Abstract:Deep learning has recently enabled the decoding of language from the neural activity of a few participants with electrodes implanted inside their brain. However, reliably decoding words from non-invasive recordings remains an open challenge. To tackle this issue, we introduce a novel deep learning pipeline to decode individual words from non-invasive electro- (EEG) and magneto-encephalography (MEG) signals. We train and evaluate our approach on an unprecedentedly large number of participants (723) exposed to five million words either written or spoken in English, French or Dutch. Our model outperforms existing methods consistently across participants, devices, languages, and tasks, and can decode words absent from the training set. Our analyses highlight the importance of the recording device and experimental protocol: MEG and reading are easier to decode than EEG and listening, respectively, and it is preferable to collect a large amount of data per participant than to repeat stimuli across a large number of participants. Furthermore, decoding performance consistently increases with the amount of (i) data used for training and (ii) data used for averaging during testing. Finally, single-word predictions show that our model effectively relies on word semantics but also captures syntactic and surface properties such as part-of-speech, word length and even individual letters, especially in the reading condition. Overall, our findings delineate the path and remaining challenges towards building non-invasive brain decoders for natural language.
Abstract:Originally formalized with symbolic representations, syntactic trees may also be effectively represented in the activations of large language models (LLMs). Indeed, a 'Structural Probe' can find a subspace of neural activations, where syntactically related words are relatively close to one-another. However, this syntactic code remains incomplete: the distance between the Structural Probe word embeddings can represent the existence but not the type and direction of syntactic relations. Here, we hypothesize that syntactic relations are, in fact, coded by the relative direction between nearby embeddings. To test this hypothesis, we introduce a 'Polar Probe' trained to read syntactic relations from both the distance and the direction between word embeddings. Our approach reveals three main findings. First, our Polar Probe successfully recovers the type and direction of syntactic relations, and substantially outperforms the Structural Probe by nearly two folds. Second, we confirm that this polar coordinate system exists in a low-dimensional subspace of the intermediate layers of many LLMs and becomes increasingly precise in the latest frontier models. Third, we demonstrate with a new benchmark that similar syntactic relations are coded similarly across the nested levels of syntactic trees. Overall, this work shows that LLMs spontaneously learn a geometry of neural activations that explicitly represents the main symbolic structures of linguistic theory.
Abstract:Deep learning is leading to major advances in the realm of brain decoding from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). However, the large inter-subject variability in brain characteristics has limited most studies to train models on one subject at a time. Consequently, this approach hampers the training of deep learning models, which typically requires very large datasets. Here, we propose to boost brain decoding by aligning brain responses to videos and static images across subjects. Compared to the anatomically-aligned baseline, our method improves out-of-subject decoding performance by up to 75%. Moreover, it also outperforms classical single-subject approaches when fewer than 100 minutes of data is available for the tested subject. Furthermore, we propose a new multi-subject alignment method, which obtains comparable results to that of classical single-subject approaches while improving out-of-subject generalization. Finally, we show that this method aligns neural representations in accordance with brain anatomy. Overall, this study lays the foundations for leveraging extensive neuroimaging datasets and enhancing the decoding of individuals with a limited amount of brain recordings.
Abstract:In the past five years, the use of generative and foundational AI systems has greatly improved the decoding of brain activity. Visual perception, in particular, can now be decoded from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) with remarkable fidelity. This neuroimaging technique, however, suffers from a limited temporal resolution ($\approx$0.5 Hz) and thus fundamentally constrains its real-time usage. Here, we propose an alternative approach based on magnetoencephalography (MEG), a neuroimaging device capable of measuring brain activity with high temporal resolution ($\approx$5,000 Hz). For this, we develop an MEG decoding model trained with both contrastive and regression objectives and consisting of three modules: i) pretrained embeddings obtained from the image, ii) an MEG module trained end-to-end and iii) a pretrained image generator. Our results are threefold: Firstly, our MEG decoder shows a 7X improvement of image-retrieval over classic linear decoders. Second, late brain responses to images are best decoded with DINOv2, a recent foundational image model. Third, image retrievals and generations both suggest that MEG signals primarily contain high-level visual features, whereas the same approach applied to 7T fMRI also recovers low-level features. Overall, these results provide an important step towards the decoding - in real time - of the visual processes continuously unfolding within the human brain.
Abstract:During language acquisition, children follow a typical sequence of learning stages, whereby they first learn to categorize phonemes before they develop their lexicon and eventually master increasingly complex syntactic structures. However, the computational principles that lead to this learning trajectory remain largely unknown. To investigate this, we here compare the learning trajectories of deep language models to those of children. Specifically, we test whether, during its training, GPT-2 exhibits stages of language acquisition comparable to those observed in children aged between 18 months and 6 years. For this, we train 48 GPT-2 models from scratch and evaluate their syntactic and semantic abilities at each training step, using 96 probes curated from the BLiMP, Zorro and BIG-Bench benchmarks. We then compare these evaluations with the behavior of 54 children during language production. Our analyses reveal three main findings. First, similarly to children, the language models tend to learn linguistic skills in a systematic order. Second, this learning scheme is parallel: the language tasks that are learned last improve from the very first training steps. Third, some - but not all - learning stages are shared between children and these language models. Overall, these results shed new light on the principles of language acquisition, and highlight important divergences in how humans and modern algorithms learn to process natural language.
Abstract:Decoding language from brain activity is a long-awaited goal in both healthcare and neuroscience. Major milestones have recently been reached thanks to intracranial devices: subject-specific pipelines trained on invasive brain responses to basic language tasks now start to efficiently decode interpretable features (e.g. letters, words, spectrograms). However, scaling this approach to natural speech and non-invasive brain recordings remains a major challenge. Here, we propose a single end-to-end architecture trained with contrastive learning across a large cohort of individuals to predict self-supervised representations of natural speech. We evaluate our model on four public datasets, encompassing 169 volunteers recorded with magneto- or electro-encephalography (M/EEG), while they listened to natural speech. The results show that our model can identify, from 3s of MEG signals, the corresponding speech segment with up to 72.5% top-10 accuracy out of 1,594 distinct segments (and 44% top-1 accuracy), and up to 19.1% out of 2,604 segments for EEG recordings -- hence allowing the decoding of phrases absent from the training set. Model comparison and ablation analyses show that these performances directly benefit from our original design choices, namely the use of (i) a contrastive objective, (ii) pretrained representations of speech and (iii) a common convolutional architecture simultaneously trained across several participants. Together, these results delineate a promising path to decode natural language processing in real time from non-invasive recordings of brain activity.
Abstract:Over the last decade, numerous studies have shown that deep neural networks exhibit sensory representations similar to those of the mammalian brain, in that their activations linearly map onto cortical responses to the same sensory inputs. However, it remains unknown whether these artificial networks also learn like the brain. To address this issue, we analyze the brain responses of two ferret auditory cortices recorded with functional UltraSound imaging (fUS), while the animals were presented with 320 10\,s sounds. We compare these brain responses to the activations of Wav2vec 2.0, a self-supervised neural network pretrained with 960\,h of speech, and input with the same 320 sounds. Critically, we evaluate Wav2vec 2.0 under two distinct modes: (i) "Pretrained", where the same model is used for all sounds, and (ii) "Continuous Update", where the weights of the pretrained model are modified with back-propagation after every sound, presented in the same order as the ferrets. Our results show that the Continuous-Update mode leads Wav2Vec 2.0 to generate activations that are more similar to the brain than a Pretrained Wav2Vec 2.0 or than other control models using different training modes. These results suggest that the trial-by-trial modifications of self-supervised algorithms induced by back-propagation aligns with the corresponding fluctuations of cortical responses to sounds. Our finding thus provides empirical evidence of a common learning mechanism between self-supervised models and the mammalian cortex during sound processing.
Abstract:A popular approach to decompose the neural bases of language consists in correlating, across individuals, the brain responses to different stimuli (e.g. regular speech versus scrambled words, sentences, or paragraphs). Although successful, this `model-free' approach necessitates the acquisition of a large and costly set of neuroimaging data. Here, we show that a model-based approach can reach equivalent results within subjects exposed to natural stimuli. We capitalize on the recently-discovered similarities between deep language models and the human brain to compute the mapping between i) the brain responses to regular speech and ii) the activations of deep language models elicited by modified stimuli (e.g. scrambled words, sentences, or paragraphs). Our model-based approach successfully replicates the seminal study of Lerner et al. (2011), which revealed the hierarchy of language areas by comparing the functional-magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of seven subjects listening to 7min of both regular and scrambled narratives. We further extend and precise these results to the brain signals of 305 individuals listening to 4.1 hours of narrated stories. Overall, this study paves the way for efficient and flexible analyses of the brain bases of language.
Abstract:One of the fundamental principles of contemporary linguistics states that language processing requires the ability to extract recursively nested tree structures. However, it remains unclear whether and how this code could be implemented in neural circuits. Recent advances in Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), which achieve near-human performance in some language tasks, provide a compelling model to address such questions. Here, we present a new framework to study recursive processing in RNNs, using subject-verb agreement as a probe into the representations of the neural network. We trained six distinct types of RNNs on a simplified probabilistic context-free grammar designed to independently manipulate the length of a sentence and the depth of its syntactic tree. All RNNs generalized to subject-verb dependencies longer than those seen during training. However, none systematically generalized to deeper tree structures, even those with a structural bias towards learning nested tree (i.e., stack-RNNs). In addition, our analyses revealed primacy and recency effects in the generalization patterns of LSTM-based models, showing that these models tend to perform well on the outer- and innermost parts of a center-embedded tree structure, but poorly on its middle levels. Finally, probing the internal states of the model during the processing of sentences with nested tree structures, we found a complex encoding of grammatical agreement information (e.g. grammatical number), in which all the information for multiple words nouns was carried by a single unit. Taken together, these results indicate how neural networks may extract bounded nested tree structures, without learning a systematic recursive rule.