Abstract:Diffusion models have emerged as a powerful class of generative models, capable of producing high-quality images by mapping noise to a data distribution. However, recent findings suggest that image likelihood does not align with perceptual quality: high-likelihood samples tend to be smooth, while lower-likelihood ones are more detailed. Controlling sample density is thus crucial for balancing realism and detail. In this paper, we analyze an existing technique, Prior Guidance, which scales the latent code to influence image detail. We introduce score alignment, a condition that explains why this method works and show that it can be tractably checked for any continuous normalizing flow model. We then propose Density Guidance, a principled modification of the generative ODE that enables exact log-density control during sampling. Finally, we extend Density Guidance to stochastic sampling, ensuring precise log-density control while allowing controlled variation in structure or fine details. Our experiments demonstrate that these techniques provide fine-grained control over image detail without compromising sample quality.
Abstract:We investigate what kind of images lie in the high-density regions of diffusion models. We introduce a theoretical mode-tracking process capable of pinpointing the exact mode of the denoising distribution, and we propose a practical high-probability sampler that consistently generates images of higher likelihood than usual samplers. Our empirical findings reveal the existence of significantly higher likelihood samples that typical samplers do not produce, often manifesting as cartoon-like drawings or blurry images depending on the noise level. Curiously, these patterns emerge in datasets devoid of such examples. We also present a novel approach to track sample likelihoods in diffusion SDEs, which remarkably incurs no additional computational cost.
Abstract:We introduce a novel score-based diffusion framework named Twigs that incorporates multiple co-evolving flows for enriching conditional generation tasks. Specifically, a central or trunk diffusion process is associated with a primary variable (e.g., graph structure), and additional offshoot or stem processes are dedicated to dependent variables (e.g., graph properties or labels). A new strategy, which we call loop guidance, effectively orchestrates the flow of information between the trunk and the stem processes during sampling. This approach allows us to uncover intricate interactions and dependencies, and unlock new generative capabilities. We provide extensive experiments to demonstrate strong performance gains of the proposed method over contemporary baselines in the context of conditional graph generation, underscoring the potential of Twigs in challenging generative tasks such as inverse molecular design and molecular optimization.
Abstract:A central but unresolved aspect of problem-solving in AI is the capability to introduce and use abstractions, something humans excel at. Work in cognitive science has demonstrated that humans tend towards higher levels of abstraction when engaged in collaborative task-oriented communication, enabling gradually shorter and more information-efficient utterances. Several computational methods have attempted to replicate this phenomenon, but all make unrealistic simplifying assumptions about how abstractions are introduced and learned. Our method, Abstractions for Communicating Efficiently (ACE), overcomes these limitations through a neuro-symbolic approach. On the symbolic side, we draw on work from library learning for proposing abstractions. We combine this with neural methods for communication and reinforcement learning, via a novel use of bandit algorithms for controlling the exploration and exploitation trade-off in introducing new abstractions. ACE exhibits similar tendencies to humans on a collaborative construction task from the cognitive science literature, where one agent (the architect) instructs the other (the builder) to reconstruct a scene of block-buildings. ACE results in the emergence of an efficient language as a by-product of collaborative communication. Beyond providing mechanistic insights into human communication, our work serves as a first step to providing conversational agents with the ability for human-like communicative abstractions.
Abstract:Several generative models with elaborate training and sampling procedures have been proposed recently to accelerate structure-based drug design (SBDD); however, perplexingly, their empirical performance turns out to be suboptimal. We seek to better understand this phenomenon from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Since most of these models apply graph neural networks (GNNs), one may suspect that they inherit the representational limitations of GNNs. We analyze this aspect, establishing the first such results for protein-ligand complexes. A plausible counterview may attribute the underperformance of these models to their excessive parameterizations, inducing expressivity at the expense of generalization. We also investigate this possibility with a simple metric-aware approach that learns an economical surrogate for affinity to infer an unlabelled molecular graph and optimizes for labels conditioned on this graph and molecular properties. The resulting model achieves state-of-the-art results using 100x fewer trainable parameters and affords up to 1000x speedup. Collectively, our findings underscore the need to reassess and redirect the existing paradigm and efforts for SBDD.
Abstract:Topological Neural Networks (TNNs) incorporate higher-order relational information beyond pairwise interactions, enabling richer representations than Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Concurrently, topological descriptors based on persistent homology (PH) are being increasingly employed to augment the GNNs. We investigate the benefits of integrating these two paradigms. Specifically, we introduce TopNets as a broad framework that subsumes and unifies various methods in the intersection of GNNs/TNNs and PH such as (generalizations of) RePHINE and TOGL. TopNets can also be readily adapted to handle (symmetries in) geometric complexes, extending the scope of TNNs and PH to spatial settings. Theoretically, we show that PH descriptors can provably enhance the expressivity of simplicial message-passing networks. Empirically, (continuous and E(n)-equivariant extensions of) TopNets achieve strong performance across diverse tasks, including antibody design, molecular dynamics simulation, and drug property prediction.
Abstract:Retrosynthesis, the task of identifying precursors for a given molecule, can be naturally framed as a conditional graph generation task. Diffusion models are a particularly promising modelling approach, enabling post-hoc conditioning and trading off quality for speed during generation. We show mathematically that permutation equivariant denoisers severely limit the expressiveness of graph diffusion models and thus their adaptation to retrosynthesis. To address this limitation, we relax the equivariance requirement such that it only applies to aligned permutations of the conditioning and the generated graphs obtained through atom mapping. Our new denoiser achieves the highest top-$1$ accuracy ($54.7$\%) across template-free and template-based methods on USPTO-50k. We also demonstrate the ability for flexible post-training conditioning and good sample quality with small diffusion step counts, highlighting the potential for interactive applications and additional controls for multi-step planning.
Abstract:Preferential Bayesian optimization (PBO) is a sample-efficient framework for learning human preferences between candidate designs. PBO classically relies on homoscedastic noise models to represent human aleatoric uncertainty. Yet, such noise fails to accurately capture the varying levels of human aleatoric uncertainty, particularly when the user possesses partial knowledge among different pairs of candidates. For instance, a chemist with solid expertise in glucose-related molecules may easily compare two compounds from that family while struggling to compare alcohol-related molecules. Currently, PBO overlooks this uncertainty during the search for a new candidate through the maximization of the acquisition function, consequently underestimating the risk associated with human uncertainty. To address this issue, we propose a heteroscedastic noise model to capture human aleatoric uncertainty. This model adaptively assigns noise levels based on the distance of a specific input to a predefined set of reliable inputs known as anchors provided by the human. Anchors encapsulate partial knowledge and offer insight into the comparative difficulty of evaluating different candidate pairs. Such a model can be seamlessly integrated into the acquisition function, thus leading to candidate design pairs that elegantly trade informativeness and ease of comparison for the human expert. We perform an extensive empirical evaluation of the proposed approach, demonstrating a consistent improvement over homoscedastic PBO.
Abstract:Buildings account for 40 % of global energy consumption. A considerable portion of building energy consumption stems from heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and thus implementing smart, energy-efficient HVAC systems has the potential to significantly impact the course of climate change. In recent years, model-free reinforcement learning algorithms have been increasingly assessed for this purpose due to their ability to learn and adapt purely from experience. They have been shown to outperform classical controllers in terms of energy cost and consumption, as well as thermal comfort. However, their weakness lies in their relatively poor data efficiency, requiring long periods of training to reach acceptable policies, making them inapplicable to real-world controllers directly. Hence, common research goals are to improve the learning speed, as well as to improve their ability to generalize, in order to facilitate transfer learning to unseen building environments. In this paper, we take a federated learning approach to training the reinforcement learning controller of an HVAC system. A global control policy is learned by aggregating local policies trained on multiple data centers located in different climate zones. The goal of the policy is to simultaneously minimize energy consumption and maximize thermal comfort. The federated optimization strategy indirectly increases both the rate at which experience data is collected and the variation in the data. We demonstrate through experimental evaluation that these effects lead to a faster learning speed, as well as greater generalization capabilities in the federated policy compared to any individually trained policy.
Abstract:Present-day graphical user interfaces (GUIs) exhibit diverse arrangements of text, graphics, and interactive elements such as buttons and menus, but representations of GUIs have not kept up. They do not encapsulate both semantic and visuo-spatial relationships among elements. To seize machine learning's potential for GUIs more efficiently, Graph4GUI exploits graph neural networks to capture individual elements' properties and their semantic-visuo-spatial constraints in a layout. The learned representation demonstrated its effectiveness in multiple tasks, especially generating designs in a challenging GUI autocompletion task, which involved predicting the positions of remaining unplaced elements in a partially completed GUI. The new model's suggestions showed alignment and visual appeal superior to the baseline method and received higher subjective ratings for preference. Furthermore, we demonstrate the practical benefits and efficiency advantages designers perceive when utilizing our model as an autocompletion plug-in.