reconstruction are critical. In a previous work, we introduced a class of convergent PnP algorithms, dubbed AIRI, relying on a forward-backward algorithm, with a differentiable data-fidelity term and dynamic range-specific denoisers trained on highly pre-processed unrelated optical astronomy images. Here, we show that AIRI algorithms can benefit from a constrained data fidelity term at the mere cost of transferring to a primal-dual forward-backward algorithmic backbone. Moreover, we show that AIRI algorithms are robust to strong variations in the nature of the training dataset: denoisers trained on MRI images yield similar reconstructions to those trained on astronomical data. We additionally quantify the model uncertainty introduced by the randomness in the training process and suggest that AIRI algorithms are robust to model uncertainty. Finally, we propose an exhaustive comparison with methods from the radio-astronomical imaging literature and show the superiority of the proposed method over the current state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Plug-and-play algorithms constitute a popular framework for solving inverse imaging problems that rely on the implicit definition of an image prior via a denoiser. These algorithms can leverage powerful pre-trained denoisers to solve a wide range of imaging tasks, circumventing the necessity to train models on a per-task basis. Unfortunately, plug-and-play methods often show unstable behaviors, hampering their promise of versatility and leading to suboptimal quality of reconstructed images. In this work, we show that enforcing equivariance to certain groups of transformations (rotations, reflections, and/or translations) on the denoiser strongly improves the stability of the algorithm as well as its reconstruction quality. We provide a theoretical analysis that illustrates the role of equivariance on better performance and stability. We present a simple algorithm that enforces equivariance on any existing denoiser by simply applying a random transformation to the input of the denoiser and the inverse transformation to the output at each iteration of the algorithm. Experiments on multiple imaging modalities and denoising networks show that the equivariant plug-and-play algorithm improves both the reconstruction performance and the stability compared to their non-equivariant counterparts.
Abstract:Deep neural networks have become a foundational tool for addressing imaging inverse problems. They are typically trained for a specific task, with a supervised loss to learn a mapping from the observations to the image to recover. However, real-world imaging challenges often lack ground truth data, rendering traditional supervised approaches ineffective. Moreover, for each new imaging task, a new model needs to be trained from scratch, wasting time and resources. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a novel approach based on meta-learning. Our method trains a meta-model on a diverse set of imaging tasks that allows the model to be efficiently fine-tuned for specific tasks with few fine-tuning steps. We show that the proposed method extends to the unsupervised setting, where no ground truth data is available. In its bilevel formulation, the outer level uses a supervised loss, that evaluates how well the fine-tuned model performs, while the inner loss can be either supervised or unsupervised, relying only on the measurement operator. This allows the meta-model to leverage a few ground truth samples for each task while being able to generalize to new imaging tasks. We show that in simple settings, this approach recovers the Bayes optimal estimator, illustrating the soundness of our approach. We also demonstrate our method's effectiveness on various tasks, including image processing and magnetic resonance imaging.
Abstract:We propose a new approach for large-scale high-dynamic range computational imaging. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) trained end-to-end can solve linear inverse imaging problems almost instantaneously. While unfolded architectures provide necessary robustness to variations of the measurement setting, embedding large-scale measurement operators in DNN architectures is impractical. Alternative Plug-and-Play (PnP) approaches, where the denoising DNNs are blind to the measurement setting, have proven effective to address scalability and high-dynamic range challenges, but rely on highly iterative algorithms. We propose a residual DNN series approach, where the reconstructed image is built as a sum of residual images progressively increasing the dynamic range, and estimated iteratively by DNNs taking the back-projected data residual of the previous iteration as input. We demonstrate on simulations for radio-astronomical imaging that a series of only few terms provides a high-dynamic range reconstruction of similar quality to state-of-the-art PnP approaches, at a fraction of the cost.
Abstract:We introduce a new class of iterative image reconstruction algorithms for radio interferometry, at the interface of convex optimization and deep learning, inspired by plug-and-play methods. The approach consists in learning a prior image model by training a deep neural network (DNN) as a denoiser, and substituting it for the handcrafted proximal regularization operator of an optimization algorithm. The proposed AIRI ("AI for Regularization in Radio-Interferometric Imaging") framework, for imaging complex intensity structure with diffuse and faint emission, inherits the robustness and interpretability of optimization, and the learning power and speed of networks. Our approach relies on three steps. Firstly, we design a low dynamic range database for supervised training from optical intensity images. Secondly, we train a DNN denoiser with basic architecture ensuring positivity of the output image, at a noise level inferred from the signal-to-noise ratio of the data. We use either $\ell_2$ or $\ell_1$ training losses, enhanced with a nonexpansiveness term ensuring algorithm convergence, and including on-the-fly database dynamic range enhancement via exponentiation. Thirdly, we plug the learned denoiser into the forward-backward optimization algorithm, resulting in a simple iterative structure alternating a denoising step with a gradient-descent data-fidelity step. The resulting AIRI-$\ell_2$ and AIRI-$\ell_1$ were validated against CLEAN and optimization algorithms of the SARA family, propelled by the "average sparsity" proximal regularization operator. Simulation results show that these first AIRI incarnations are competitive in imaging quality with SARA and its unconstrained forward-backward-based version uSARA, while providing significant acceleration. CLEAN remains faster but offers lower reconstruction quality.
Abstract:We introduce a new paradigm for solving regularized variational problems. These are typically formulated to address ill-posed inverse problems encountered in signal and image processing. The objective function is traditionally defined by adding a regularization function to a data fit term, which is subsequently minimized by using iterative optimization algorithms. Recently, several works have proposed to replace the operator related to the regularization by a more sophisticated denoiser. These approaches, known as plug-and-play (PnP) methods, have shown excellent performance. Although it has been noticed that, under nonexpansiveness assumptions on the denoisers, the convergence of the resulting algorithm is guaranteed, little is known about characterizing the asymptotically delivered solution. In the current article, we propose to address this limitation. More specifically, instead of employing a functional regularization, we perform an operator regularization, where a maximally monotone operator (MMO) is learned in a supervised manner. This formulation is flexible as it allows the solution to be characterized through a broad range of variational inequalities, and it includes convex regularizations as special cases. From an algorithmic standpoint, the proposed approach consists in replacing the resolvent of the MMO by a neural network (NN). We provide a universal approximation theorem proving that nonexpansive NNs provide suitable models for the resolvent of a wide class of MMOs. The proposed approach thus provides a sound theoretical framework for analyzing the asymptotic behavior of first-order PnP algorithms. In addition, we propose a numerical strategy to train NNs corresponding to resolvents of MMOs. We apply our approach to image restoration problems and demonstrate its validity in terms of both convergence and quality.