Abstract:While neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance across various tasks, accurately quantifying uncertainty in their predictions is essential to ensure their trustworthiness and enable widespread adoption in critical systems. Several Bayesian uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods exist that are either cheap or reliable, but not both. We propose a post-hoc, sampling-based UQ method for over-parameterized networks at the end of training. Our approach constructs efficient and meaningful deep ensembles by employing a (stochastic) gradient-descent sampling process on appropriately linearized networks. We demonstrate that our method effectively approximates the posterior of a Gaussian process using the empirical Neural Tangent Kernel. Through a series of numerical experiments, we show that our method not only outperforms competing approaches in computational efficiency (often reducing costs by multiple factors) but also maintains state-of-the-art performance across a variety of UQ metrics for both regression and classification tasks.
Abstract:Knowledge distillation approaches are model compression techniques, with the goal of training a highly performant student model by using a teacher network that is larger or contains a different inductive bias. These approaches are particularly useful when applied to large computer vision foundation models, which can be compressed into smaller variants that retain desirable properties such as improved robustness. This paper presents a label-free knowledge distillation approach called Teacher in the Middle (TinTeM), which improves on previous methods by learning an approximately orthogonal mapping from the latent space of the teacher to the student network. This produces a more faithful student, which better replicates the behavior of the teacher network across a range of benchmarks testing model robustness, generalisability and out-of-distribution detection. It is further shown that knowledge distillation with TinTeM on task specific datasets leads to more accurate models with greater generalisability and OOD detection performance, and that this technique provides a competitive pathway for training highly performant lightweight models on small datasets.
Abstract:As performance gains through scaling data and/or model size experience diminishing returns, it is becoming increasingly popular to turn to ensembling, where the predictions of multiple models are combined to improve accuracy. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of how the disagreement and the polarization (a notion we introduce and define in this paper) among classifiers relate to the performance gain achieved by aggregating individual classifiers, for majority vote strategies in classification tasks. We address these questions in the following ways. (1) An upper bound for polarization is derived, and we propose what we call a neural polarization law: most interpolating neural network models are 4/3-polarized. Our empirical results not only support this conjecture but also show that polarization is nearly constant for a dataset, regardless of hyperparameters or architectures of classifiers. (2) The error of the majority vote classifier is considered under restricted entropy conditions, and we present a tight upper bound that indicates that the disagreement is linearly correlated with the target, and that the slope is linear in the polarization. (3) We prove results for the asymptotic behavior of the disagreement in terms of the number of classifiers, which we show can help in predicting the performance for a larger number of classifiers from that of a smaller number. Our theories and claims are supported by empirical results on several image classification tasks with various types of neural networks.
Abstract:The Cold Posterior Effect (CPE) is a phenomenon in Bayesian Deep Learning (BDL), where tempering the posterior to a cold temperature often improves the predictive performance of the posterior predictive distribution (PPD). Although the term `CPE' suggests colder temperatures are inherently better, the BDL community increasingly recognizes that this is not always the case. Despite this, there remains no systematic method for finding the optimal temperature beyond grid search. In this work, we propose a data-driven approach to select the temperature that maximizes test log-predictive density, treating the temperature as a model parameter and estimating it directly from the data. We empirically demonstrate that our method performs comparably to grid search, at a fraction of the cost, across both regression and classification tasks. Finally, we highlight the differing perspectives on CPE between the BDL and Generalized Bayes communities: while the former primarily focuses on predictive performance of the PPD, the latter emphasizes calibrated uncertainty and robustness to model misspecification; these distinct objectives lead to different temperature preferences.
Abstract:Deep learning is renowned for its theory-practice gap, whereby principled theory typically fails to provide much beneficial guidance for implementation in practice. This has been highlighted recently by the benign overfitting phenomenon: when neural networks become sufficiently large to interpolate the dataset perfectly, model performance appears to improve with increasing model size, in apparent contradiction with the well-known bias-variance tradeoff. While such phenomena have proven challenging to theoretically study for general models, the recently proposed Interpolating Information Criterion (IIC) provides a valuable theoretical framework to examine performance for overparameterized models. Using the IIC, a PAC-Bayes bound is obtained for a general class of models, characterizing factors which influence generalization performance in the interpolating regime. From the provided bound, we quantify how the test error for overparameterized models achieving effectively zero training error depends on the quality of the implicit regularization imposed by e.g. the combination of model, optimizer, and parameter-initialization scheme; the spectrum of the empirical neural tangent kernel; curvature of the loss landscape; and noise present in the data.
Abstract:The problem of model selection is considered for the setting of interpolating estimators, where the number of model parameters exceeds the size of the dataset. Classical information criteria typically consider the large-data limit, penalizing model size. However, these criteria are not appropriate in modern settings where overparameterized models tend to perform well. For any overparameterized model, we show that there exists a dual underparameterized model that possesses the same marginal likelihood, thus establishing a form of Bayesian duality. This enables more classical methods to be used in the overparameterized setting, revealing the Interpolating Information Criterion, a measure of model quality that naturally incorporates the choice of prior into the model selection. Our new information criterion accounts for prior misspecification, geometric and spectral properties of the model, and is numerically consistent with known empirical and theoretical behavior in this regime.
Abstract:Algorithm- and data-dependent generalization bounds are required to explain the generalization behavior of modern machine learning algorithms. In this context, there exists information theoretic generalization bounds that involve (various forms of) mutual information, as well as bounds based on hypothesis set stability. We propose a conceptually related, but technically distinct complexity measure to control generalization error, which is the empirical Rademacher complexity of an algorithm- and data-dependent hypothesis class. Combining standard properties of Rademacher complexity with the convenient structure of this class, we are able to (i) obtain novel bounds based on the finite fractal dimension, which (a) extend previous fractal dimension-type bounds from continuous to finite hypothesis classes, and (b) avoid a mutual information term that was required in prior work; (ii) we greatly simplify the proof of a recent dimension-independent generalization bound for stochastic gradient descent; and (iii) we easily recover results for VC classes and compression schemes, similar to approaches based on conditional mutual information.
Abstract:Despite the successes of probabilistic models based on passing noise through neural networks, recent work has identified that such methods often fail to capture tail behavior accurately, unless the tails of the base distribution are appropriately calibrated. To overcome this deficiency, we propose a systematic approach for analyzing the tails of random variables, and we illustrate how this approach can be used during the static analysis (before drawing samples) pass of a probabilistic programming language compiler. To characterize how the tails change under various operations, we develop an algebra which acts on a three-parameter family of tail asymptotics and which is based on the generalized Gamma distribution. Our algebraic operations are closed under addition and multiplication; they are capable of distinguishing sub-Gaussians with differing scales; and they handle ratios sufficiently well to reproduce the tails of most important statistical distributions directly from their definitions. Our empirical results confirm that inference algorithms that leverage our heavy-tailed algebra attain superior performance across a number of density modeling and variational inference tasks.
Abstract:Ensembling has a long history in statistical data analysis, with many impactful applications. However, in many modern machine learning settings, the benefits of ensembling are less ubiquitous and less obvious. We study, both theoretically and empirically, the fundamental question of when ensembling yields significant performance improvements in classification tasks. Theoretically, we prove new results relating the \emph{ensemble improvement rate} (a measure of how much ensembling decreases the error rate versus a single model, on a relative scale) to the \emph{disagreement-error ratio}. We show that ensembling improves performance significantly whenever the disagreement rate is large relative to the average error rate; and that, conversely, one classifier is often enough whenever the disagreement rate is low relative to the average error rate. On the way to proving these results, we derive, under a mild condition called \emph{competence}, improved upper and lower bounds on the average test error rate of the majority vote classifier. To complement this theory, we study ensembling empirically in a variety of settings, verifying the predictions made by our theory, and identifying practical scenarios where ensembling does and does not result in large performance improvements. Perhaps most notably, we demonstrate a distinct difference in behavior between interpolating models (popular in current practice) and non-interpolating models (such as tree-based methods, where ensembling is popular), demonstrating that ensembling helps considerably more in the latter case than in the former.
Abstract:The quality of many modern machine learning models improves as model complexity increases, an effect that has been quantified, for predictive performance, with the non-monotonic double descent learning curve. Here, we address the overarching question: is there an analogous theory of double descent for models which estimate uncertainty? We provide a partially affirmative and partially negative answer in the setting of Gaussian processes (GP). Under standard assumptions, we prove that higher model quality for optimally-tuned GPs (including uncertainty prediction) under marginal likelihood is realized for larger input dimensions, and therefore exhibits a monotone error curve. After showing that marginal likelihood does not naturally exhibit double descent in the input dimension, we highlight related forms of posterior predictive loss that do exhibit non-monotonicity. Finally, we verify empirically that our results hold for real data, beyond our considered assumptions, and we explore consequences involving synthetic covariates.