Abstract:Jointly estimating hand and object shape ensures the success of the robot grasp in human-to-robot handovers. However, relying on hand-crafted prior knowledge about the geometric structure of the object fails when generalising to unseen objects, and depth sensors fail to detect transparent objects such as drinking glasses. In this work, we propose a stereo-based method for hand-object reconstruction that combines single-view reconstructions probabilistically to form a coherent stereo reconstruction. We learn 3D shape priors from a large synthetic hand-object dataset to ensure that our method is generalisable, and use RGB inputs instead of depth as RGB can better capture transparent objects. We show that our method achieves a lower object Chamfer distance compared to existing RGB based hand-object reconstruction methods on single view and stereo settings. We process the reconstructed hand-object shape with a projection-based outlier removal step and use the output to guide a human-to-robot handover pipeline with wide-baseline stereo RGB cameras. Our hand-object reconstruction enables a robot to successfully receive a diverse range of household objects from the human.
Abstract:Privacy personas capture the differences in user segments with respect to one's knowledge, behavioural patterns, level of self-efficacy, and perception of the importance of privacy protection. Modelling these differences is essential for appropriately choosing personalised communication about privacy (e.g. to increase literacy) and for defining suitable choices for privacy enhancing technologies (PETs). While various privacy personas have been derived in the literature, they group together people who differ from each other in terms of important attributes such as perceived or desired level of control, and motivation to use PET. To address this lack of granularity and comprehensiveness in describing personas, we propose eight personas that we derive by combining qualitative and quantitative analysis of the responses to an interactive educational questionnaire. We design an analysis pipeline that uses divisive hierarchical clustering and Boschloo's statistical test of homogeneity of proportions to ensure that the elicited clusters differ from each other based on a statistical measure. Additionally, we propose a new measure for calculating distances between questionnaire responses, that accounts for the type of the question (closed- vs open-ended) used to derive traits. We show that the proposed privacy personas statistically differ from each other. We statistically validate the proposed personas and also compare them with personas in the literature, showing that they provide a more granular and comprehensive understanding of user segments, which will allow to better assist users with their privacy needs.
Abstract:Predicting and explaining the private information contained in an image in human-understandable terms is a complex and contextual task. This task is challenging even for large language models. To facilitate the understanding of privacy decisions, we propose to predict image privacy based on a set of natural language content descriptors. These content descriptors are associated with privacy scores that reflect how people perceive image content. We generate descriptors with our novel Image-guided Topic Modeling (ITM) approach. ITM leverages, via multimodality alignment, both vision information and image textual descriptions from a vision language model. We use the ITM-generated descriptors to learn a privacy predictor, Priv$\times$ITM, whose decisions are interpretable by design. Our Priv$\times$ITM classifier outperforms the reference interpretable method by 5 percentage points in accuracy and performs comparably to the current non-interpretable state-of-the-art model.
Abstract:Visual affordance segmentation identifies image regions of an object an agent can interact with. Existing methods re-use and adapt learning-based architectures for semantic segmentation to the affordance segmentation task and evaluate on small-size datasets. However, experimental setups are often not reproducible, thus leading to unfair and inconsistent comparisons. In this work, we benchmark these methods under a reproducible setup on two single objects scenarios, tabletop without occlusions and hand-held containers, to facilitate future comparisons. We include a version of a recent architecture, Mask2Former, re-trained for affordance segmentation and show that this model is the best-performing on most testing sets of both scenarios. Our analysis shows that models are not robust to scale variations when object resolutions differ from those in the training set.
Abstract:The generalisation to unseen objects in the 6D pose estimation task is very challenging. While Vision-Language Models (VLMs) enable using natural language descriptions to support 6D pose estimation of unseen objects, these solutions underperform compared to model-based methods. In this work we present Horyon, an open-vocabulary VLM-based architecture that addresses relative pose estimation between two scenes of an unseen object, described by a textual prompt only. We use the textual prompt to identify the unseen object in the scenes and then obtain high-resolution multi-scale features. These features are used to extract cross-scene matches for registration. We evaluate our model on a benchmark with a large variety of unseen objects across four datasets, namely REAL275, Toyota-Light, Linemod, and YCB-Video. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on all datasets, outperforming by 12.6 in Average Recall the previous best-performing approach.
Abstract:Recent works in hand-object reconstruction mainly focus on the single-view and dense multi-view settings. On the one hand, single-view methods can leverage learned shape priors to generalise to unseen objects but are prone to inaccuracies due to occlusions. On the other hand, dense multi-view methods are very accurate but cannot easily adapt to unseen objects without further data collection. In contrast, sparse multi-view methods can take advantage of the additional views to tackle occlusion, while keeping the computational cost low compared to dense multi-view methods. In this paper, we consider the problem of hand-object reconstruction with unseen objects in the sparse multi-view setting. Given multiple RGB images of the hand and object captured at the same time, our model SVHO combines the predictions from each view into a unified reconstruction without optimisation across views. We train our model on a synthetic hand-object dataset and evaluate directly on a real world recorded hand-object dataset with unseen objects. We show that while reconstruction of unseen hands and objects from RGB is challenging, additional views can help improve the reconstruction quality.
Abstract:Accurately predicting whether an image is private before sharing it online is difficult due to the vast variety of content and the subjective nature of privacy itself. In this paper, we evaluate privacy models that use objects extracted from an image to determine why the image is predicted as private. To explain the decision of these models, we use feature-attribution to identify and quantify which objects (and which of their features) are more relevant to privacy classification with respect to a reference input (i.e., no objects localised in an image) predicted as public. We show that the presence of the person category and its cardinality is the main factor for the privacy decision. Therefore, these models mostly fail to identify private images depicting documents with sensitive data, vehicle ownership, and internet activity, or public images with people (e.g., an outdoor concert or people walking in a public space next to a famous landmark). As baselines for future benchmarks, we also devise two strategies that are based on the person presence and cardinality and achieve comparable classification performance of the privacy models.
Abstract:We introduce the new setting of open-vocabulary object 6D pose estimation, in which a textual prompt is used to specify the object of interest. In contrast to existing approaches, in our setting (i) the object of interest is specified solely through the textual prompt, (ii) no object model (e.g. CAD or video sequence) is required at inference, (iii) the object is imaged from two different viewpoints of two different scenes, and (iv) the object was not observed during the training phase. To operate in this setting, we introduce a novel approach that leverages a Vision-Language Model to segment the object of interest from two distinct scenes and to estimate its relative 6D pose. The key of our approach is a carefully devised strategy to fuse object-level information provided by the prompt with local image features, resulting in a feature space that can generalize to novel concepts. We validate our approach on a new benchmark based on two popular datasets, REAL275 and Toyota-Light, which collectively encompass 39 object instances appearing in four thousand image pairs. The results demonstrate that our approach outperforms both a well-established hand-crafted method and a recent deep learning-based baseline in estimating the relative 6D pose of objects in different scenes. Project page: https://jcorsetti.github.io/oryon/.
Abstract:Privacy is a complex, subjective and contextual concept that is difficult to define. Therefore, the annotation of images to train privacy classifiers is a challenging task. In this paper, we analyse privacy classification datasets and the properties of controversial images that are annotated with contrasting privacy labels by different assessors. We discuss suitable features for image privacy classification and propose eight privacy-specific and human-interpretable features. These features increase the performance of deep learning models and, on their own, improve the image representation for privacy classification compared with much higher dimensional deep features.
Abstract:Explainable AI (XAI) methods aim to describe the decision process of deep neural networks. Early XAI methods produced visual explanations, whereas more recent techniques generate multimodal explanations that include textual information and visual representations. Visual XAI methods have been shown to be vulnerable to white-box and gray-box adversarial attacks, with an attacker having full or partial knowledge of and access to the target system. As the vulnerabilities of multimodal XAI models have not been examined, in this paper we assess for the first time the robustness to black-box attacks of the natural language explanations generated by a self-rationalizing image-based activity recognition model. We generate unrestricted, spatially variant perturbations that disrupt the association between the predictions and the corresponding explanations to mislead the model into generating unfaithful explanations. We show that we can create adversarial images that manipulate the explanations of an activity recognition model by having access only to its final output.