Abstract:Quantitative tools are increasingly appealing for decision support in healthcare, driven by the growing capabilities of advanced AI systems. However, understanding the predictive uncertainties surrounding a tool's output is crucial for decision-makers to ensure reliable and transparent decisions. In this paper, we present a case study on pulmonary nodule detection for lung cancer screening, enhancing an advanced detection model with an uncertainty quantification technique called conformal risk control (CRC). We demonstrate that prediction sets with conformal guarantees are attractive measures of predictive uncertainty in the safety-critical healthcare domain, allowing end-users to achieve arbitrary validity by trading off false positives and providing formal statistical guarantees on model performance. Among ground-truth nodules annotated by at least three radiologists, our model achieves a sensitivity that is competitive with that generally achieved by individual radiologists, with a slight increase in false positives. Furthermore, we illustrate the risks of using off-the-shelve prediction models when faced with ontological uncertainty, such as when radiologists disagree on what constitutes the ground truth on pulmonary nodules.
Abstract:Segmentation is a critical step in analyzing the developing human fetal brain. There have been vast improvements in automatic segmentation methods in the past several years, and the Fetal Brain Tissue Annotation (FeTA) Challenge 2021 helped to establish an excellent standard of fetal brain segmentation. However, FeTA 2021 was a single center study, and the generalizability of algorithms across different imaging centers remains unsolved, limiting real-world clinical applicability. The multi-center FeTA Challenge 2022 focuses on advancing the generalizability of fetal brain segmentation algorithms for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In FeTA 2022, the training dataset contained images and corresponding manually annotated multi-class labels from two imaging centers, and the testing data contained images from these two imaging centers as well as two additional unseen centers. The data from different centers varied in many aspects, including scanners used, imaging parameters, and fetal brain super-resolution algorithms applied. 16 teams participated in the challenge, and 17 algorithms were evaluated. Here, a detailed overview and analysis of the challenge results are provided, focusing on the generalizability of the submissions. Both in- and out of domain, the white matter and ventricles were segmented with the highest accuracy, while the most challenging structure remains the cerebral cortex due to anatomical complexity. The FeTA Challenge 2022 was able to successfully evaluate and advance generalizability of multi-class fetal brain tissue segmentation algorithms for MRI and it continues to benchmark new algorithms. The resulting new methods contribute to improving the analysis of brain development in utero.
Abstract:Accurate segmentation of fetal brain magnetic resonance images is crucial for analyzing fetal brain development and detecting potential neurodevelopmental abnormalities. Traditional deep learning-based automatic segmentation, although effective, requires extensive training data with ground-truth labels, typically produced by clinicians through a time-consuming annotation process. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel unsupervised segmentation method based on multi-atlas segmentation, that accurately segments multiple tissues without relying on labeled data for training. Our method employs a cascaded deep learning network for 3D image registration, which computes small, incremental deformations to the moving image to align it precisely with the fixed image. This cascaded network can then be used to register multiple annotated images with the image to be segmented, and combine the propagated labels to form a refined segmentation. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed cascaded architecture outperforms the state-of-the-art registration methods that were tested. Furthermore, the derived segmentation method achieves similar performance and inference time to nnU-Net while only using a small subset of annotated data for the multi-atlas segmentation task and none for training the network. Our pipeline for registration and multi-atlas segmentation is publicly available at https://github.com/ValBcn/CasReg.