Abstract:The increasing demand for mental health services has highlighted the need for innovative solutions, particularly in the realm of psychological conversational AI, where the availability of sensitive data is scarce. In this work, we explored the development of a system tailored for mental health support with a novel approach to psychological assessment based on explainable emotional profiles in combination with empathetic conversational models, offering a promising tool for augmenting traditional care, particularly where immediate expertise is unavailable. Our work can be divided into two main parts, intrinsecaly connected to each other. First, we present RACLETTE, a conversational system that demonstrates superior emotional accuracy compared to state-of-the-art benchmarks in both understanding users' emotional states and generating empathetic responses during conversations, while progressively building an emotional profile of the user through their interactions. Second, we show how the emotional profiles of a user can be used as interpretable markers for mental health assessment. These profiles can be compared with characteristic emotional patterns associated with different mental disorders, providing a novel approach to preliminary screening and support.
Abstract:Conversational information-seeking (CIS) is an emerging paradigm for knowledge acquisition and exploratory search. Traditional web search interfaces enable easy exploration of entities, but this is limited in conversational settings due to the limited-bandwidth interface. This paper explore ways to rewrite answers in CIS, so that users can understand them without having to resort to external services or sources. Specifically, we focus on salient entities -- entities that are central to understanding the answer. As our first contribution, we create a dataset of conversations annotated with entities for saliency. Our analysis of the collected data reveals that the majority of answers contain salient entities. As our second contribution, we propose two answer rewriting strategies aimed at improving the overall user experience in CIS. One approach expands answers with inline definitions of salient entities, making the answer self-contained. The other approach complements answers with follow-up questions, offering users the possibility to learn more about specific entities. Results of a crowdsourcing-based study indicate that rewritten answers are clearly preferred over the original ones. We also find that inline definitions tend to be favored over follow-up questions, but this choice is highly subjective, thereby providing a promising future direction for personalization.
Abstract:While the body of research directed towards constructing and generating clarifying questions in mixed-initiative conversational search systems is vast, research aimed at processing and comprehending users' answers to such questions is scarce. To this end, we present a simple yet effective method for processing answers to clarifying questions, moving away from previous work that simply appends answers to the original query and thus potentially degrades retrieval performance. Specifically, we propose a classifier for assessing usefulness of the prompted clarifying question and an answer given by the user. Useful questions or answers are further appended to the conversation history and passed to a transformer-based query rewriting module. Results demonstrate significant improvements over strong non-mixed-initiative baselines. Furthermore, the proposed approach mitigates the performance drops when non useful questions and answers are utilized.
Abstract:Clarifying user's information needs is an essential component of modern search systems. While most of the approaches for constructing clarifying prompts rely on query facets, the impact of the quality of the facets is relatively unexplored. In this work, we concentrate on facet quality through the notion of facet coherency and assess its importance for overall usefulness for clarification in search. We find that existing evaluation procedures do not account for facet coherency, as evident by the poor correlation of coherency with automated metrics. Moreover, we propose a coherency classifier and assess the prevalence of incoherent facets in a well-established dataset on clarification. Our findings can serve as motivation for future work on the topic.
Abstract:Recent studies show that Generative Relevance Feedback (GRF), using text generated by Large Language Models (LLMs), can enhance the effectiveness of query expansion. However, LLMs can generate irrelevant information that harms retrieval effectiveness. To address this, we propose Generative Relevance Modeling (GRM) that uses Relevance-Aware Sample Estimation (RASE) for more accurate weighting of expansion terms. Specifically, we identify similar real documents for each generated document and use a neural re-ranker to estimate their relevance. Experiments on three standard document ranking benchmarks show that GRM improves MAP by 6-9% and R@1k by 2-4%, surpassing previous methods.
Abstract:This research aims to explore various methods for assessing user feedback in mixed-initiative conversational search (CS) systems. While CS systems enjoy profuse advancements across multiple aspects, recent research fails to successfully incorporate feedback from the users. One of the main reasons for that is the lack of system-user conversational interaction data. To this end, we propose a user simulator-based framework for multi-turn interactions with a variety of mixed-initiative CS systems. Specifically, we develop a user simulator, dubbed ConvSim, that, once initialized with an information need description, is capable of providing feedback to a system's responses, as well as answering potential clarifying questions. Our experiments on a wide variety of state-of-the-art passage retrieval and neural re-ranking models show that effective utilization of user feedback can lead to 16% retrieval performance increase in terms of nDCG@3. Moreover, we observe consistent improvements as the number of feedback rounds increases (35% relative improvement in terms of nDCG@3 after three rounds). This points to a research gap in the development of specific feedback processing modules and opens a potential for significant advancements in CS. To support further research in the topic, we release over 30,000 transcripts of system-simulator interactions based on well-established CS datasets.
Abstract:Clarifying the underlying user information need by asking clarifying questions is an important feature of modern conversational search system. However, evaluation of such systems through answering prompted clarifying questions requires significant human effort, which can be time-consuming and expensive. In this paper, we propose a conversational User Simulator, called USi, for automatic evaluation of such conversational search systems. Given a description of an information need, USi is capable of automatically answering clarifying questions about the topic throughout the search session. Through a set of experiments, including automated natural language generation metrics and crowdsourcing studies, we show that responses generated by USi are both inline with the underlying information need and comparable to human-generated answers. Moreover, we make the first steps towards multi-turn interactions, where conversational search systems asks multiple questions to the (simulated) user with a goal of clarifying the user need. To this end, we expand on currently available datasets for studying clarifying questions, i.e., Qulac and ClariQ, by performing a crowdsourcing-based multi-turn data acquisition. We show that our generative, GPT2-based model, is capable of providing accurate and natural answers to unseen clarifying questions in the single-turn setting and discuss capabilities of our model in the multi-turn setting. We provide the code, data, and the pre-trained model to be used for further research on the topic.
Abstract:Due to the worldwide accessibility to the Internet along with the continuous advances in mobile technologies, physical and digital worlds have become completely blended, and the proliferation of social media platforms has taken a leading role over this evolution. In this paper, we undertake a thorough analysis towards better visualising and understanding the factors that characterise and differentiate social media users affected by mental disorders. We perform different experiments studying multiple dimensions of language, including vocabulary uniqueness, word usage, linguistic style, psychometric attributes, emotions' co-occurrence patterns, and online behavioural traits, including social engagement and posting trends. Our findings reveal significant differences on the use of function words, such as adverbs and verb tense, and topic-specific vocabulary, such as biological processes. As for emotional expression, we observe that affected users tend to share emotions more regularly than control individuals on average. Overall, the monthly posting variance of the affected groups is higher than the control groups. Moreover, we found evidence suggesting that language use on micro-blogging platforms is less distinguishable for users who have a mental disorder than other less restrictive platforms. In particular, we observe on Twitter less quantifiable differences between affected and control groups compared to Reddit.
Abstract:As the popularity of Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) increases, designing accurate models for Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation receives more attention. POI recommendation is often performed by incorporating contextual information into previously designed recommendation algorithms. Some of the major contextual information that has been considered in POI recommendation are the location attributes (i.e., exact coordinates of a location, category, and check-in time), the user attributes (i.e., comments, reviews, tips, and check-in made to the locations), and other information, such as the distance of the POI from user's main activity location, and the social tie between users. The right selection of such factors can significantly impact the performance of the POI recommendation. However, previous research does not consider the impact of the combination of these different factors. In this paper, we propose different contextual models and analyze the fusion of different major contextual information in POI recommendation. The major contributions of this paper are: (i) providing an extensive survey of context-aware location recommendation (ii) quantifying and analyzing the impact of different contextual information (e.g., social, temporal, spatial, and categorical) in the POI recommendation on available baselines and two new linear and non-linear models, that can incorporate all the major contextual information into a single recommendation model, and (iii) evaluating the considered models using two well-known real-world datasets. Our results indicate that while modeling geographical and temporal influences can improve recommendation quality, fusing all other contextual information into a recommendation model is not always the best strategy.
Abstract:Recent research has shown that mixed-initiative conversational search, based on the interaction between users and computers to clarify and improve a query, provides enormous advantages. Nonetheless, incorporating additional information provided by the user from the conversation poses some challenges. In fact, further interactions could confuse the system as a user might use words irrelevant to the information need but crucial for correct sentence construction in the context of multi-turn conversations. To this aim, in this paper, we have collected two conversational keyword extraction datasets and propose an end-to-end document retrieval pipeline incorporating them. Furthermore, we study the performance of two neural keyword extraction models, namely, BERT and sequence to sequence, in terms of extraction accuracy and human annotation. Finally, we study the effect of keyword extraction on the end-to-end neural IR performance and show that our approach beats state-of-the-art IR models. We make the two datasets publicly available to foster research in this area.