Abstract:Generalized few-shot semantic segmentation (GFSS) aims to segment objects of both base and novel classes, using sufficient samples of base classes and few samples of novel classes. Representative GFSS approaches typically employ a two-phase training scheme, involving base class pre-training followed by novel class fine-tuning, to learn the classifiers for base and novel classes respectively. Nevertheless, distribution gap exists between base and novel classes in this process. To narrow this gap, we exploit effective knowledge transfer from base to novel classes. First, a novel prototype modulation module is designed to modulate novel class prototypes by exploiting the correlations between base and novel classes. Second, a novel classifier calibration module is proposed to calibrate the weight distribution of the novel classifier according to that of the base classifier. Furthermore, existing GFSS approaches suffer from a lack of contextual information for novel classes due to their limited samples, we thereby introduce a context consistency learning scheme to transfer the contextual knowledge from base to novel classes. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5$^i$ and COCO-20$^i$ demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances the state of the art in the GFSS setting. The code is available at: https://github.com/HHHHedy/GFSS-EKT.
Abstract:Visual neural decoding refers to the process of extracting and interpreting original visual experiences from human brain activity. Recent advances in metric learning-based EEG visual decoding methods have delivered promising results and demonstrated the feasibility of decoding novel visual categories from brain activity. However, methods that directly map EEG features to the CLIP embedding space may introduce mapping bias and cause semantic inconsistency among features, thereby degrading alignment and impairing decoding performance. To further explore the semantic consistency between visual and neural signals. In this work, we construct a joint semantic space and propose a Visual-EEG Semantic Decouple Framework that explicitly extracts the semantic-related features of these two modalities to facilitate optimal alignment. Specifically, a cross-modal information decoupling module is introduced to guide the extraction of semantic-related information from modalities. Then, by quantifying the mutual information between visual image and EEG features, we observe a strong positive correlation between the decoding performance and the magnitude of mutual information. Furthermore, inspired by the mechanisms of visual object understanding from neuroscience, we propose an intra-class geometric consistency approach during the alignment process. This strategy maps visual samples within the same class to consistent neural patterns, which further enhances the robustness and the performance of EEG visual decoding. Experiments on a large Image-EEG dataset show that our method achieves state-of-the-art results in zero-shot neural decoding tasks.
Abstract:3D point cloud segmentation has received significant interest for its growing applications. However, the generalization ability of models suffers in dynamic scenarios due to the distribution shift between test and training data. To promote robustness and adaptability across diverse scenarios, test-time adaptation (TTA) has recently been introduced. Nevertheless, most existing TTA methods are developed for images, and limited approaches applicable to point clouds ignore the inherent hierarchical geometric structures in point cloud streams, i.e., local (point-level), global (object-level), and temporal (frame-level) structures. In this paper, we delve into TTA in 3D point cloud segmentation and propose a novel Hierarchical Geometry Learning (HGL) framework. HGL comprises three complementary modules from local, global to temporal learning in a bottom-up manner.Technically, we first construct a local geometry learning module for pseudo-label generation. Next, we build prototypes from the global geometry perspective for pseudo-label fine-tuning. Furthermore, we introduce a temporal consistency regularization module to mitigate negative transfer. Extensive experiments on four datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our HGL. Remarkably, on the SynLiDAR to SemanticKITTI task, HGL achieves an overall mIoU of 46.91\%, improving GIPSO by 3.0\% and significantly reducing the required adaptation time by 80\%. The code is available at https://github.com/tpzou/HGL.
Abstract:With the widespread application of deep learning technology in medical image analysis, how to effectively explain model decisions and improve diagnosis accuracy has become an urgent problem that needs to be solved. Attribution methods have become a key tool to help doctors better understand the diagnostic basis of models, and they are used to explain and localize diseases in medical images. However, previous methods suffer from inaccurate and incomplete localization problems for fundus diseases with complex and diverse structures. In order to solve the above problems, we propose a weakly supervised interpretable fundus disease localization method hierarchical salient patch identification (HSPI), which can achieve interpretable disease localization using only image-level labels and neural network classifiers. First, we proposed salient patch identification (SPI), which divides the image into several patches and optimizes consistency loss to identify which patch in the input image is most important for decision-making to locate the disease. Secondly, we propose a hierarchical identification strategy to force SPI to analyze the importance of different areas to neural network classifiers decision-making to comprehensively locate disease areas. Then, we introduced conditional peak focusing to ensure that the mask vector can accurately locate the decision area. Finally, we also propose patch selection based on multi-size intersection to filter out incorrectly or additionally identified non-disease regions. We conduct disease localization experiments on medical image datasets and achieve the best performance on multiple evaluation metrics compared with previous interpretable attribution methods. We performed additional ablation studies to verify the effectiveness of each method.
Abstract:Deep learning has achieved remarkable progress in various applications, heightening the importance of safeguarding the intellectual property (IP) of well-trained models. It entails not only authorizing usage but also ensuring the deployment of models in authorized data domains, i.e., making models exclusive to certain target domains. Previous methods necessitate concurrent access to source training data and target unauthorized data when performing IP protection, making them risky and inefficient for decentralized private data. In this paper, we target a practical setting where only a well-trained source model is available and investigate how we can realize IP protection. To achieve this, we propose a novel MAsk Pruning (MAP) framework. MAP stems from an intuitive hypothesis, i.e., there are target-related parameters in a well-trained model, locating and pruning them is the key to IP protection. Technically, MAP freezes the source model and learns a target-specific binary mask to prevent unauthorized data usage while minimizing performance degradation on authorized data. Moreover, we introduce a new metric aimed at achieving a better balance between source and target performance degradation. To verify the effectiveness and versatility, we have evaluated MAP in a variety of scenarios, including vanilla source-available, practical source-free, and challenging data-free. Extensive experiments indicate that MAP yields new state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Universal Domain Adaptation (UniDA) targets knowledge transfer in the presence of both covariate and label shifts. Recently, Source-free Universal Domain Adaptation (SF-UniDA) has emerged to achieve UniDA without access to source data, which tends to be more practical due to data protection policies. The main challenge lies in determining whether covariate-shifted samples belong to target-private unknown categories. Existing methods tackle this either through hand-crafted thresholding or by developing time-consuming iterative clustering strategies. In this paper, we propose a new idea of LEArning Decomposition (LEAD), which decouples features into source-known and -unknown components to identify target-private data. Technically, LEAD initially leverages the orthogonal decomposition analysis for feature decomposition. Then, LEAD builds instance-level decision boundaries to adaptively identify target-private data. Extensive experiments across various UniDA scenarios have demonstrated the effectiveness and superiority of LEAD. Notably, in the OPDA scenario on VisDA dataset, LEAD outperforms GLC by 3.5% overall H-score and reduces 75% time to derive pseudo-labeling decision boundaries. Besides, LEAD is also appealing in that it is complementary to most existing methods. The code is available at https://github.com/ispc-lab/LEAD.
Abstract:The process of estimating and counting tree density using only a single aerial or satellite image is a difficult task in the fields of photogrammetry and remote sensing. However, it plays a crucial role in the management of forests. The huge variety of trees in varied topography severely hinders tree counting models to perform well. The purpose of this paper is to propose a framework that is learnt from the source domain with sufficient labeled trees and is adapted to the target domain with only a limited number of labeled trees. Our method, termed as AdaTreeFormer, contains one shared encoder with a hierarchical feature extraction scheme to extract robust features from the source and target domains. It also consists of three subnets: two for extracting self-domain attention maps from source and target domains respectively and one for extracting cross-domain attention maps. For the latter, an attention-to-adapt mechanism is introduced to distill relevant information from different domains while generating tree density maps; a hierarchical cross-domain feature alignment scheme is proposed that progressively aligns the features from the source and target domains. We also adopt adversarial learning into the framework to further reduce the gap between source and target domains. Our AdaTreeFormer is evaluated on six designed domain adaptation tasks using three tree counting datasets, ie Jiangsu, Yosemite, and London; and outperforms the state of the art methods significantly.
Abstract:Interpretable deep learning models have received widespread attention in the field of image recognition. Due to the unique multi-instance learning of medical images and the difficulty in identifying decision-making regions, many interpretability models that have been proposed still have problems of insufficient accuracy and interpretability in medical image disease diagnosis. To solve these problems, we propose feature-driven inference network (FeaInfNet). Our first key innovation involves proposing a feature-based network reasoning structure, which is applied to FeaInfNet. The network of this structure compares the similarity of each sub-region image patch with the disease templates and normal templates that may appear in the region, and finally combines the comparison of each sub-region to make the final diagnosis. It simulates the diagnosis process of doctors to make the model interpretable in the reasoning process, while avoiding the misleading caused by the participation of normal areas in reasoning. Secondly, we propose local feature masks (LFM) to extract feature vectors in order to provide global information for these vectors, thus enhancing the expressive ability of the FeaInfNet. Finally, we propose adaptive dynamic masks (Adaptive-DM) to interpret feature vectors and prototypes into human-understandable image patches to provide accurate visual interpretation. We conducted qualitative and quantitative experiments on multiple publicly available medical datasets, including RSNA, iChallenge-PM, Covid-19, ChinaCXRSet, and MontgomerySet. The results of our experiments validate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of classification accuracy and interpretability compared to baseline methods in medical image diagnosis. Additional ablation studies verify the effectiveness of each of our proposed components.
Abstract:Knowledge graphs (KGs), containing many entity-relation-entity triples, provide rich information for downstream applications. Although extracting triples from unstructured texts has been widely explored, most of them require a large number of labeled instances. The performance will drop dramatically when only few labeled data are available. To tackle this problem, we propose the Mutually Guided Few-shot learning framework for Relational Triple Extraction (MG-FTE). Specifically, our method consists of an entity-guided relation proto-decoder to classify the relations firstly and a relation-guided entity proto-decoder to extract entities based on the classified relations. To draw the connection between entity and relation, we design a proto-level fusion module to boost the performance of both entity extraction and relation classification. Moreover, a new cross-domain few-shot triple extraction task is introduced. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms many state-of-the-art methods by 12.6 F1 score on FewRel 1.0 (single-domain) and 20.5 F1 score on FewRel 2.0 (cross-domain).
Abstract:Saliency methods generating visual explanatory maps representing the importance of image pixels for model classification is a popular technique for explaining neural network decisions. Hierarchical dynamic masks (HDM), a novel explanatory maps generation method, is proposed in this paper to enhance the granularity and comprehensiveness of saliency maps. First, we suggest the dynamic masks (DM), which enables multiple small-sized benchmark mask vectors to roughly learn the critical information in the image through an optimization method. Then the benchmark mask vectors guide the learning of large-sized auxiliary mask vectors so that their superimposed mask can accurately learn fine-grained pixel importance information and reduce the sensitivity to adversarial perturbations. In addition, we construct the HDM by concatenating DM modules. These DM modules are used to find and fuse the regions of interest in the remaining neural network classification decisions in the mask image in a learning-based way. Since HDM forces DM to perform importance analysis in different areas, it makes the fused saliency map more comprehensive. The proposed method outperformed previous approaches significantly in terms of recognition and localization capabilities when tested on natural and medical datasets.