Abstract:The use of CLIP embeddings to assess the alignment of samples produced by text-to-image generative models has been extensively explored in the literature. While the widely adopted CLIPScore, derived from the cosine similarity of text and image embeddings, effectively measures the relevance of a generated image, it does not quantify the diversity of images generated by a text-to-image model. In this work, we extend the application of CLIP embeddings to quantify and interpret the intrinsic diversity of text-to-image models, which is responsible for generating diverse images from similar text prompts. To achieve this, we propose a decomposition of the CLIP-based kernel covariance matrix of image data into text-based and non-text-based components. Using the Schur complement of the joint image-text kernel covariance matrix, we perform this decomposition and define the matrix-based entropy of the decomposed component as the \textit{Schur Complement Entropy (SCE)} score, a measure of the intrinsic diversity of a text-to-image model based on data collected with varying text prompts. Additionally, we demonstrate the use of the Schur complement-based decomposition to nullify the influence of a given prompt in the CLIP embedding of an image, enabling focus or defocus of embeddings on specific objects or properties for downstream tasks. We present several numerical results that apply our Schur complement-based approach to evaluate text-to-image models and modify CLIP image embeddings. The codebase is available at https://github.com/aziksh-ospanov/CLIP-DISSECTION
Abstract:The availability of multiple training algorithms and architectures for generative models requires a selection mechanism to form a single model over a group of well-trained generation models. The selection task is commonly addressed by identifying the model that maximizes an evaluation score based on the diversity and quality of the generated data. However, such a best-model identification approach overlooks the possibility that a mixture of available models can outperform each individual model. In this work, we explore the selection of a mixture of multiple generative models and formulate a quadratic optimization problem to find an optimal mixture model achieving the maximum of kernel-based evaluation scores including kernel inception distance (KID) and R\'{e}nyi kernel entropy (RKE). To identify the optimal mixture of the models using the fewest possible sample queries, we propose an online learning approach called Mixture Upper Confidence Bound (Mixture-UCB). Specifically, our proposed online learning method can be extended to every convex quadratic function of the mixture weights, for which we prove a concentration bound to enable the application of the UCB approach. We prove a regret bound for the proposed Mixture-UCB algorithm and perform several numerical experiments to show the success of the proposed Mixture-UCB method in finding the optimal mixture of text-based and image-based generative models. The codebase is available at https://github.com/Rezaei-Parham/Mixture-UCB .
Abstract:Saliency maps are widely used in the computer vision community for interpreting neural network classifiers. However, due to the randomness of training samples and optimization algorithms, the resulting saliency maps suffer from a significant level of stochasticity, making it difficult for domain experts to capture the intrinsic factors that influence the neural network's decision. In this work, we propose a novel pixel partitioning strategy to boost the stability and generalizability of gradient-based saliency maps. Through both theoretical analysis and numerical experiments, we demonstrate that the grouping of pixels reduces the variance of the saliency map and improves the generalization behavior of the interpretation method. Furthermore, we propose a sensible grouping strategy based on super-pixels which cluster pixels into groups that align well with the semantic meaning of the images. We perform several numerical experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. Our empirical results suggest that the super-pixel-based interpretation maps consistently improve the stability and quality over the pixel-based saliency maps.
Abstract:Text-conditioned generation models are commonly evaluated based on the quality of the generated data and its alignment with the input text prompt. On the other hand, several applications of prompt-based generative models require sufficient diversity in the generated data to ensure the models' capability of generating image and video samples possessing a variety of features. However, most existing diversity metrics are designed for unconditional generative models, and thus cannot distinguish the diversity arising from variations in text prompts and that contributed by the generative model itself. In this work, our goal is to quantify the prompt-induced and model-induced diversity in samples generated by prompt-based models. We propose an information-theoretic approach for internal diversity quantification, where we decompose the kernel-based entropy $H(X)$ of the generated data $X$ into the sum of the conditional entropy $H(X|T)$, given text variable $T$, and the mutual information $I(X; T)$ between the text and data variables. We introduce the \emph{Conditional-Vendi} score based on $H(X|T)$ to quantify the internal diversity of the model and the \emph{Information-Vendi} score based on $I(X; T)$ to measure the statistical relevance between the generated data and text prompts. We provide theoretical results to statistically interpret these scores and relate them to the unconditional Vendi score. We conduct several numerical experiments to show the correlation between the Conditional-Vendi score and the internal diversity of text-conditioned generative models. The codebase is available at \href{https://github.com/mjalali/conditional-vendi}{https://github.com/mjalali/conditional-vendi}.
Abstract:Reference-free evaluation metrics for generative models have recently been studied in the machine learning community. As a reference-free metric, the VENDI score quantifies the diversity of generative models using matrix-based entropy from information theory. The VENDI score is usually computed through the eigendecomposition of an $n \times n$ kernel matrix for $n$ generated samples. However, due to the high computational cost of eigendecomposition for large $n$, the score is often computed on sample sizes limited to a few tens of thousands. In this paper, we explore the statistical convergence of the VENDI score and demonstrate that for kernel functions with an infinite feature map dimension, the evaluated score for a limited sample size may not converge to the matrix-based entropy statistic. We introduce an alternative statistic called the $t$-truncated VENDI statistic. We show that the existing Nystr\"om method and the FKEA approximation method for the VENDI score will both converge to the defined truncated VENDI statistic given a moderate sample size. We perform several numerical experiments to illustrate the concentration of the empirical VENDI score around the truncated VENDI statistic and discuss how this statistic correlates with the visual diversity of image data.
Abstract:In this paper, we address the challenge of certifying the performance of a machine learning model on an unseen target network, using measurements from an available source network. We focus on a scenario where heterogeneous datasets are distributed across a source network of clients, all connected to a central server. Specifically, consider a source network "A" composed of $K$ clients, each holding private data from unique and heterogeneous distributions, which are assumed to be independent samples from a broader meta-distribution $\mu$. Our goal is to provide certified guarantees for the model's performance on a different, unseen target network "B," governed by another meta-distribution $\mu'$, assuming the deviation between $\mu$ and $\mu'$ is bounded by either the Wasserstein distance or an $f$-divergence. We derive theoretical guarantees for the model's empirical average loss and provide uniform bounds on the risk CDF, where the latter correspond to novel and adversarially robust versions of the Glivenko-Cantelli theorem and the Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz (DKW) inequality. Our bounds are computable in polynomial time with a polynomial number of queries to the $K$ clients, preserving client privacy by querying only the model's (potentially adversarial) loss on private data. We also establish non-asymptotic generalization bounds that consistently converge to zero as both $K$ and the minimum client sample size grow. Extensive empirical evaluations validate the robustness and practicality of our bounds across real-world tasks.
Abstract:Selecting a sample generation scheme from multiple text-based generative models is typically addressed by choosing the model that maximizes an averaged evaluation score. However, this score-based selection overlooks the possibility that different models achieve the best generation performance for different types of text prompts. An online identification of the best generation model for various input prompts can reduce the costs associated with querying sub-optimal models. In this work, we explore the possibility of varying rankings of text-based generative models for different text prompts and propose an online learning framework to predict the best data generation model for a given input prompt. The proposed framework adapts the kernelized contextual bandit (CB) methodology to a CB setting with shared context variables across arms, utilizing the generated data to update a kernel-based function that predicts which model will achieve the highest score for unseen text prompts. Additionally, we apply random Fourier features (RFF) to the kernelized CB algorithm to accelerate the online learning process and establish a $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret bound for the proposed RFF-based CB algorithm over T iterations. Our numerical experiments on real and simulated text-to-image and image-to-text generative models show RFF-UCB performs successfully in identifying the best generation model across different sample types.
Abstract:While standard evaluation scores for generative models are mostly reference-based, a reference-dependent assessment of generative models could be generally difficult due to the unavailability of applicable reference datasets. Recently, the reference-free entropy scores, VENDI and RKE, have been proposed to evaluate the diversity of generated data. However, estimating these scores from data leads to significant computational costs for large-scale generative models. In this work, we leverage the random Fourier features framework to reduce the computational price and propose the Fourier-based Kernel Entropy Approximation (FKEA) method. We utilize FKEA's approximated eigenspectrum of the kernel matrix to efficiently estimate the mentioned entropy scores. Furthermore, we show the application of FKEA's proxy eigenvectors to reveal the method's identified modes in evaluating the diversity of produced samples. We provide a stochastic implementation of the FKEA assessment algorithm with a complexity $O(n)$ linearly growing with sample size $n$. We extensively evaluate FKEA's numerical performance in application to standard image, text, and video datasets. Our empirical results indicate the method's scalability and interpretability applied to large-scale generative models. The codebase is available at https://github.com/aziksh-ospanov/FKEA.
Abstract:Few-shot gradient methods have been extensively utilized in existing model pruning methods, where the model weights are regarded as static values and the effects of potential weight perturbations are not considered. However, the widely used large language models (LLMs) have several billion model parameters, which could increase the fragility of few-shot gradient pruning. In this work, we experimentally show that one-shot gradient pruning algorithms could lead to unstable results under perturbations to model weights. And the minor error of switching between data formats bfloat16 and float16 could result in drastically different outcomes. To address such instabilities, we leverage optimization analysis and propose an LLM structural pruning method, called MoreauPruner, with provable robustness against weight perturbations. In MoreauPruner, the model weight importance is estimated based on the neural network's Moreau envelope, which can be flexibly combined with $\ell_1$-norm regularization techniques to induce the sparsity required in the pruning task. We extensively evaluate the MoreauPruner algorithm on several well-known LLMs, including LLaMA-7B, LLaMA-13B, LLaMA3-8B, and Vicuna-7B. Our numerical results suggest the robustness of MoreauPruner against weight perturbations, and indicate the MoreauPruner's successful accuracy-based scores in comparison to several existing pruning methods. We have released the code in \url{https://github.com/ShiningSord/MoreauPruner}.
Abstract:Existing frameworks for evaluating and comparing generative models typically target an offline setting, where the evaluator has access to full batches of data produced by the models. However, in many practical scenarios, the goal is to identify the best model using the fewest generated samples to minimize the costs of querying data from the models. Such an online comparison is challenging with current offline assessment methods. In this work, we propose an online evaluation framework to find the generative model that maximizes a standard assessment score among a group of available models. Our method uses an optimism-based multi-armed bandit framework to identify the model producing data with the highest evaluation score, quantifying the quality and diversity of generated data. Specifically, we study the online assessment of generative models based on the Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID) and Inception Score (IS) metrics and propose the FID-UCB and IS-UCB algorithms leveraging the upper confidence bound approach in online learning. We prove sub-linear regret bounds for these algorithms and present numerical results on standard image datasets, demonstrating their effectiveness in identifying the score-maximizing generative model.