Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited exceptional performance across a spectrum of natural language processing tasks. However, their substantial sizes pose considerable challenges, particularly in computational demands and inference speed, due to their quadratic complexity. In this work, we have identified a key pattern: certain seemingly meaningless special tokens (i.e., separators) contribute disproportionately to attention scores compared to semantically meaningful tokens. This observation suggests that information of the segments between these separator tokens can be effectively condensed into the separator tokens themselves without significant information loss. Guided by this insight, we introduce SepLLM, a plug-and-play framework that accelerates inference by compressing these segments and eliminating redundant tokens. Additionally, we implement efficient kernels for training acceleration. Experimental results across training-free, training-from-scratch, and post-training settings demonstrate SepLLM's effectiveness. Notably, using the Llama-3-8B backbone, SepLLM achieves over 50% reduction in KV cache on the GSM8K-CoT benchmark while maintaining comparable performance. Furthermore, in streaming settings, SepLLM effectively processes sequences of up to 4 million tokens or more while maintaining consistent language modeling capabilities.
Abstract:The attention mechanism is a fundamental component of the Transformer model, contributing to interactions among distinct tokens, in contrast to earlier feed-forward neural networks. In general, the attention scores are determined simply by the key-query products. However, this work's occasional trial (combining DAPE and NoPE) of including additional MLPs on attention scores without position encoding indicates that the classical key-query multiplication may limit the performance of Transformers. In this work, we conceptualize attention as a feature map and apply the convolution operator (for neighboring attention scores across different heads) to mimic the processing methods in computer vision. Specifically, the main contribution of this paper is identifying and interpreting the Transformer length extrapolation problem as a result of the limited expressiveness of the naive query and key dot product, and we successfully translate the length extrapolation issue into a well-understood feature map processing problem. The novel insight, which can be adapted to various attention-related models, reveals that the current Transformer architecture has the potential for further evolution. Extensive experiments demonstrate that treating attention as a feature map and applying convolution as a processing method significantly enhances Transformer performance.
Abstract:Positional encoding plays a crucial role in transformers, significantly impacting model performance and length generalization. Prior research has introduced absolute positional encoding (APE) and relative positional encoding (RPE) to distinguish token positions in given sequences. However, both APE and RPE remain fixed after model training regardless of input data, limiting their adaptability and flexibility. Hence, we expect that the desired positional encoding should be context-adaptive and can be dynamically adjusted with the given attention. In this paper, we propose a Context-Adaptive Positional Encoding (CAPE) method, which dynamically and semantically adjusts based on input context and learned fixed priors. Experimental validation on real-world datasets (Arxiv, Books3, and CHE) demonstrates that CAPE enhances model performances in terms of trained length and length generalization, where the improvements are statistically significant. The model visualization suggests that our model can keep both local and anti-local information. Finally, we successfully train the model on sequence length 128 and achieve better performance at evaluation sequence length 8192, compared with other static positional encoding methods, revealing the benefit of the adaptive positional encoding method.
Abstract:Besides natural language processing, transformers exhibit extraordinary performance in solving broader applications, including scientific computing and computer vision. Previous works try to explain this from the expressive power and capability perspectives that standard transformers are capable of performing some algorithms. To empower transformers with algorithmic capabilities and motivated by the recently proposed looped transformer (Yang et al., 2024; Giannou et al., 2023), we design a novel transformer block, dubbed Algorithm Transformer (abbreviated as AlgoFormer). Compared with the standard transformer and vanilla looped transformer, the proposed AlgoFormer can achieve significantly higher expressiveness in algorithm representation when using the same number of parameters. In particular, inspired by the structure of human-designed learning algorithms, our transformer block consists of a pre-transformer that is responsible for task pre-processing, a looped transformer for iterative optimization algorithms, and a post-transformer for producing the desired results after post-processing. We provide theoretical evidence of the expressive power of the AlgoFormer in solving some challenging problems, mirroring human-designed algorithms. Furthermore, some theoretical and empirical results are presented to show that the designed transformer has the potential to be smarter than human-designed algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate the empirical superiority of the proposed transformer in that it outperforms the standard transformer and vanilla looped transformer in some challenging tasks.
Abstract:Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have attracted significant attention for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) in recent years because they alleviate the curse of dimensionality that appears in traditional methods. However, the most disadvantage of PINNs is that one neural network corresponds to one PDE. In practice, we usually need to solve a class of PDEs, not just one. With the explosive growth of deep learning, many useful techniques in general deep learning tasks are also suitable for PINNs. Transfer learning methods may reduce the cost for PINNs in solving a class of PDEs. In this paper, we proposed a transfer learning method of PINNs via keeping singular vectors and optimizing singular values (namely SVD-PINNs). Numerical experiments on high dimensional PDEs (10-d linear parabolic equations and 10-d Allen-Cahn equations) show that SVD-PINNs work for solving a class of PDEs with different but close right-hand-side functions.
Abstract:The cubic regularization method (CR) and its adaptive version (ARC) are popular Newton-type methods in solving unconstrained non-convex optimization problems, due to its global convergence to local minima under mild conditions. The main aim of this paper is to develop a momentum-accelerated adaptive cubic regularization method (ARCm) to improve the convergent performance. With the proper choice of momentum step size, we show the global convergence of ARCm and the local convergence can also be guaranteed under the \KL property. Such global and local convergence can also be established when inexact solvers with low computational costs are employed in the iteration procedure. Numerical results for non-convex logistic regression and robust linear regression models are reported to demonstrate that the proposed ARCm significantly outperforms state-of-the-art cubic regularization methods (e.g., CR, momentum-based CR, ARC) and the trust region method. In particular, the number of iterations required by ARCm is less than 10\% to 50\% required by the most competitive method (ARC) in the experiments.
Abstract:The cubic regularization method (CR) is a popular algorithm for unconstrained non-convex optimization. At each iteration, CR solves a cubically regularized quadratic problem, called the cubic regularization subproblem (CRS). One way to solve the CRS relies on solving the secular equation, whose computational bottleneck lies in the computation of all eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix. In this paper, we propose and analyze a novel CRS solver based on an approximate secular equation, which requires only some of the Hessian eigenvalues and is therefore much more efficient. Two approximate secular equations (ASEs) are developed. For both ASEs, we first study the existence and uniqueness of their roots and then establish an upper bound on the gap between the root and that of the standard secular equation. Such an upper bound can in turn be used to bound the distance from the approximate CRS solution based ASEs to the true CRS solution, thus offering a theoretical guarantee for our CRS solver. A desirable feature of our CRS solver is that it requires only matrix-vector multiplication but not matrix inversion, which makes it particularly suitable for high-dimensional applications of unconstrained non-convex optimization, such as low-rank recovery and deep learning. Numerical experiments with synthetic and real data-sets are conducted to investigate the practical performance of the proposed CRS solver. Experimental results show that the proposed solver outperforms two state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Wide applications of differentiable two-player sequential games (e.g., image generation by GANs) have raised much interest and attention of researchers to study efficient and fast algorithms. Most of the existing algorithms are developed based on nice properties of simultaneous games, i.e., convex-concave payoff functions, but are not applicable in solving sequential games with different settings. Some conventional gradient descent ascent algorithms theoretically and numerically fail to find the local Nash equilibrium of the simultaneous game or the local minimax (i.e., local Stackelberg equilibrium) of the sequential game. In this paper, we propose the HessianFR, an efficient Hessian-based Follow-the-Ridge algorithm with theoretical guarantees. Furthermore, the convergence of the stochastic algorithm and the approximation of Hessian inverse are exploited to improve algorithm efficiency. A series of experiments of training generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been conducted on both synthetic and real-world large-scale image datasets (e.g. MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CelebA). The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed HessianFR outperforms baselines in terms of convergence and image generation quality.
Abstract:In this paper, we study a physics-informed algorithm for Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (WGANs) for uncertainty quantification in solutions of partial differential equations. By using groupsort activation functions in adversarial network discriminators, network generators are utilized to learn the uncertainty in solutions of partial differential equations observed from the initial/boundary data. Under mild assumptions, we show that the generalization error of the computed generator converges to the approximation error of the network with high probability, when the number of samples are sufficiently taken. According to our established error bound, we also find that our physics-informed WGANs have higher requirement for the capacity of discriminators than that of generators. Numerical results on synthetic examples of partial differential equations are reported to validate our theoretical results and demonstrate how uncertainty quantification can be obtained for solutions of partial differential equations and the distributions of initial/boundary data.
Abstract:In this paper, we show that the approximation for distributions by Wasserstein GAN depends on both the width/depth (capacity) of generators and discriminators, as well as the number of samples in training. A quantified generalization bound is developed for Wasserstein distance between the generated distribution and the target distribution. It implies that with sufficient training samples, for generators and discriminators with proper number of width and depth, the learned Wasserstein GAN can approximate distributions well. We discover that discriminators suffer a lot from the curse of dimensionality, meaning that GANs have higher requirement for the capacity of discriminators than generators, which is consistent with the theory in arXiv:1703.00573v5 [cs.LG]. More importantly, overly deep (high capacity) generators may cause worse results (after training) than low capacity generators if discriminators are not strong enough. Different from Wasserstein GAN in arXiv:1701.07875v3 [stat.ML], we adopt GroupSort neural networks arXiv:1811.05381v2 [cs.LG] in the model for their better approximation to 1-Lipschitz functions. Compared to some existing generalization (convergence) analysis of GANs, we expect our work are more applicable.