Abstract:Owing to the capability of in-context learning, large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance across diverse mathematical reasoning benchmarks. However, we find that few-shot demonstrations can sometimes bring negative performance and their effectiveness on LLMs' reasoning abilities remains unreliable. To this end, in this paper, we aim to theoretically analyze the impact of in-context demonstrations on LLMs' reasoning performance. We prove that the reasoning efficacy (measured by empirical prediction loss) can be bounded by a LLM-oriented semantic similarity and an inference stability of demonstrations, which is general for both one-shot and few-shot scenarios. Based on this finding, we propose a straightforward, generalizable, and low-complexity demonstration selection method named LMS3. It can adaptively facilitate to select the most pertinent samples for different LLMs and includes a novel demonstration rejection mechanism to automatically filter out samples that are unsuitable for few-shot learning. Through experiments on three representative benchmarks, two LLM backbones, and multiple few-shot settings, we verify that our LMS3 has superiority and achieves consistent improvements on all datasets, which existing methods have been unable to accomplish.
Abstract:Stochastic gradients have been widely integrated into Langevin-based methods to improve their scalability and efficiency in solving large-scale sampling problems. However, the proximal sampler, which exhibits much faster convergence than Langevin-based algorithms in the deterministic setting Lee et al. (2021), has yet to be explored in its stochastic variants. In this paper, we study the Stochastic Proximal Samplers (SPS) for sampling from non-log-concave distributions. We first establish a general framework for implementing stochastic proximal samplers and establish the convergence theory accordingly. We show that the convergence to the target distribution can be guaranteed as long as the second moment of the algorithm trajectory is bounded and restricted Gaussian oracles can be well approximated. We then provide two implementable variants based on Stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD) and Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA), giving rise to SPS-SGLD and SPS-MALA. We further show that SPS-SGLD and SPS-MALA can achieve $\epsilon$-sampling error in total variation (TV) distance within $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\epsilon^{-2})$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{1/2}\epsilon^{-2})$ gradient complexities, which outperform the best-known result by at least an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{1/3})$ factor. This enhancement in performance is corroborated by our empirical studies on synthetic data with various dimensions, demonstrating the efficiency of our proposed algorithm.
Abstract:To generate data from trained diffusion models, most inference algorithms, such as DDPM, DDIM, and other variants, rely on discretizing the reverse SDEs or their equivalent ODEs. In this paper, we view such approaches as decomposing the entire denoising diffusion process into several segments, each corresponding to a reverse transition kernel (RTK) sampling subproblem. Specifically, DDPM uses a Gaussian approximation for the RTK, resulting in low per-subproblem complexity but requiring a large number of segments (i.e., subproblems), which is conjectured to be inefficient. To address this, we develop a general RTK framework that enables a more balanced subproblem decomposition, resulting in $\tilde O(1)$ subproblems, each with strongly log-concave targets. We then propose leveraging two fast sampling algorithms, the Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm (MALA) and Underdamped Langevin Dynamics (ULD), for solving these strongly log-concave subproblems. This gives rise to the RTK-MALA and RTK-ULD algorithms for diffusion inference. In theory, we further develop the convergence guarantees for RTK-MALA and RTK-ULD in total variation (TV) distance: RTK-ULD can achieve $\epsilon$ target error within $\tilde{\mathcal O}(d^{1/2}\epsilon^{-1})$ under mild conditions, and RTK-MALA enjoys a $\mathcal{O}(d^{2}\log(d/\epsilon))$ convergence rate under slightly stricter conditions. These theoretical results surpass the state-of-the-art convergence rates for diffusion inference and are well supported by numerical experiments.
Abstract:Understanding the dimension dependency of computational complexity in high-dimensional sampling problem is a fundamental problem, both from a practical and theoretical perspective. Compared with samplers with unbiased stationary distribution, e.g., Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA), biased samplers, e.g., Underdamped Langevin Dynamics (ULD), perform better in low-accuracy cases just because a lower dimension dependency in their complexities. Along this line, Freund et al. (2022) suggest that the modified Langevin algorithm with prior diffusion is able to converge dimension independently for strongly log-concave target distributions. Nonetheless, it remains open whether such property establishes for more general cases. In this paper, we investigate the prior diffusion technique for the target distributions satisfying log-Sobolev inequality (LSI), which covers a much broader class of distributions compared to the strongly log-concave ones. In particular, we prove that the modified Langevin algorithm can also obtain the dimension-independent convergence of KL divergence with different step size schedules. The core of our proof technique is a novel construction of an interpolating SDE, which significantly helps to conduct a more accurate characterization of the discrete updates of the overdamped Langevin dynamics. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates the benefits of prior diffusion for a broader class of target distributions and provides new insights into developing faster sampling algorithms.
Abstract:To sample from a general target distribution $p_*\propto e^{-f_*}$ beyond the isoperimetric condition, Huang et al. (2023) proposed to perform sampling through reverse diffusion, giving rise to Diffusion-based Monte Carlo (DMC). Specifically, DMC follows the reverse SDE of a diffusion process that transforms the target distribution to the standard Gaussian, utilizing a non-parametric score estimation. However, the original DMC algorithm encountered high gradient complexity, resulting in an exponential dependency on the error tolerance $\epsilon$ of the obtained samples. In this paper, we demonstrate that the high complexity of DMC originates from its redundant design of score estimation, and proposed a more efficient algorithm, called RS-DMC, based on a novel recursive score estimation method. In particular, we first divide the entire diffusion process into multiple segments and then formulate the score estimation step (at any time step) as a series of interconnected mean estimation and sampling subproblems accordingly, which are correlated in a recursive manner. Importantly, we show that with a proper design of the segment decomposition, all sampling subproblems will only need to tackle a strongly log-concave distribution, which can be very efficient to solve using the Langevin-based samplers with a provably rapid convergence rate. As a result, we prove that the gradient complexity of RS-DMC only has a quasi-polynomial dependency on $\epsilon$, which significantly improves exponential gradient complexity in Huang et al. (2023). Furthermore, under commonly used dissipative conditions, our algorithm is provably much faster than the popular Langevin-based algorithms. Our algorithm design and theoretical framework illuminate a novel direction for addressing sampling problems, which could be of broader applicability in the community.
Abstract:The efficacy of modern generative models is commonly contingent upon the precision of score estimation along the diffusion path, with a focus on diffusion models and their ability to generate high-quality data samples. This study delves into the potentialities of posterior sampling through reverse diffusion. An examination of the sampling literature reveals that score estimation can be transformed into a mean estimation problem via the decomposition of the transition kernel. By estimating the mean of the auxiliary distribution, the reverse diffusion process can give rise to a novel posterior sampling algorithm, which diverges from traditional gradient-based Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We provide the convergence analysis in total variation distance and demonstrate that the isoperimetric dependency of the proposed algorithm is comparatively lower than that observed in conventional MCMC techniques, which justifies the superior performance for high dimensional sampling with error tolerance. Our analytical framework offers fresh perspectives on the complexity of score estimation at various time points, as denoted by the properties of the auxiliary distribution.
Abstract:We consider optimizing two-layer neural networks in the mean-field regime where the learning dynamics of network weights can be approximated by the evolution in the space of probability measures over the weight parameters associated with the neurons. The mean-field regime is a theoretically attractive alternative to the NTK (lazy training) regime which is only restricted locally in the so-called neural tangent kernel space around specialized initializations. Several prior works (\cite{mei2018mean, chizat2018global}) establish the asymptotic global optimality of the mean-field regime, but it is still challenging to obtain a quantitative convergence rate due to the complicated nonlinearity of the training dynamics. This work establishes a new linear convergence result for two-layer neural networks trained by continuous-time noisy gradient descent in the mean-field regime. Our result relies on a novelty logarithmic Sobolev inequality for two-layer neural networks, and uniform upper bounds on the logarithmic Sobolev constants for a family of measures determined by the evolving distribution of hidden neurons.
Abstract:Due to its simplicity and outstanding ability to generalize, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is still the most widely used optimization method despite its slow convergence. Meanwhile, adaptive methods have attracted rising attention of optimization and machine learning communities, both for the leverage of life-long information and for the profound and fundamental mathematical theory. Taking the best of both worlds is the most exciting and challenging question in the field of optimization for machine learning. Along this line, we revisited existing adaptive gradient methods from a novel perspective, refreshing understanding of second moments. Our new perspective empowers us to attach the properties of second moments to the first moment iteration, and to propose a novel first moment optimizer, \emph{Angle-Calibrated Moment method} (\method). Our theoretical results show that \method is able to achieve the same convergence rate as mainstream adaptive methods. Furthermore, extensive experiments on CV and NLP tasks demonstrate that \method has a comparable convergence to SOTA Adam-type optimizers, and gains a better generalization performance in most cases.
Abstract:Adaptive gradient methods have attracted much attention of machine learning communities due to the high efficiency. However their acceleration effect in practice, especially in neural network training, is hard to analyze, theoretically. The huge gap between theoretical convergence results and practical performances prevents further understanding of existing optimizers and the development of more advanced optimization methods. In this paper, we provide adaptive gradient methods a novel analysis with an additional mild assumption, and revise AdaGrad to \radagrad for matching a better provable convergence rate. To find an $\epsilon$-approximate first-order stationary point in non-convex objectives, we prove random shuffling \radagrad achieves a $\tilde{O}(T^{-1/2})$ convergence rate, which is significantly improved by factors $\tilde{O}(T^{-1/4})$ and $\tilde{O}(T^{-1/6})$ compared with existing adaptive gradient methods and random shuffling SGD, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time to demonstrate that adaptive gradient methods can deterministically be faster than SGD after finite epochs. Furthermore, we conduct comprehensive experiments to validate the additional mild assumption and the acceleration effect benefited from second moments and random shuffling.
Abstract:Second-order optimization methods have desirable convergence properties. However, the exact Newton method requires expensive computation for the Hessian and its inverse. In this paper, we propose SPAN, a novel approximate and fast Newton method. SPAN computes the inverse of the Hessian matrix via low-rank approximation and stochastic Hessian-vector products. Our experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that SPAN outperforms existing first-order and second-order optimization methods in terms of the convergence wall-clock time. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical analysis of the per-iteration complexity, the approximation error, and the convergence rate. Both the theoretical analysis and experimental results show that our proposed method achieves a better trade-off between the convergence rate and the per-iteration efficiency.