Abstract:In online learning, a decision maker repeatedly selects one of a set of actions, with the goal of minimizing the overall loss incurred. Following the recent line of research on algorithms endowed with additional predictive features, we revisit this problem by allowing the decision maker to acquire additional information on the actions to be selected. In particular, we study the power of \emph{best-action queries}, which reveal beforehand the identity of the best action at a given time step. In practice, predictive features may be expensive, so we allow the decision maker to issue at most $k$ such queries. We establish tight bounds on the performance any algorithm can achieve when given access to $k$ best-action queries for different types of feedback models. In particular, we prove that in the full feedback model, $k$ queries are enough to achieve an optimal regret of $\Theta\left(\min\left\{\sqrt T, \frac Tk\right\}\right)$. This finding highlights the significant multiplicative advantage in the regret rate achievable with even a modest (sublinear) number $k \in \Omega(\sqrt{T})$ of queries. Additionally, we study the challenging setting in which the only available feedback is obtained during the time steps corresponding to the $k$ best-action queries. There, we provide a tight regret rate of $\Theta\left(\min\left\{\frac{T}{\sqrt k},\frac{T^2}{k^2}\right\}\right)$, which improves over the standard $\Theta\left(\frac{T}{\sqrt k}\right)$ regret rate for label efficient prediction for $k \in \Omega(T^{2/3})$.
Abstract:We address a generalization of the bandit with knapsacks problem, where a learner aims to maximize rewards while satisfying an arbitrary set of long-term constraints. Our goal is to design best-of-both-worlds algorithms that perform optimally under both stochastic and adversarial constraints. Previous works address this problem via primal-dual methods, and require some stringent assumptions, namely the Slater's condition, and in adversarial settings, they either assume knowledge of a lower bound on the Slater's parameter, or impose strong requirements on the primal and dual regret minimizers such as requiring weak adaptivity. We propose an alternative and more natural approach based on optimistic estimations of the constraints. Surprisingly, we show that estimating the constraints with an UCB-like approach guarantees optimal performances. Our algorithm consists of two main components: (i) a regret minimizer working on \emph{moving strategy sets} and (ii) an estimate of the feasible set as an optimistic weighted empirical mean of previous samples. The key challenge in this approach is designing adaptive weights that meet the different requirements for stochastic and adversarial constraints. Our algorithm is significantly simpler than previous approaches, and has a cleaner analysis. Moreover, ours is the first best-of-both-worlds algorithm providing bounds logarithmic in the number of constraints. Additionally, in stochastic settings, it provides $\widetilde O(\sqrt{T})$ regret \emph{without} Slater's condition.
Abstract:In the bandits with knapsacks framework (BwK) the learner has $m$ resource-consumption (packing) constraints. We focus on the generalization of BwK in which the learner has a set of general long-term constraints. The goal of the learner is to maximize their cumulative reward, while at the same time achieving small cumulative constraints violations. In this scenario, there exist simple instances where conventional methods for BwK fail to yield sublinear violations of constraints. We show that it is possible to circumvent this issue by requiring the primal and dual algorithm to be weakly adaptive. Indeed, even in absence on any information on the Slater's parameter $\rho$ characterizing the problem, the interplay between weakly adaptive primal and dual regret minimizers yields a "self-bounding" property of dual variables. In particular, their norm remains suitably upper bounded across the entire time horizon even without explicit projection steps. By exploiting this property, we provide best-of-both-worlds guarantees for stochastic and adversarial inputs. In the first case, we show that the algorithm guarantees sublinear regret. In the latter case, we establish a tight competitive ratio of $\rho/(1+\rho)$. In both settings, constraints violations are guaranteed to be sublinear in time. Finally, this results allow us to obtain new result for the problem of contextual bandits with linear constraints, providing the first no-$\alpha$-regret guarantees for adversarial contexts.
Abstract:Bilateral trade revolves around the challenge of facilitating transactions between two strategic agents -- a seller and a buyer -- both of whom have a private valuations for the item. We study the online version of the problem, in which at each time step a new seller and buyer arrive. The learner's task is to set a price for each agent, without any knowledge about their valuations. The sequence of sellers and buyers is chosen by an oblivious adversary. In this setting, known negative results rule out the possibility of designing algorithms with sublinear regret when the learner has to guarantee budget balance for each iteration. In this paper, we introduce the notion of global budget balance, which requires the agent to be budget balance only over the entire time horizon. By requiring global budget balance, we provide the first no-regret algorithms for bilateral trade with adversarial inputs under various feedback models. First, we show that in the full-feedback model the learner can guarantee $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret against the best fixed prices in hindsight, which is order-wise optimal. Then, in the case of partial feedback models, we provide an algorithm guaranteeing a $\tilde{O}(T^{3/4})$ regret upper bound with one-bit feedback, which we complement with a nearly-matching lower bound. Finally, we investigate how these results vary when measuring regret using an alternative benchmark.
Abstract:The bandits with knapsack (BwK) framework models online decision-making problems in which an agent makes a sequence of decisions subject to resource consumption constraints. The traditional model assumes that each action consumes a non-negative amount of resources and the process ends when the initial budgets are fully depleted. We study a natural generalization of the BwK framework which allows non-monotonic resource utilization, i.e., resources can be replenished by a positive amount. We propose a best-of-both-worlds primal-dual template that can handle any online learning problem with replenishment for which a suitable primal regret minimizer exists. In particular, we provide the first positive results for the case of adversarial inputs by showing that our framework guarantees a constant competitive ratio $\alpha$ when $B=\Omega(T)$ or when the possible per-round replenishment is a positive constant. Moreover, under a stochastic input model, our algorithm yields an instance-independent $\tilde{O}(T^{1/2})$ regret bound which complements existing instance-dependent bounds for the same setting. Finally, we provide applications of our framework to some economic problems of practical relevance.
Abstract:Online advertising platforms typically use auction mechanisms to allocate ad placements. Advertisers participate in a series of repeated auctions, and must select bids that will maximize their overall rewards while adhering to certain constraints. We focus on the scenario in which the advertiser has budget and return-on-investment (ROI) constraints. We investigate the problem of budget- and ROI-constrained bidding in repeated non-truthful auctions, such as first-price auctions, and present a best-of-both-worlds framework with no-regret guarantees under both stochastic and adversarial inputs. By utilizing the notion of interval regret, we demonstrate that our framework does not require knowledge of specific parameters of the problem which could be difficult to determine in practice. Our proof techniques can be applied to both the adversarial and stochastic cases with minimal modifications, thereby providing a unified perspective on the two problems. In the adversarial setting, we also show that it is possible to loosen the traditional requirement of having a strictly feasible solution to the offline optimization problem at each round.
Abstract:We study fully dynamic online selection problems in an adversarial/stochastic setting that includes Bayesian online selection, prophet inequalities, posted price mechanisms, and stochastic probing problems subject to combinatorial constraints. In the classical ``incremental'' version of the problem, selected elements remain active until the end of the input sequence. On the other hand, in the fully dynamic version of the problem, elements stay active for a limited time interval, and then leave. This models, for example, the online matching of tasks to workers with task/worker-dependent working times, and sequential posted pricing of perishable goods. A successful approach to online selection problems in the adversarial setting is given by the notion of Online Contention Resolution Scheme (OCRS), that uses a priori information to formulate a linear relaxation of the underlying optimization problem, whose optimal fractional solution is rounded online for any adversarial order of the input sequence. Our main contribution is providing a general method for constructing an OCRS for fully dynamic online selection problems. Then, we show how to employ such OCRS to construct no-regret algorithms in a partial information model with semi-bandit feedback and adversarial inputs.
Abstract:We study online learning problems in which a decision maker has to take a sequence of decisions subject to $m$ long-term constraints. The goal of the decision maker is to maximize their total reward, while at the same time achieving small cumulative constraints violation across the $T$ rounds. We present the first best-of-both-world type algorithm for this general class of problems, with no-regret guarantees both in the case in which rewards and constraints are selected according to an unknown stochastic model, and in the case in which they are selected at each round by an adversary. Our algorithm is the first to provide guarantees in the adversarial setting with respect to the optimal fixed strategy that satisfies the long-term constraints. In particular, it guarantees a $\rho/(1+\rho)$ fraction of the optimal reward and sublinear regret, where $\rho$ is a feasibility parameter related to the existence of strictly feasible solutions. Our framework employs traditional regret minimizers as black-box components. Therefore, by instantiating it with an appropriate choice of regret minimizers it can handle the full-feedback as well as the bandit-feedback setting. Moreover, it allows the decision maker to seamlessly handle scenarios with non-convex rewards and constraints. We show how our framework can be applied in the context of budget-management mechanisms for repeated auctions in order to guarantee long-term constraints that are not packing (e.g., ROI constraints).
Abstract:We study the problem of finding optimal correlated equilibria of various sorts: normal-form coarse correlated equilibrium (NFCCE), extensive-form coarse correlated equilibrium (EFCCE), and extensive-form correlated equilibrium (EFCE). This is NP-hard in the general case and has been studied in special cases, most notably triangle-free games, which include all two-player games with public chance moves. However, the general case is not well understood, and algorithms usually scale poorly. First, we introduce the correlation DAG, a representation of the space of correlated strategies whose size is dependent on the specific solution concept. It extends the team belief DAG of Zhang et al. to general-sum games. For each of the three solution concepts, its size depends exponentially only on a parameter related to the game's information structure. We also prove a fundamental complexity gap: while our size bounds for NFCCE are similar to those achieved in the case of team games by Zhang et al., this is impossible to achieve for the other two concepts under standard complexity assumptions. Second, we propose a two-sided column generation approach to compute optimal correlated strategies. Our algorithm improves upon the one-sided approach of Farina et al. by means of a new decomposition of correlated strategies which allows players to re-optimize their sequence-form strategies with respect to correlation plans which were previously added to the support. Our techniques outperform the prior state of the art for computing optimal general-sum correlated equilibria. For team games, the two-sided column generation approach vastly outperforms standard column generation approaches, making it the state of the art algorithm when the parameter is large. Along the way we also introduce two new benchmark games: a trick-taking game that emulates the endgame phase of the card game bridge, and a ride-sharing game.
Abstract:We study online learning problems in which a decision maker wants to maximize their expected reward without violating a finite set of $m$ resource constraints. By casting the learning process over a suitably defined space of strategy mixtures, we recover strong duality on a Lagrangian relaxation of the underlying optimization problem, even for general settings with non-convex reward and resource-consumption functions. Then, we provide the first best-of-both-worlds type framework for this setting, with no-regret guarantees both under stochastic and adversarial inputs. Our framework yields the same regret guarantees of prior work in the stochastic case. On the other hand, when budgets grow at least linearly in the time horizon, it allows us to provide a constant competitive ratio in the adversarial case, which improves over the $O(m \log T)$ competitive ratio of Immorlica at al. (2019). Moreover, our framework allows the decision maker to handle non-convex reward and cost functions. We provide two game-theoretic applications of our framework to give further evidence of its flexibility.