Abstract:Much has been discussed about how Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs and Search Engines can be combined in a synergistic manner. A dimension largely absent from current academic discourse is the user perspective. In particular, there remain many open questions regarding how best to address the diverse information needs of users, incorporating varying facets and levels of difficulty. This paper introduces a taxonomy of user information needs, which guides us to study the pros, cons and possible synergies of Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs and Search Engines. From this study, we derive a roadmap for future research.
Abstract:This article presents the QUASAR system for question answering over unstructured text, structured tables, and knowledge graphs, with unified treatment of all sources. The system adopts a RAG-based architecture, with a pipeline of evidence retrieval followed by answer generation, with the latter powered by a moderate-sized language model. Additionally and uniquely, QUASAR has components for question understanding, to derive crisper input for evidence retrieval, and for re-ranking and filtering the retrieved evidence before feeding the most informative pieces into the answer generation. Experiments with three different benchmarks demonstrate the high answering quality of our approach, being on par with or better than large GPT models, while keeping the computational cost and energy consumption orders of magnitude lower.
Abstract:Methods for relation extraction from text mostly focus on high precision, at the cost of limited recall. High recall is crucial, though, to populate long lists of object entities that stand in a specific relation with a given subject. Cues for relevant objects can be spread across many passages in long texts. This poses the challenge of extracting long lists from long texts. We present the L3X method which tackles the problem in two stages: (1) recall-oriented generation using a large language model (LLM) with judicious techniques for retrieval augmentation, and (2) precision-oriented scrutinization to validate or prune candidates. Our L3X method outperforms LLM-only generations by a substantial margin.
Abstract:Temporal question answering (QA) involves time constraints, with phrases such as "... in 2019" or "... before COVID". In the former, time is an explicit condition, in the latter it is implicit. State-of-the-art methods have limitations along three dimensions. First, with neural inference, time constraints are merely soft-matched, giving room to invalid or inexplicable answers. Second, questions with implicit time are poorly supported. Third, answers come from a single source: either a knowledge base (KB) or a text corpus. We propose a temporal QA system that addresses these shortcomings. First, it enforces temporal constraints for faithful answering with tangible evidence. Second, it properly handles implicit questions. Third, it operates over heterogeneous sources, covering KB, text and web tables in a unified manner. The method has three stages: (i) understanding the question and its temporal conditions, (ii) retrieving evidence from all sources, and (iii) faithfully answering the question. As implicit questions are sparse in prior benchmarks, we introduce a principled method for generating diverse questions. Experiments show superior performance over a suite of baselines.
Abstract:Despite recent progress, large language models (LLMs) still face the challenge of appropriately reacting to the intricacies of social and cultural conventions. This paper presents MANGO, a methodology for distilling high-accuracy, high-recall assertions of cultural knowledge. We judiciously and iteratively prompt LLMs for this purpose from two entry points, concepts and cultures. Outputs are consolidated via clustering and generative summarization. Running the MANGO method with GPT-3.5 as underlying LLM yields 167K high-accuracy assertions for 30K concepts and 11K cultures, surpassing prior resources by a large margin. For extrinsic evaluation, we explore augmenting dialogue systems with cultural knowledge assertions. We find that adding knowledge from MANGO improves the overall quality, specificity, and cultural sensitivity of dialogue responses, as judged by human annotators. Data and code are available for download.
Abstract:Recommender systems are most successful for popular items and users with ample interactions (likes, ratings etc.). This work addresses the difficult and underexplored case of supporting users who have very sparse interactions but post informative review texts. Our experimental studies address two book communities with these characteristics. We design a framework with Transformer-based representation learning, covering user-item interactions, item content, and user-provided reviews. To overcome interaction sparseness, we devise techniques for selecting the most informative cues to construct concise user profiles. Comprehensive experiments, with datasets from Amazon and Goodreads, show that judicious selection of text snippets achieves the best performance, even in comparison to ChatGPT-generated user profiles.
Abstract:Structured knowledge bases (KBs) are an asset for search engines and other applications, but are inevitably incomplete. Language models (LMs) have been proposed for unsupervised knowledge base completion (KBC), yet, their ability to do this at scale and with high accuracy remains an open question. Prior experimental studies mostly fall short because they only evaluate on popular subjects, or sample already existing facts from KBs. In this work, we perform a careful evaluation of GPT's potential to complete the largest public KB: Wikidata. We find that, despite their size and capabilities, models like GPT-3, ChatGPT and GPT-4 do not achieve fully convincing results on this task. Nonetheless, they provide solid improvements over earlier approaches with smaller LMs. In particular, we show that, with proper thresholding, GPT-3 enables to extend Wikidata by 27M facts at 90% precision.
Abstract:Models for conversational question answering (ConvQA) over knowledge graphs (KGs) are usually trained and tested on benchmarks of gold QA pairs. This implies that training is limited to surface forms seen in the respective datasets, and evaluation is on a small set of held-out questions. Through our proposed framework REIGN, we take several steps to remedy this restricted learning setup. First, we systematically generate reformulations of training questions to increase robustness of models to surface form variations. This is a particularly challenging problem, given the incomplete nature of such questions. Second, we guide ConvQA models towards higher performance by feeding it only those reformulations that help improve their answering quality, using deep reinforcement learning. Third, we demonstrate the viability of training major model components on one benchmark and applying them zero-shot to another. Finally, for a rigorous evaluation of robustness for trained models, we use and release large numbers of diverse reformulations generated by prompting GPT for benchmark test sets (resulting in 20x increase in sizes). Our findings show that ConvQA models with robust training via reformulations, significantly outperform those with standard training from gold QA pairs only.
Abstract:The widespread usage of latent language representations via pre-trained language models (LMs) suggests that they are a promising source of structured knowledge. However, existing methods focus only on a single object per subject-relation pair, even though often multiple objects are correct. To overcome this limitation, we analyze these representations for their potential to yield materialized multi-object relational knowledge. We formulate the problem as a rank-then-select task. For ranking candidate objects, we evaluate existing prompting techniques and propose new ones incorporating domain knowledge. Among the selection methods, we find that choosing objects with a likelihood above a learned relation-specific threshold gives a 49.5% F1 score. Our results highlight the difficulty of employing LMs for the multi-valued slot-filling task and pave the way for further research on extracting relational knowledge from latent language representations.
Abstract:Despite their impressive scale, knowledge bases (KBs), such as Wikidata, still contain significant gaps. Language models (LMs) have been proposed as a source for filling these gaps. However, prior works have focused on prominent entities with rich coverage by LMs, neglecting the crucial case of long-tail entities. In this paper, we present a novel method for LM-based-KB completion that is specifically geared for facts about long-tail entities. The method leverages two different LMs in two stages: for candidate retrieval and for candidate verification and disambiguation. To evaluate our method and various baselines, we introduce a novel dataset, called MALT, rooted in Wikidata. Our method outperforms all baselines in F1, with major gains especially in recall.