Abstract:We propose Joint Moment Estimation (JME), a method for continually and privately estimating both the first and second moments of data with reduced noise compared to naive approaches. JME uses the matrix mechanism and a joint sensitivity analysis to allow the second moment estimation with no additional privacy cost, thereby improving accuracy while maintaining privacy. We demonstrate JME's effectiveness in two applications: estimating the running mean and covariance matrix for Gaussian density estimation, and model training with DP-Adam on CIFAR-10.
Abstract:Deep learning methods are known to generalize well from training to future data, even in an overparametrized regime, where they could easily overfit. One explanation for this phenomenon is that even when their *ambient dimensionality*, (i.e. the number of parameters) is large, the models' *intrinsic dimensionality* is small, i.e. their learning takes place in a small subspace of all possible weight configurations. In this work, we confirm this phenomenon in the setting of *deep multi-task learning*. We introduce a method to parametrize multi-task network directly in the low-dimensional space, facilitated by the use of *random expansions* techniques. We then show that high-accuracy multi-task solutions can be found with much smaller intrinsic dimensionality (fewer free parameters) than what single-task learning requires. Subsequently, we show that the low-dimensional representations in combination with *weight compression* and *PAC-Bayesian* reasoning lead to the first *non-vacuous generalization bounds* for deep multi-task networks.
Abstract:Despite extensive research since the community learned about adversarial examples 10 years ago, we still do not know how to train high-accuracy classifiers that are guaranteed to be robust to small perturbations of their inputs. Previous works often argued that this might be because no classifier exists that is robust and accurate at the same time. However, in computer vision this assumption does not match reality where humans are usually accurate and robust on most tasks of interest. We offer an alternative explanation and show that in certain settings robust generalization is only possible with unrealistically large amounts of data. More precisely we find a setting where a robust classifier exists, it is easy to learn an accurate classifier, yet it requires an exponential amount of data to learn a robust classifier. Based on this theoretical result, we explore how well robust classifiers generalize on datasets such as CIFAR-10. We come to the conclusion that on this datasets, the limitation of current robust models also lies in the generalization, and that they require a lot of data to do well on the test set. We also show that the problem is not in the expressiveness or generalization capabilities of current architectures, and that there are low magnitude features in the data which are useful for non-robust generalization but are not available for robust classifiers.
Abstract:We study the Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN), recently proposed as an alternative to the classical Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), in the application for differentially private model training. Using the DP-SGD algorithm, we demonstrate that KAN can be made private in a straightforward manner and evaluated its performance across several datasets. Our results indicate that the accuracy of KAN is not only comparable with MLP but also experiences similar deterioration due to privacy constraints, making it suitable for differentially private model training.
Abstract:Instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved breakthrough results, opening countless new possibilities for many practical applications. However, LLMs lack elementary safety features that are established norms in other areas of computer science, such as the separation between instructions and data, causing them to malfunction or rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and interference by third parties e.g., via indirect prompt/command injection. Even worse, so far, there is not even an established definition of what precisely such a separation would mean and how its violation could be tested. In this work, we aim to close this gap. We introduce a formal measure to quantify the phenomenon of instruction-data separation as well as an empirical variant of the measure that can be computed from a model`s black-box outputs. We also introduce a new dataset, SEP (Should it be Executed or Processed?), which allows estimating the measure, and we report results on several state-of-the-art open-source and closed LLMs. Finally, we quantitatively demonstrate that all evaluated LLMs fail to achieve a high amount of separation, according to our measure. The source code and SEP dataset are openly accessible at https://github.com/egozverev/Shold-It-Be-Executed-Or-Processed.
Abstract:We introduce a new framework for studying meta-learning methods using PAC-Bayesian theory. Its main advantage over previous work is that it allows for more flexibility in how the transfer of knowledge between tasks is realized. For previous approaches, this could only happen indirectly, by means of learning prior distributions over models. In contrast, the new generalization bounds that we prove express the process of meta-learning much more directly as learning the learning algorithm that should be used for future tasks. The flexibility of our framework makes it suitable to analyze a wide range of meta-learning mechanisms and even design new mechanisms. Other than our theoretical contributions we also show empirically that our framework improves the prediction quality in practical meta-learning mechanisms.
Abstract:We present ELSA, a practical solution for creating deep networks that can easily be deployed at different levels of sparsity. The core idea is to embed one or more sparse networks within a single dense network as a proper subset of the weights. At prediction time, any sparse model can be extracted effortlessly simply be zeroing out weights according to a predefined mask. ELSA is simple, powerful and highly flexible. It can use essentially any existing technique for network sparsification and network training. In particular, it does not restrict the loss function, architecture or the optimization technique. Our experiments show that ELSA's advantages of flexible deployment comes with no or just a negligible reduction in prediction quality compared to the standard way of using multiple sparse networks that are trained and stored independently.
Abstract:The robustness of neural networks against input perturbations with bounded magnitude represents a serious concern in the deployment of deep learning models in safety-critical systems. Recently, the scientific community has focused on enhancing certifiable robustness guarantees by crafting 1-Lipschitz neural networks that leverage Lipschitz bounded dense and convolutional layers. Although different methods have been proposed in the literature to achieve this goal, understanding the performance of such methods is not straightforward, since different metrics can be relevant (e.g., training time, memory usage, accuracy, certifiable robustness) for different applications. For this reason, this work provides a thorough theoretical and empirical comparison between methods by evaluating them in terms of memory usage, speed, and certifiable robust accuracy. The paper also provides some guidelines and recommendations to support the user in selecting the methods that work best depending on the available resources. We provide code at https://github.com/berndprach/1LipschitzLayersCompared.
Abstract:Continual learning is a sub-field of machine learning, which aims to allow machine learning models to continuously learn on new data, by accumulating knowledge without forgetting what was learned in the past. In this work, we take a step back, and ask: "Why should one care about continual learning in the first place?". We set the stage by surveying recent continual learning papers published at three major machine learning conferences, and show that memory-constrained settings dominate the field. Then, we discuss five open problems in machine learning, and even though they seem unrelated to continual learning at first sight, we show that continual learning will inevitably be part of their solution. These problems are model-editing, personalization, on-device learning, faster (re-)training and reinforcement learning. Finally, by comparing the desiderata from these unsolved problems and the current assumptions in continual learning, we highlight and discuss four future directions for continual learning research. We hope that this work offers an interesting perspective on the future of continual learning, while displaying its potential value and the paths we have to pursue in order to make it successful. This work is the result of the many discussions the authors had at the Dagstuhl seminar on Deep Continual Learning, in March 2023.
Abstract:A crucial property for achieving secure, trustworthy and interpretable deep learning systems is their robustness: small changes to a system's inputs should not result in large changes to its outputs. Mathematically, this means one strives for networks with a small Lipschitz constant. Several recent works have focused on how to construct such Lipschitz networks, typically by imposing constraints on the weight matrices. In this work, we study an orthogonal aspect, namely the role of the activation function. We show that commonly used activation functions, such as MaxMin, as well as all piece-wise linear ones with two segments unnecessarily restrict the class of representable functions, even in the simplest one-dimensional setting. We furthermore introduce the new N-activation function that is provably more expressive than currently popular activation functions. We provide code at https://github.com/berndprach/NActivation.