Abstract:The role of reinforcement learning (RL) in enhancing the reasoning of large language models (LLMs) is becoming increasingly significant. Despite the success of RL in many scenarios, there are still many challenges in improving the reasoning of LLMs. One challenge is the sparse reward, which makes optimization difficult for RL and necessitates a large amount of data samples. Another challenge stems from the inherent instability of RL, particularly when using Actor-Critic (AC) methods to derive optimal policies, which often leads to unstable training processes. To address these issues, we introduce Direct Advantage Policy Optimization (DAPO), an novel step-level offline RL algorithm. Unlike standard alignment that rely solely outcome rewards to optimize policies (such as DPO), DAPO employs a critic function to predict the reasoning accuracy at each step, thereby generating dense signals to refine the generation strategy. Additionally, the Actor and Critic components in DAPO are trained independently, avoiding the co-training instability observed in standard AC algorithms like PPO. We train DAPO on mathematical and code query datasets and then evaluate its performance on multiple benchmarks. Our results show that DAPO can effectively enhance the mathematical and code capabilities on both SFT models and RL models, demonstrating the effectiveness of DAPO.
Abstract:In this report, we introduce a collection of methods to enhance reward modeling for LLMs, focusing specifically on data-centric techniques. We propose effective data selection and filtering strategies for curating high-quality open-source preference datasets, culminating in the Skywork-Reward data collection, which contains only 80K preference pairs -- significantly smaller than existing datasets. Using this curated dataset, we developed the Skywork-Reward model series -- Skywork-Reward-Gemma-27B and Skywork-Reward-Llama-3.1-8B -- with the former currently holding the top position on the RewardBench leaderboard. Notably, our techniques and datasets have directly enhanced the performance of many top-ranked models on RewardBench, highlighting the practical impact of our contributions in real-world preference learning applications.
Abstract:Projected policy gradient under the simplex parameterization, policy gradient and natural policy gradient under the softmax parameterization, are fundamental algorithms in reinforcement learning. There have been a flurry of recent activities in studying these algorithms from the theoretical aspect. Despite this, their convergence behavior is still not fully understood, even given the access to exact policy evaluations. In this paper, we focus on the discounted MDP setting and conduct a systematic study of the aforementioned policy optimization methods. Several novel results are presented, including 1) global linear convergence of projected policy gradient for any constant step size, 2) sublinear convergence of softmax policy gradient for any constant step size, 3) global linear convergence of softmax natural policy gradient for any constant step size, 4) global linear convergence of entropy regularized softmax policy gradient for a wider range of constant step sizes than existing result, 5) tight local linear convergence rate of entropy regularized natural policy gradient, and 6) a new and concise local quadratic convergence rate of soft policy iteration without the assumption on the stationary distribution under the optimal policy. New and elementary analysis techniques have been developed to establish these results.
Abstract:The convergence of deterministic policy gradient under the Hadamard parametrization is studied in the tabular setting and the global linear convergence of the algorithm is established. To this end, we first show that the error decreases at an $O(\frac{1}{k})$ rate for all the iterations. Based on this result, we further show that the algorithm has a faster local linear convergence rate after $k_0$ iterations, where $k_0$ is a constant that only depends on the MDP problem and the step size. Overall, the algorithm displays a linear convergence rate for all the iterations with a loose constant than that for the local linear convergence rate.