Abstract:Animation has gained significant interest in the recent film and TV industry. Despite the success of advanced video generation models like Sora, Kling, and CogVideoX in generating natural videos, they lack the same effectiveness in handling animation videos. Evaluating animation video generation is also a great challenge due to its unique artist styles, violating the laws of physics and exaggerated motions. In this paper, we present a comprehensive system, AniSora, designed for animation video generation, which includes a data processing pipeline, a controllable generation model, and an evaluation dataset. Supported by the data processing pipeline with over 10M high-quality data, the generation model incorporates a spatiotemporal mask module to facilitate key animation production functions such as image-to-video generation, frame interpolation, and localized image-guided animation. We also collect an evaluation benchmark of 948 various animation videos, the evaluation on VBench and human double-blind test demonstrates consistency in character and motion, achieving state-of-the-art results in animation video generation. Our evaluation benchmark will be publicly available at https://github.com/bilibili/Index-anisora.
Abstract:Animation has gained significant interest in the recent film and TV industry. Despite the success of advanced video generation models like Sora, Kling, and CogVideoX in generating natural videos, they lack the same effectiveness in handling animation videos. Evaluating animation video generation is also a great challenge due to its unique artist styles, violating the laws of physics and exaggerated motions. In this paper, we present a comprehensive system, AniSora, designed for animation video generation, which includes a data processing pipeline, a controllable generation model, and an evaluation dataset. Supported by the data processing pipeline with over 10M high-quality data, the generation model incorporates a spatiotemporal mask module to facilitate key animation production functions such as image-to-video generation, frame interpolation, and localized image-guided animation. We also collect an evaluation benchmark of 948 various animation videos, the evaluation on VBench and human double-blind test demonstrates consistency in character and motion, achieving state-of-the-art results in animation video generation. %We also collect an evaluation benchmark of 948 various animation videos, with specifically developed metrics for animation video generation. Our model access API and evaluation benchmark will be publicly available.
Abstract:A good parallelization strategy can significantly improve the efficiency or reduce the cost for the distributed training of deep neural networks (DNNs). Recently, several methods have been proposed to find efficient parallelization strategies but they all optimize a single objective (e.g., execution time, memory consumption) and produce only one strategy. We propose FT, an efficient algorithm that searches for an optimal set of parallelization strategies to allow the trade-off among different objectives. FT can adapt to different scenarios by minimizing the memory consumption when the number of devices is limited and fully utilize additional resources to reduce the execution time. For popular DNN models (e.g., vision, language), an in-depth analysis is conducted to understand the trade-offs among different objectives and their influence on the parallelization strategies. We also develop a user-friendly system, called TensorOpt, which allows users to run their distributed DNN training jobs without caring the details of parallelization strategies. Experimental results show that FT runs efficiently and provides accurate estimation of runtime costs, and TensorOpt is more flexible in adapting to resource availability compared with existing frameworks.