Rice University
Abstract:Validating the behavior of autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents, which rely on automated controllers, is an objective of great importance. In recent years, Neural-Network (NN) controllers have been demonstrating great promise. Unfortunately, such learned controllers are often not certified and can cause the system to suffer from unpredictable or unsafe behavior. To mitigate this issue, a great effort has been dedicated to automated verification of systems. Specifically, works in the category of ``black-box testing'' rely on repeated system simulations to find a falsifying counterexample of a system run that violates a specification. As running high-fidelity simulations is computationally demanding, the goal of falsification approaches is to minimize the simulation effort (NN inference queries) needed to return a falsifying example. This often proves to be a great challenge, especially when the tested controller is well-trained. This work contributes a novel falsification approach for autonomous systems under formal specification operating in uncertain environments. We are especially interested in CPS operating in rich, semantically-defined, open environments, which yield high-dimensional, simulation-dependent sensor observations. Our approach introduces a novel reformulation of the falsification problem as the problem of planning a trajectory for a ``meta-system,'' which wraps and encapsulates the examined system; we call this approach: meta-planning. This formulation can be solved with standard sampling-based motion-planning techniques (like RRT) and can gradually integrate domain knowledge to improve the search. We support the suggested approach with an experimental study on falsification of an obstacle-avoiding autonomous car with a NN controller, where meta-planning demonstrates superior performance over alternative approaches.
Abstract:Improving the performance of motion planning algorithms for high-degree-of-freedom robots usually requires reducing the cost or frequency of computationally expensive operations. Traditionally, and especially for asymptotically optimal sampling-based motion planners, the most expensive operations are local motion validation and querying the nearest neighbours of a configuration. Recent advances have significantly reduced the cost of motion validation by using single instruction/multiple data (SIMD) parallelism to improve solution times for satisficing motion planning problems. These advances have not yet been applied to asymptotically optimal motion planning. This paper presents Fully Connected Informed Trees (FCIT*), the first fully connected, informed, anytime almost-surely asymptotically optimal (ASAO) algorithm. FCIT* exploits the radically reduced cost of edge evaluation via SIMD parallelism to build and search fully connected graphs. This removes the need for nearest-neighbours structures, which are a dominant cost for many sampling-based motion planners, and allows it to find initial solutions faster than state-of-the-art ASAO (VAMP, OMPL) and satisficing (OMPL) algorithms on the MotionBenchMaker dataset while converging towards optimal plans in an anytime manner.
Abstract:Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) are a general and principled framework for motion planning under uncertainty. Despite tremendous improvement in the scalability of POMDP solvers, long-horizon POMDPs (e.g., $\geq15$ steps) remain difficult to solve. This paper proposes a new approximate online POMDP solver, called Reference-Based Online POMDP Planning via Rapid State Space Sampling (ROP-RaS3). ROP-RaS3 uses novel extremely fast sampling-based motion planning techniques to sample the state space and generate a diverse set of macro actions online which are then used to bias belief-space sampling and infer high-quality policies without requiring exhaustive enumeration of the action space -- a fundamental constraint for modern online POMDP solvers. ROP-RaS3 is evaluated on various long-horizon POMDPs, including on a problem with a planning horizon of more than 100 steps and a problem with a 15-dimensional state space that requires more than 20 look ahead steps. In all of these problems, ROP-RaS3 substantially outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by up to multiple folds.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable ability in long-horizon Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) by translating clear and straightforward natural language problems into formal specifications such as the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL). However, real-world problems are often ambiguous and involve many complex constraints. In this paper, we introduce Constraints as Specifications through LLMs (CaStL), a framework that identifies constraints such as goal conditions, action ordering, and action blocking from natural language in multiple stages. CaStL translates these constraints into PDDL and Python scripts, which are solved using an custom PDDL solver. Tested across three PDDL domains, CaStL significantly improves constraint handling and planning success rates from natural language specification in complex scenarios.
Abstract:Multi-Robot Task Planning (MR-TP) is the search for a discrete-action plan a team of robots should take to complete a task. The complexity of such problems scales exponentially with the number of robots and task complexity, making them challenging for online solution. To accelerate MR-TP over a system's lifetime, this work looks at combining two recent advances: (i) Decomposable State Space Hypergraph (DaSH), a novel hypergraph-based framework to efficiently model and solve MR-TP problems; and \mbox{(ii) learning-by-abstraction,} a technique that enables automatic extraction of generalizable planning strategies from individual planning experiences for later reuse. Specifically, we wish to extend this strategy-learning technique, originally designed for single-robot planning, to benefit multi-robot planning using hypergraph-based MR-TP.
Abstract:Task and motion planning represents a powerful set of hybrid planning methods that combine reasoning over discrete task domains and continuous motion generation. Traditional reasoning necessitates task domain models and enough information to ground actions to motion planning queries. Gaps in this knowledge often arise from sources like occlusion or imprecise modeling. This work generates task and motion plans that include actions cannot be fully grounded at planning time. During execution, such an action is handled by a provided human-designed or learned closed-loop behavior. Execution combines offline planned motions and online behaviors till reaching the task goal. Failures of behaviors are fed back as constraints to find new plans. Forty real-robot trials and motivating demonstrations are performed to evaluate the proposed framework and compare against state-of-the-art. Results show faster execution time, less number of actions, and more success in problems where diverse gaps arise. The experiment data is shared for researchers to simulate these settings. The work shows promise in expanding the applicable class of realistic partially grounded problems that robots can address.
Abstract:Motion planning against sensor data is often a critical bottleneck in real-time robot control. For sampling-based motion planners, which are effective for high-dimensional systems such as manipulators, the most time-intensive component is collision checking. We present a novel spatial data structure, the collision-affording point tree (CAPT): an exact representation of point clouds that accelerates collision-checking queries between robots and point clouds by an order of magnitude, with an average query time of less than 10 nanoseconds on 3D scenes comprising thousands of points. With the CAPT, sampling-based planners can generate valid, high-quality paths in under a millisecond, with total end-to-end computation time faster than 60 FPS, on a single thread of a consumer-grade CPU. We also present a point cloud filtering algorithm, based on space-filling curves, which reduces the number of points in a point cloud while preserving structure. Our approach enables robots to plan at real-time speeds in sensed environments, opening up potential uses of planning for high-dimensional systems in dynamic, changing, and unmodeled environments.
Abstract:As robots become more prevalent, the complexity of robot-robot, robot-human, and robot-environment interactions increases. In these interactions, a robot needs to consider not only the effects of its own actions, but also the effects of other agents' actions and the possible interactions between agents. Previous works have considered reactive synthesis, where the human/environment is modeled as a deterministic, adversarial agent; as well as probabilistic synthesis, where the human/environment is modeled via a Markov chain. While they provide strong theoretical frameworks, there are still many aspects of human-robot interaction that cannot be fully expressed and many assumptions that must be made in each model. In this work, we propose stochastic games as a general model for human-robot interaction, which subsumes the expressivity of all previous representations. In addition, it allows us to make fewer modeling assumptions and leads to more natural and powerful models of interaction. We introduce the semantics of this abstraction and show how existing tools can be utilized to synthesize strategies to achieve complex tasks with guarantees. Further, we discuss the current computational limitations and improve the scalability by two orders of magnitude by a new way of constructing models for PRISM-games.
Abstract:Motion planning under sensing uncertainty is critical for robots in unstructured environments to guarantee safety for both the robot and any nearby humans. Most work on planning under uncertainty does not scale to high-dimensional robots such as manipulators, assumes simplified geometry of the robot or environment, or requires per-object knowledge of noise. Instead, we propose a method that directly models sensor-specific aleatoric uncertainty to find safe motions for high-dimensional systems in complex environments, without exact knowledge of environment geometry. We combine a novel implicit neural model of stochastic signed distance functions with a hierarchical optimization-based motion planner to plan low-risk motions without sacrificing path quality. Our method also explicitly bounds the risk of the path, offering trustworthiness. We empirically validate that our method produces safe motions and accurate risk bounds and is safer than baseline approaches.
Abstract:Modern sampling-based motion planning algorithms typically take between hundreds of milliseconds to dozens of seconds to find collision-free motions for high degree-of-freedom problems. This paper presents performance improvements of more than 500x over the state-of-the-art, bringing planning times into the range of microseconds and solution rates into the range of kilohertz, without specialized hardware. Our key insight is how to exploit fine-grained parallelism within sampling-based planners, providing generality-preserving algorithmic improvements to any such planner and significantly accelerating critical subroutines, such as forward kinematics and collision checking. We demonstrate our approach over a diverse set of challenging, realistic problems for complex robots ranging from 7 to 14 degrees-of-freedom. Moreover, we show that our approach does not require high-power hardware by also evaluating on a low-power single-board computer. The planning speeds demonstrated are fast enough to reside in the range of control frequencies and open up new avenues of motion planning research.