Abstract:Face analysis has been studied from different angles to infer emotion, poses, shapes, and landmarks. Traditionally RGB cameras are used, yet for fine-grained tasks standard sensors might not be up to the task due to their latency, making it impossible to record and detect micro-movements that carry a highly informative signal, which is necessary for inferring the true emotions of a subject. Event cameras have been increasingly gaining interest as a possible solution to this and similar high-frame rate tasks. We propose a novel spatiotemporal Vision Transformer model that uses Shifted Patch Tokenization (SPT) and Locality Self-Attention (LSA) to enhance the accuracy of Action Unit classification from event streams. We also address the lack of labeled event data in the literature, which can be considered one of the main causes of an existing gap between the maturity of RGB and neuromorphic vision models. Gathering data is harder in the event domain since it cannot be crawled from the web and labeling frames should take into account event aggregation rates and the fact that static parts might not be visible in certain frames. To this end, we present FACEMORPHIC, a temporally synchronized multimodal face dataset composed of RGB videos and event streams. The dataset is annotated at a video level with facial Action Units and contains streams collected with various possible applications, ranging from 3D shape estimation to lip-reading. We then show how temporal synchronization can allow effective neuromorphic face analysis without the need to manually annotate videos: we instead leverage cross-modal supervision bridging the domain gap by representing face shapes in a 3D space. Our proposed model outperforms baseline methods by effectively capturing spatial and temporal information, crucial for recognizing subtle facial micro-expressions.
Abstract:Generating speech-driven 3D talking heads presents numerous challenges; among those is dealing with varying mesh topologies. Existing methods require a registered setting, where all meshes share a common topology: a point-wise correspondence across all meshes the model can animate. While simplifying the problem, it limits applicability as unseen meshes must adhere to the training topology. This work presents a framework capable of animating 3D faces in arbitrary topologies, including real scanned data. Our approach relies on a model leveraging heat diffusion over meshes to overcome the fixed topology constraint. We explore two training settings: a supervised one, in which training sequences share a fixed topology within a sequence but any mesh can be animated at test time, and an unsupervised one, which allows effective training with varying mesh structures. Additionally, we highlight the limitations of current evaluation metrics and propose new metrics for better lip-syncing evaluation between speech and facial movements. Our extensive evaluation shows our approach performs favorably compared to fixed topology techniques, setting a new benchmark by offering a versatile and high-fidelity solution for 3D talking head generation.
Abstract:Traditional approaches for analyzing RGB frames are capable of providing a fine-grained understanding of a face from different angles by inferring emotions, poses, shapes, landmarks. However, when it comes to subtle movements standard RGB cameras might fall behind due to their latency, making it hard to detect micro-movements that carry highly informative cues to infer the true emotions of a subject. To address this issue, the usage of event cameras to analyze faces is gaining increasing interest. Nonetheless, all the expertise matured for RGB processing is not directly transferrable to neuromorphic data due to a strong domain shift and intrinsic differences in how data is represented. The lack of labeled data can be considered one of the main causes of this gap, yet gathering data is harder in the event domain since it cannot be crawled from the web and labeling frames should take into account event aggregation rates and the fact that static parts might not be visible in certain frames. In this paper, we first present FACEMORPHIC, a multimodal temporally synchronized face dataset comprising both RGB videos and event streams. The data is labeled at a video level with facial Action Units and also contains streams collected with a variety of applications in mind, ranging from 3D shape estimation to lip-reading. We then show how temporal synchronization can allow effective neuromorphic face analysis without the need to manually annotate videos: we instead leverage cross-modal supervision bridging the domain gap by representing face shapes in a 3D space.
Abstract:The goal of style transfer is, given a content image and a style source, generating a new image preserving the content but with the artistic representation of the style source. Most of the state-of-the-art architectures use transformers or diffusion-based models to perform this task, despite the heavy computational burden that they require. In particular, transformers use self- and cross-attention layers which have large memory footprint, while diffusion models require high inference time. To overcome the above, this paper explores a novel design of Mamba, an emergent State-Space Model (SSM), called Mamba-ST, to perform style transfer. To do so, we adapt Mamba linear equation to simulate the behavior of cross-attention layers, which are able to combine two separate embeddings into a single output, but drastically reducing memory usage and time complexity. We modified the Mamba's inner equations so to accept inputs from, and combine, two separate data streams. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to adapt the equations of SSMs to a vision task like style transfer without requiring any other module like cross-attention or custom normalization layers. An extensive set of experiments demonstrates the superiority and efficiency of our method in performing style transfer compared to transformers and diffusion models. Results show improved quality in terms of both ArtFID and FID metrics. Code is available at https://github.com/FilippoBotti/MambaST.
Abstract:Text-based person search (TBPS) is a problem that gained significant interest within the research community. The task is that of retrieving one or more images of a specific individual based on a textual description. The multi-modal nature of the task requires learning representations that bridge text and image data within a shared latent space. Existing TBPS systems face two major challenges. One is defined as inter-identity noise that is due to the inherent vagueness and imprecision of text descriptions and it indicates how descriptions of visual attributes can be generally associated to different people; the other is the intra-identity variations, which are all those nuisances e.g. pose, illumination, that can alter the visual appearance of the same textual attributes for a given subject. To address these issues, this paper presents a novel TBPS architecture named MARS (Mae-Attribute-Relation-Sensitive), which enhances current state-of-the-art models by introducing two key components: a Visual Reconstruction Loss and an Attribute Loss. The former employs a Masked AutoEncoder trained to reconstruct randomly masked image patches with the aid of the textual description. In doing so the model is encouraged to learn more expressive representations and textual-visual relations in the latent space. The Attribute Loss, instead, balances the contribution of different types of attributes, defined as adjective-noun chunks of text. This loss ensures that every attribute is taken into consideration in the person retrieval process. Extensive experiments on three commonly used datasets, namely CUHK-PEDES, ICFG-PEDES, and RSTPReid, report performance improvements, with significant gains in the mean Average Precision (mAP) metric w.r.t. the current state of the art.
Abstract:Nowadays, deep learning models have reached incredible performance in the task of image generation. Plenty of literature works address the task of face generation and editing, with human and automatic systems that struggle to distinguish what's real from generated. Whereas most systems reached excellent visual generation quality, they still face difficulties in preserving the identity of the starting input subject. Among all the explored techniques, Semantic Image Synthesis (SIS) methods, whose goal is to generate an image conditioned on a semantic segmentation mask, are the most promising, even though preserving the perceived identity of the input subject is not their main concern. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate the problem of identity preservation in face image generation and present an SIS architecture that exploits a cross-attention mechanism to merge identity, style, and semantic features to generate faces whose identities are as similar as possible to the input ones. Experimental results reveal that the proposed method is not only suitable for preserving the identity but is also effective in the face recognition adversarial attack, i.e. hiding a second identity in the generated faces.
Abstract:Semantic Image Synthesis (SIS) is among the most popular and effective techniques in the field of face generation and editing, thanks to its good generation quality and the versatility is brings along. Recent works attempted to go beyond the standard GAN-based framework, and started to explore Diffusion Models (DMs) for this task as these stand out with respect to GANs in terms of both quality and diversity. On the other hand, DMs lack in fine-grained controllability and reproducibility. To address that, in this paper we propose a SIS framework based on a novel Latent Diffusion Model architecture for human face generation and editing that is both able to reproduce and manipulate a real reference image and generate diversity-driven results. The proposed system utilizes both SPADE normalization and cross-attention layers to merge shape and style information and, by doing so, allows for a precise control over each of the semantic parts of the human face. This was not possible with previous methods in the state of the art. Finally, we performed an extensive set of experiments to prove that our model surpasses current state of the art, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Abstract:The domain of 3D talking head generation has witnessed significant progress in recent years. A notable challenge in this field consists in blending speech-related motions with expression dynamics, which is primarily caused by the lack of comprehensive 3D datasets that combine diversity in spoken sentences with a variety of facial expressions. Whereas literature works attempted to exploit 2D video data and parametric 3D models as a workaround, these still show limitations when jointly modeling the two motions. In this work, we address this problem from a different perspective, and propose an innovative data-driven technique that we used for creating a synthetic dataset, called EmoVOCA, obtained by combining a collection of inexpressive 3D talking heads and a set of 3D expressive sequences. To demonstrate the advantages of this approach, and the quality of the dataset, we then designed and trained an emotional 3D talking head generator that accepts a 3D face, an audio file, an emotion label, and an intensity value as inputs, and learns to animate the audio-synchronized lip movements with expressive traits of the face. Comprehensive experiments, both quantitative and qualitative, using our data and generator evidence superior ability in synthesizing convincing animations, when compared with the best performing methods in the literature. Our code and pre-trained model will be made available.
Abstract:Speech-driven 3D talking heads generation has emerged as a significant area of interest among researchers, presenting numerous challenges. Existing methods are constrained by animating faces with fixed topologies, wherein point-wise correspondence is established, and the number and order of points remains consistent across all identities the model can animate. In this work, we present ScanTalk, a novel framework capable of animating 3D faces in arbitrary topologies including scanned data. Our approach relies on the DiffusionNet architecture to overcome the fixed topology constraint, offering promising avenues for more flexible and realistic 3D animations. By leveraging the power of DiffusionNet, ScanTalk not only adapts to diverse facial structures but also maintains fidelity when dealing with scanned data, thereby enhancing the authenticity and versatility of generated 3D talking heads. Through comprehensive comparisons with state-of-the-art methods, we validate the efficacy of our approach, demonstrating its capacity to generate realistic talking heads comparable to existing techniques. While our primary objective is to develop a generic method free from topological constraints, all state-of-the-art methodologies are bound by such limitations. Code for reproducing our results, and the pre-trained model will be made available.
Abstract:In semantic image synthesis, the state of the art is dominated by methods that use spatially-adaptive normalization layers, which allow for excellent visual generation quality and editing versatility. Granted their efficacy, recent research efforts have focused toward finer-grained local style control and multi-modal generation. By construction though, such layers tend to overlook global image statistics leading to unconvincing local style editing and causing global inconsistencies such as color or illumination distribution shifts. Also, the semantic layout is required for mapping styles in the generator, putting a strict alignment constraint over the features. In response, we designed a novel architecture where cross-attention layers are used in place of de-normalization ones for conditioning the image generation. Our model inherits the advantages of both solutions, retaining state-of-the-art reconstruction quality, as well as improved global and local style transfer. Code and models available at https://github.com/TFonta/CA2SIS.