Abstract:This article presents the QUASAR system for question answering over unstructured text, structured tables, and knowledge graphs, with unified treatment of all sources. The system adopts a RAG-based architecture, with a pipeline of evidence retrieval followed by answer generation, with the latter powered by a moderate-sized language model. Additionally and uniquely, QUASAR has components for question understanding, to derive crisper input for evidence retrieval, and for re-ranking and filtering the retrieved evidence before feeding the most informative pieces into the answer generation. Experiments with three different benchmarks demonstrate the high answering quality of our approach, being on par with or better than large GPT models, while keeping the computational cost and energy consumption orders of magnitude lower.
Abstract:Long-form question answering (LFQA) aims at generating in-depth answers to end-user questions, providing relevant information beyond the direct answer. However, existing retrievers are typically optimized towards information that directly targets the question, missing out on such contextual information. Furthermore, there is a lack of training data for relevant context. To this end, we propose and compare different weak supervision techniques to optimize retrieval for contextual information. Experiments demonstrate improvements on the end-to-end QA performance on ASQA, a dataset for long-form question answering. Importantly, as more contextual information is retrieved, we improve the relevant page recall for LFQA by 14.7% and the groundedness of generated long-form answers by 12.5%. Finally, we show that long-form answers often anticipate likely follow-up questions, via experiments on a conversational QA dataset.
Abstract:Temporal question answering (QA) involves time constraints, with phrases such as "... in 2019" or "... before COVID". In the former, time is an explicit condition, in the latter it is implicit. State-of-the-art methods have limitations along three dimensions. First, with neural inference, time constraints are merely soft-matched, giving room to invalid or inexplicable answers. Second, questions with implicit time are poorly supported. Third, answers come from a single source: either a knowledge base (KB) or a text corpus. We propose a temporal QA system that addresses these shortcomings. First, it enforces temporal constraints for faithful answering with tangible evidence. Second, it properly handles implicit questions. Third, it operates over heterogeneous sources, covering KB, text and web tables in a unified manner. The method has three stages: (i) understanding the question and its temporal conditions, (ii) retrieving evidence from all sources, and (iii) faithfully answering the question. As implicit questions are sparse in prior benchmarks, we introduce a principled method for generating diverse questions. Experiments show superior performance over a suite of baselines.
Abstract:Fact-centric question answering (QA) often requires access to multiple, heterogeneous, information sources. By jointly considering several sources like a knowledge base (KB), a text collection, and tables from the web, QA systems can enhance their answer coverage and confidence. However, existing QA benchmarks are mostly constructed with a single source of knowledge in mind. This limits capabilities of these benchmarks to fairly evaluate QA systems that can tap into more than one information repository. To bridge this gap, we release CompMix, a crowdsourced QA benchmark which naturally demands the integration of a mixture of input sources. CompMix has a total of 9,410 questions, and features several complex intents like joins and temporal conditions. Evaluation of a range of QA systems on CompMix highlights the need for further research on leveraging information from heterogeneous sources.
Abstract:In conversational question answering, users express their information needs through a series of utterances with incomplete context. Typical ConvQA methods rely on a single source (a knowledge base (KB), or a text corpus, or a set of tables), thus being unable to benefit from increased answer coverage and redundancy of multiple sources. Our method EXPLAIGNN overcomes these limitations by integrating information from a mixture of sources with user-comprehensible explanations for answers. It constructs a heterogeneous graph from entities and evidence snippets retrieved from a KB, a text corpus, web tables, and infoboxes. This large graph is then iteratively reduced via graph neural networks that incorporate question-level attention, until the best answers and their explanations are distilled. Experiments show that EXPLAIGNN improves performance over state-of-the-art baselines. A user study demonstrates that derived answers are understandable by end users.
Abstract:Conversational question answering (ConvQA) tackles sequential information needs where contexts in follow-up questions are left implicit. Current ConvQA systems operate over homogeneous sources of information: either a knowledge base (KB), or a text corpus, or a collection of tables. This paper addresses the novel issue of jointly tapping into all of these together, this way boosting answer coverage and confidence. We present CONVINSE, an end-to-end pipeline for ConvQA over heterogeneous sources, operating in three stages: i) learning an explicit structured representation of an incoming question and its conversational context, ii) harnessing this frame-like representation to uniformly capture relevant evidences from KB, text, and tables, and iii) running a fusion-in-decoder model to generate the answer. We construct and release the first benchmark, ConvMix, for ConvQA over heterogeneous sources, comprising 3000 real-user conversations with 16000 questions, along with entity annotations, completed question utterances, and question paraphrases. Experiments demonstrate the viability and advantages of our method, compared to state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:Answering complex questions over knowledge bases (KB-QA) faces huge input data with billions of facts, involving millions of entities and thousands of predicates. For efficiency, QA systems first reduce the answer search space by identifying a set of facts that is likely to contain all answers and relevant cues. The most common technique is to apply named entity disambiguation (NED) systems to the question, and retrieve KB facts for the disambiguated entities. This work presents ECQA, an efficient method that prunes irrelevant parts of the search space using KB-aware signals. ECQA is based on top-k query processing over score-ordered lists of KB items that combine signals about lexical matching, relevance to the question, coherence among candidate items, and connectivity in the KB graph. Experiments with two recent QA benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of ECQA over state-of-the-art baselines with respect to answer presence, size of the search space, and runtimes.
Abstract:Fact-centric information needs are rarely one-shot; users typically ask follow-up questions to explore a topic. In such a conversational setting, the user's inputs are often incomplete, with entities or predicates left out, and ungrammatical phrases. This poses a huge challenge to question answering (QA) systems that typically rely on cues in full-fledged interrogative sentences. As a solution, we develop CONVEX: an unsupervised method that can answer incomplete questions over a knowledge graph (KG) by maintaining conversation context using entities and predicates seen so far and automatically inferring missing or ambiguous pieces for follow-up questions. The core of our method is a graph exploration algorithm that judiciously expands a frontier to find candidate answers for the current question. To evaluate CONVEX, we release ConvQuestions, a crowdsourced benchmark with 11,200 distinct conversations from five different domains. We show that CONVEX: (i) adds conversational support to any stand-alone QA system, and (ii) outperforms state-of-the-art baselines and question completion strategies.