Abstract:Survival analysis is a crucial semi-supervised task in machine learning with numerous real-world applications, particularly in healthcare. Currently, the most common approach to survival analysis is based on Cox's partial likelihood, which can be interpreted as a ranking model optimized on a lower bound of the concordance index. This relation between ranking models and Cox's partial likelihood considers only pairwise comparisons. Recent work has developed differentiable sorting methods which relax this pairwise independence assumption, enabling the ranking of sets of samples. However, current differentiable sorting methods cannot account for censoring, a key factor in many real-world datasets. To address this limitation, we propose a novel method called Diffsurv. We extend differentiable sorting methods to handle censored tasks by predicting matrices of possible permutations that take into account the label uncertainty introduced by censored samples. We contrast this approach with methods derived from partial likelihood and ranking losses. Our experiments show that Diffsurv outperforms established baselines in various simulated and real-world risk prediction scenarios. Additionally, we demonstrate the benefits of the algorithmic supervision enabled by Diffsurv by presenting a novel method for top-k risk prediction that outperforms current methods.
Abstract:The study of animal behavior increasingly relies on (semi-) automatic methods for the extraction of relevant behavioral features from video or picture data. To date, several specialized software products exist to detect and track animals' positions in simple (laboratory) environments. Tracking animals in their natural environments, however, often requires substantial customization of the image processing algorithms to the problem-specific image characteristics. Here we introduce BioTracker, an open-source computer vision framework, that provides programmers with core functionalities that are essential parts of a tracking software, such as video I/O, graphics overlays and mouse and keyboard interfaces. BioTracker additionally provides a number of different tracking algorithms suitable for a variety of image recording conditions. The main feature of BioTracker is however the straightforward implementation of new problem-specific tracking modules and vision algorithms that can build upon BioTracker's core functionalities. With this open-source framework the scientific community can accelerate their research and focus on the development of new vision algorithms.
Abstract:Computational approaches to the analysis of collective behavior in social insects increasingly rely on motion paths as an intermediate data layer from which one can infer individual behaviors or social interactions. Honey bees are a popular model for learning and memory. Previous experience has been shown to affect and modulate future social interactions. So far, no lifetime history observations have been reported for all bees of a colony. In a previous work we introduced a tracking system customized to track up to $4000$ bees over several weeks. In this contribution we present an in-depth description of the underlying multi-step algorithm which both produces the motion paths, and also improves the marker decoding accuracy significantly. We automatically tracked ${\sim}2000$ marked honey bees over 10 weeks with inexpensive recording hardware using markers without any error correction bits. We found that the proposed two-step tracking reduced incorrect ID decodings from initially ${\sim}13\%$ to around $2\%$ post-tracking. Alongside this paper, we publish the first trajectory dataset for all bees in a colony, extracted from ${\sim} 4$ million images. We invite researchers to join the collective scientific effort to investigate this intriguing animal system. All components of our system are open-source.
Abstract:The honeybee is a fascinating model animal to investigate how collective behavior emerges from (inter-)actions of thousands of individuals. Bees may acquire unique memories throughout their lives. These experiences affect social interactions even over large time frames. Tracking and identifying all bees in the colony over their lifetimes therefore may likely shed light on the interplay of individual differences and colony behavior. This paper proposes a software pipeline based on two deep convolutional neural networks for the localization and decoding of custom binary markers that honeybees carry from their first to the last day in their life. We show that this approach outperforms similar systems proposed in recent literature. By opening this software for the public, we hope that the resulting datasets will help advancing the understanding of honeybee collective intelligence.
Abstract:The waggle dance is one of the most popular examples of animal communication. Forager bees direct their nestmates to profitable resources via a complex motor display. Essentially, the dance encodes the polar coordinates to the resource in the field. Unemployed foragers follow the dancer's movements and then search for the advertised spots in the field. Throughout the last decades, biologists have employed different techniques to measure key characteristics of the waggle dance and decode the information it conveys. Early techniques involved the use of protractors and stopwatches to measure the dance orientation and duration directly from the observation hive. Recent approaches employ digital video recordings and manual measurements on screen. However, manual approaches are very time-consuming. Most studies, therefore, regard only small numbers of animals in short periods of time. We have developed a system capable of automatically detecting, decoding and mapping communication dances in real-time. In this paper, we describe our recording setup, the image processing steps performed for dance detection and decoding and an algorithm to map dances to the field. The proposed system performs with a detection accuracy of 90.07\%. The decoded waggle orientation has an average error of -2.92{\deg} ($\pm$ 7.37{\deg} ), well within the range of human error. To evaluate and exemplify the system's performance, a group of bees was trained to an artificial feeder, and all dances in the colony were automatically detected, decoded and mapped. The system presented here is the first of this kind made publicly available, including source code and hardware specifications. We hope this will foster quantitative analyses of the honey bee waggle dance.
Abstract:Deep Convolutional Neuronal Networks (DCNNs) are showing remarkable performance on many computer vision tasks. Due to their large parameter space, they require many labeled samples when trained in a supervised setting. The costs of annotating data manually can render the use of DCNNs infeasible. We present a novel framework called RenderGAN that can generate large amounts of realistic, labeled images by combining a 3D model and the Generative Adversarial Network framework. In our approach, image augmentations (e.g. lighting, background, and detail) are learned from unlabeled data such that the generated images are strikingly realistic while preserving the labels known from the 3D model. We apply the RenderGAN framework to generate images of barcode-like markers that are attached to honeybees. Training a DCNN on data generated by the RenderGAN yields considerably better performance than training it on various baselines.