Abstract:In this paper, we present the SimDoc system, a simplification model considering simplicity, readability, and discourse aspects, such as coherence. In the past decade, the progress of the Text Simplification (TS) field has been mostly shown at a sentence level, rather than considering paragraphs or documents, a setting from which most TS audiences would benefit. We propose a simplification system that is initially fine-tuned with professionally created corpora. Further, we include multiple objectives during training, considering simplicity, readability, and coherence altogether. Our contributions include the extension of professionally annotated simplification corpora by the association of existing annotations into (complex text, simple text, readability label) triples to benefit from readability during training. Also, we present a comparative analysis in which we evaluate our proposed models in a zero-shot, few-shot, and fine-tuning setting using document-level TS corpora, demonstrating novel methods for simplification. Finally, we show a detailed analysis of outputs, highlighting the difficulties of simplification at a document level.
Abstract:This paper presents a case study on the development of Auto-AdvER, a specialised named entity recognition schema and dataset for text in the car advertisement genre. Developed with industry needs in mind, Auto-AdvER is designed to enhance text mining analytics in this domain and contributes a linguistically unique NER dataset. We present a schema consisting of three labels: "Condition", "Historic" and "Sales Options". We outline the guiding principles for annotation, describe the methodology for schema development, and show the results of an annotation study demonstrating inter-annotator agreement of 92% F1-Score. Furthermore, we compare the performance by using encoder-only models: BERT, DeBERTaV3 and decoder-only open and closed source Large Language Models (LLMs): Llama, Qwen, GPT-4 and Gemini. Our results show that the class of LLMs outperforms the smaller encoder-only models. However, the LLMs are costly and far from perfect for this task. We present this work as a stepping stone toward more fine-grained analysis and discuss Auto-AdvER's potential impact on advertisement analytics and customer insights, including applications such as the analysis of market dynamics and data-driven predictive maintenance. Our schema, as well as our associated findings, are suitable for both private and public entities considering named entity recognition in the automotive domain, or other specialist domains.
Abstract:This paper presents the setup and results of the second edition of the BioLaySumm shared task on the Lay Summarisation of Biomedical Research Articles, hosted at the BioNLP Workshop at ACL 2024. In this task edition, we aim to build on the first edition's success by further increasing research interest in this important task and encouraging participants to explore novel approaches that will help advance the state-of-the-art. Encouragingly, we found research interest in the task to be high, with this edition of the task attracting a total of 53 participating teams, a significant increase in engagement from the previous edition. Overall, our results show that a broad range of innovative approaches were adopted by task participants, with a predictable shift towards the use of Large Language Models (LLMs).
Abstract:In this system report, we describe the models and methods we used for our participation in the PLABA2023 task on biomedical abstract simplification, part of the TAC 2023 tracks. The system outputs we submitted come from the following three categories: 1) domain fine-tuned T5-like models including Biomedical-T5 and Lay-SciFive; 2) fine-tuned BARTLarge model with controllable attributes (via tokens) BART-w-CTs; 3) ChatGPTprompting. We also present the work we carried out for this task on BioGPT finetuning. In the official automatic evaluation using SARI scores, BeeManc ranks 2nd among all teams and our model LaySciFive ranks 3rd among all 13 evaluated systems. In the official human evaluation, our model BART-w-CTs ranks 2nd on Sentence-Simplicity (score 92.84), 3rd on Term-Simplicity (score 82.33) among all 7 evaluated systems; It also produced a high score 91.57 on Fluency in comparison to the highest score 93.53. In the second round of submissions, our team using ChatGPT-prompting ranks the 2nd in several categories including simplified term accuracy score 92.26 and completeness score 96.58, and a very similar score on faithfulness score 95.3 to re-evaluated PLABA-base-1 (95.73) via human evaluations. Our codes, fine-tuned models, prompts, and data splits from the system development stage will be available at https://github.com/ HECTA-UoM/PLABA-MU
Abstract:Lexical Simplification (LS) automatically replaces difficult to read words for easier alternatives while preserving a sentence's original meaning. LS is a precursor to Text Simplification with the aim of improving text accessibility to various target demographics, including children, second language learners, individuals with reading disabilities or low literacy. Several datasets exist for LS. These LS datasets specialize on one or two sub-tasks within the LS pipeline. However, as of this moment, no single LS dataset has been developed that covers all LS sub-tasks. We present MultiLS, the first LS framework that allows for the creation of a multi-task LS dataset. We also present MultiLS-PT, the first dataset to be created using the MultiLS framework. We demonstrate the potential of MultiLS-PT by carrying out all LS sub-tasks of (1). lexical complexity prediction (LCP), (2). substitute generation, and (3). substitute ranking for Portuguese. Model performances are reported, ranging from transformer-based models to more recent large language models (LLMs).
Abstract:We present BLESS, a comprehensive performance benchmark of the most recent state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) on the task of text simplification (TS). We examine how well off-the-shelf LLMs can solve this challenging task, assessing a total of 44 models, differing in size, architecture, pre-training methods, and accessibility, on three test sets from different domains (Wikipedia, news, and medical) under a few-shot setting. Our analysis considers a suite of automatic metrics as well as a large-scale quantitative investigation into the types of common edit operations performed by the different models. Furthermore, we perform a manual qualitative analysis on a subset of model outputs to better gauge the quality of the generated simplifications. Our evaluation indicates that the best LLMs, despite not being trained on TS, perform comparably with state-of-the-art TS baselines. Additionally, we find that certain LLMs demonstrate a greater range and diversity of edit operations. Our performance benchmark will be available as a resource for the development of future TS methods and evaluation metrics.
Abstract:This paper presents the results of the shared task on Lay Summarisation of Biomedical Research Articles (BioLaySumm), hosted at the BioNLP Workshop at ACL 2023. The goal of this shared task is to develop abstractive summarisation models capable of generating "lay summaries" (i.e., summaries that are comprehensible to non-technical audiences) in both a controllable and non-controllable setting. There are two subtasks: 1) Lay Summarisation, where the goal is for participants to build models for lay summary generation only, given the full article text and the corresponding abstract as input; and 2) Readability-controlled Summarisation, where the goal is for participants to train models to generate both the technical abstract and the lay summary, given an article's main text as input. In addition to overall results, we report on the setup and insights from the BioLaySumm shared task, which attracted a total of 20 participating teams across both subtasks.
Abstract:Biomedical literature often uses complex language and inaccessible professional terminologies. That is why simplification plays an important role in improving public health literacy. Applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) models to automate such tasks allows for quick and direct accessibility for lay readers. In this work, we investigate the ability of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) on the task of biomedical abstract simplification, using the publicly available dataset for plain language adaptation of biomedical abstracts (\textbf{PLABA}). The methods applied include domain fine-tuning and prompt-based learning (PBL) on: 1) Encoder-decoder models (T5, SciFive, and BART), 2) Decoder-only GPT models (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) from OpenAI and BioGPT, and 3) Control-token mechanisms on BART-based models. We used a range of automatic evaluation metrics, including BLEU, ROUGE, SARI, and BERTscore, and also conducted human evaluations. BART-Large with Control Token (BART-L-w-CT) mechanisms reported the highest SARI score of 46.54 and T5-base reported the highest BERTscore 72.62. In human evaluation, BART-L-w-CTs achieved a better simplicity score over T5-Base (2.9 vs. 2.2), while T5-Base achieved a better meaning preservation score over BART-L-w-CTs (3.1 vs. 2.6). We also categorised the system outputs with examples, hoping this will shed some light for future research on this task. Our code, fine-tuned models, and data splits are available at \url{https://github.com/HECTA-UoM/PLABA-MU}
Abstract:Lexical Simplification (LS) is the task of replacing complex for simpler words in a sentence whilst preserving the sentence's original meaning. LS is the lexical component of Text Simplification (TS) with the aim of making texts more accessible to various target populations. A past survey (Paetzold and Specia, 2017) has provided a detailed overview of LS. Since this survey, however, the AI/NLP community has been taken by storm by recent advances in deep learning, particularly with the introduction of large language models (LLM) and prompt learning. The high performance of these models sparked renewed interest in LS. To reflect these recent advances, we present a comprehensive survey of papers published between 2017 and 2023 on LS and its sub-tasks with a special focus on deep learning. We also present benchmark datasets for the future development of LS systems.
Abstract:Automatic analysis of customer data for businesses is an area that is of interest to companies. Business to business data is studied rarely in academia due to the sensitive nature of such information. Applying natural language processing can speed up the analysis of prohibitively large sets of data. This paper addresses this subject and applies sentiment analysis, topic modelling and keyword extraction to a B2B data set. We show that accurate sentiment can be extracted from the notes automatically and the notes can be sorted by relevance into different topics. We see that without clear separation topics can lack relevance to a business context.