Abstract:In social robot navigation, traditional metrics like proxemics and behavior naturalness emphasize human comfort and adherence to social norms but often fail to capture an agent's autonomy and adaptability in dynamic environments. This paper introduces human empowerment, an information-theoretic concept that measures a human's ability to influence their future states and observe those changes, as a complementary metric for evaluating social compliance. This metric reveals how robot navigation policies can indirectly impact human empowerment. We present a framework that integrates human empowerment into the evaluation of social performance in navigation tasks. Through numerical simulations, we demonstrate that human empowerment as a metric not only aligns with intuitive social behavior, but also shows statistically significant differences across various robot navigation policies. These results provide a deeper understanding of how different policies affect social compliance, highlighting the potential of human empowerment as a complementary metric for future research in social navigation.
Abstract:The correct specification of reward models is a well-known challenge in reinforcement learning. Hand-crafted reward functions often lead to inefficient or suboptimal policies and may not be aligned with user values. Reinforcement learning from human feedback is a successful technique that can mitigate such issues, however, the collection of human feedback can be laborious. Recent works have solicited feedback from pre-trained large language models rather than humans to reduce or eliminate human effort, however, these approaches yield poor performance in the presence of hallucination and other errors. This paper studies the advantages and limitations of reinforcement learning from large language model feedback and proposes a simple yet effective method for soliciting and applying feedback as a potential-based shaping function. We theoretically show that inconsistent rankings, which approximate ranking errors, lead to uninformative rewards with our approach. Our method empirically improves convergence speed and policy returns over commonly used baselines even with significant ranking errors, and eliminates the need for complex post-processing of reward functions.
Abstract:In this paper, we develop a control framework for the coordination of multiple robots as they navigate through crowded environments. Our framework comprises of a local model predictive control (MPC) for each robot and a social long short-term memory model that forecasts pedestrians' trajectories. We formulate the local MPC formulation for each individual robot that includes both individual and shared objectives, in which the latter encourages the emergence of coordination among robots. Next, we consider the multi-robot navigation and human-robot interaction, respectively, as a potential game and a two-player game, then employ an iterative best response approach to solve the resulting optimization problems in a centralized and distributed fashion. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of coordination among robots in simulated crowd navigation.
Abstract:Crowd navigation has received increasing attention from researchers over the last few decades, resulting in the emergence of numerous approaches aimed at addressing this problem to date. Our proposed approach couples agent motion prediction and planning to avoid the freezing robot problem while simultaneously capturing multi-agent social interactions by utilizing a state-of-the-art trajectory prediction model i.e., social long short-term memory model (Social-LSTM). Leveraging the output of Social-LSTM for the prediction of future trajectories of pedestrians at each time-step given the robot's possible actions, our framework computes the optimal control action using Model Predictive Control (MPC) for the robot to navigate among pedestrians. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach in multiple scenarios of simulated crowd navigation and compare it against several state-of-the-art reinforcement learning-based methods.
Abstract:We derive optimal control policies for a Connected Automated Vehicle (CAV) and cooperating neighboring CAVs to carry out a lane change maneuver consisting of a longitudinal phase where the CAV properly positions itself relative to the cooperating neighbors and a lateral phase where it safely changes lanes. In contrast to prior work on this problem, where the CAV "selfishly" only seeks to minimize its maneuver time, we seek to ensure that the fast-lane traffic flow is minimally disrupted (through a properly defined metric). Additionally, when performing lane-changing maneuvers, we optimally select the cooperating vehicles from a set of feasible neighboring vehicles and experimentally show that the highway throughput is improved compared to the baseline case of human-driven vehicles changing lanes with no cooperation. When feasible solutions do not exist for a given maximal allowable disruption, we include a time relaxation method trading off a longer maneuver time with reduced disruption. Our analysis is also extended to multiple sequential maneuvers. Simulation results show the effectiveness of our controllers in terms of safety guarantees and up to 16% and 90% average throughput and maneuver time improvement respectively when compared to maneuvers with no cooperation.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a refinement strategy to the well-known Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) based on the concept of Optimal Transport (OT). Conventional black-box PINNs solvers have been found to suffer from a host of issues: spectral bias in fully-connected architectures, unstable gradient pathologies, as well as difficulties with convergence and accuracy. Current network training strategies are agnostic to dimension sizes and rely on the availability of powerful computing resources to optimize through a large number of collocation points. This is particularly challenging when studying stochastic dynamical systems with the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equation (FPKE), a second-order PDE which is typically solved in high-dimensional state space. While we focus exclusively on the stationary form of the FPKE, positivity and normalization constraints on its solution make it all the more unfavorable to solve directly using standard PINNs approaches. To mitigate the above challenges, we present a novel training strategy for solving the FPKE using OT-based sampling to supplement the existing PINNs framework. It is an iterative approach that induces a network trained on a small dataset to add samples to its training dataset from regions where it nominally makes the most error. The new samples are found by solving a linear programming problem at every iteration. The paper is complemented by an experimental evaluation of the proposed method showing its applicability on a variety of stochastic systems with nonlinear dynamics.