The University of Sydney, Australia
Abstract:The Android ecosystem is vulnerable to issues such as app repackaging, counterfeiting, and piracy, threatening both developers and users. To mitigate these risks, developers often employ code obfuscation techniques. However, while effective in protecting legitimate applications, obfuscation also hinders security investigations as it is often exploited for malicious purposes. As such, it is important to understand code obfuscation practices in Android apps. In this paper, we analyze over 500,000 Android APKs from Google Play, spanning an eight-year period, to investigate the evolution and prevalence of code obfuscation techniques. First, we propose a set of classifiers to detect obfuscated code, tools, and techniques and then conduct a longitudinal analysis to identify trends. Our results show a 13% increase in obfuscation from 2016 to 2023, with ProGuard and Allatori as the most commonly used tools. We also show that obfuscation is more prevalent in top-ranked apps and gaming genres such as Casino apps. To our knowledge, this is the first large-scale study of obfuscation adoption in the Google Play Store, providing insights for developers and security analysts.
Abstract:While many online services provide privacy policies for end users to read and understand what personal data are being collected, these documents are often lengthy and complicated. As a result, the vast majority of users do not read them at all, leading to data collection under uninformed consent. Several attempts have been made to make privacy policies more user friendly by summarising them, providing automatic annotations or labels for key sections, or by offering chat interfaces to ask specific questions. With recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), there is an opportunity to develop more effective tools to parse privacy policies and help users make informed decisions. In this paper, we propose an entailment-driven LLM based framework to classify paragraphs of privacy policies into meaningful labels that are easily understood by users. The results demonstrate that our framework outperforms traditional LLM methods, improving the F1 score in average by 11.2%. Additionally, our framework provides inherently explainable and meaningful predictions.
Abstract:Malicious URL classification represents a crucial aspect of cyber security. Although existing work comprises numerous machine learning and deep learning-based URL classification models, most suffer from generalisation and domain-adaptation issues arising from the lack of representative training datasets. Furthermore, these models fail to provide explanations for a given URL classification in natural human language. In this work, we investigate and demonstrate the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) to address this issue. Specifically, we propose an LLM-based one-shot learning framework that uses Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning to predict whether a given URL is benign or phishing. We evaluate our framework using three URL datasets and five state-of-the-art LLMs and show that one-shot LLM prompting indeed provides performances close to supervised models, with GPT 4-Turbo being the best model, followed by Claude 3 Opus. We conduct a quantitative analysis of the LLM explanations and show that most of the explanations provided by LLMs align with the post-hoc explanations of the supervised classifiers, and the explanations have high readability, coherency, and informativeness.
Abstract:With the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the rising interconnectedness of devices, network security faces significant challenges, especially from anomalous activities. While traditional machine learning-based intrusion detection systems (ML-IDS) effectively employ supervised learning methods, they possess limitations such as the requirement for labeled data and challenges with high dimensionality. Recent unsupervised ML-IDS approaches such as AutoEncoders and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) offer alternative solutions but pose challenges in deployment onto resource-constrained IoT devices and in interpretability. To address these concerns, this paper proposes a novel federated unsupervised anomaly detection framework, FedPCA, that leverages Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Alternating Directions Method Multipliers (ADMM) to learn common representations of distributed non-i.i.d. datasets. Building on the FedPCA framework, we propose two algorithms, FEDPE in Euclidean space and FEDPG on Grassmann manifolds. Our approach enables real-time threat detection and mitigation at the device level, enhancing network resilience while ensuring privacy. Moreover, the proposed algorithms are accompanied by theoretical convergence rates even under a subsampling scheme, a novel result. Experimental results on the UNSW-NB15 and TON-IoT datasets show that our proposed methods offer performance in anomaly detection comparable to nonlinear baselines, while providing significant improvements in communication and memory efficiency, underscoring their potential for securing IoT networks.
Abstract:Many data distributions in the real world are hardly uniform. Instead, skewed and long-tailed distributions of various kinds are commonly observed. This poses an interesting problem for machine learning, where most algorithms assume or work well with uniformly distributed data. The problem is further exacerbated by current state-of-the-art deep learning models requiring large volumes of training data. As such, learning from imbalanced data remains a challenging research problem and a problem that must be solved as we move towards more real-world applications of deep learning. In the context of class imbalance, state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracies on standard benchmark datasets for classification typically fall less than 75%, even for less challenging datasets such as CIFAR100. Nonetheless, there has been progress in this niche area of deep learning. To this end, in this survey, we provide a taxonomy of various methods proposed for addressing the problem of long-tail classification, focusing on works that happened in the last few years under a single mathematical framework. We also discuss standard performance metrics, convergence studies, feature distribution and classifier analysis. We also provide a quantitative comparison of the performance of different SOTA methods and conclude the survey by discussing the remaining challenges and future research direction.
Abstract:Deep neural networks (DNNs) deployed in real-world applications can encounter out-of-distribution (OOD) data and adversarial examples. These represent distinct forms of distributional shifts that can significantly impact DNNs' reliability and robustness. Traditionally, research has addressed OOD detection and adversarial robustness as separate challenges. This survey focuses on the intersection of these two areas, examining how the research community has investigated them together. Consequently, we identify two key research directions: robust OOD detection and unified robustness. Robust OOD detection aims to differentiate between in-distribution (ID) data and OOD data, even when they are adversarially manipulated to deceive the OOD detector. Unified robustness seeks a single approach to make DNNs robust against both adversarial attacks and OOD inputs. Accordingly, first, we establish a taxonomy based on the concept of distributional shifts. This framework clarifies how robust OOD detection and unified robustness relate to other research areas addressing distributional shifts, such as OOD detection, open set recognition, and anomaly detection. Subsequently, we review existing work on robust OOD detection and unified robustness. Finally, we highlight the limitations of the existing work and propose promising research directions that explore adversarial and OOD inputs within a unified framework.
Abstract:Integrating supervised contrastive loss to cross entropy-based communication has recently been proposed as a solution to address the long-tail learning problem. However, when the class imbalance ratio is high, it requires adjusting the supervised contrastive loss to support the tail classes, as the conventional contrastive learning is biased towards head classes by default. To this end, we present Rebalanced Contrastive Learning (RCL), an efficient means to increase the long tail classification accuracy by addressing three main aspects: 1. Feature space balancedness - Equal division of the feature space among all the classes, 2. Intra-Class compactness - Reducing the distance between same-class embeddings, 3. Regularization - Enforcing larger margins for tail classes to reduce overfitting. RCL adopts class frequency-based SoftMax loss balancing to supervised contrastive learning loss and exploits scalar multiplied features fed to the contrastive learning loss to enforce compactness. We implement RCL on the Balanced Contrastive Learning (BCL) Framework, which has the SOTA performance. Our experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the richness of the learnt embeddings and increased top-1 balanced accuracy RCL provides to the BCL framework. We further demonstrate that the performance of RCL as a standalone loss also achieves state-of-the-art level accuracy.
Abstract:Deep learning models often exhibit overconfidence in predicting out-of-distribution (OOD) data, underscoring the crucial role of OOD detection in ensuring reliability in predictions. Among various OOD detection approaches, post-hoc detectors have gained significant popularity, primarily due to their ease of use and implementation. However, the effectiveness of most post-hoc OOD detectors has been constrained as they rely solely either on extreme information, such as the maximum logit, or on the collective information (i.e., information spanned across classes or training samples) embedded within the output layer. In this paper, we propose ExCeL that combines both extreme and collective information within the output layer for enhanced accuracy in OOD detection. We leverage the logit of the top predicted class as the extreme information (i.e., the maximum logit), while the collective information is derived in a novel approach that involves assessing the likelihood of other classes appearing in subsequent ranks across various training samples. Our idea is motivated by the observation that, for in-distribution (ID) data, the ranking of classes beyond the predicted class is more deterministic compared to that in OOD data. Experiments conducted on CIFAR100 and ImageNet-200 datasets demonstrate that ExCeL consistently is among the five top-performing methods out of twenty-one existing post-hoc baselines when the joint performance on near-OOD and far-OOD is considered (i.e., in terms of AUROC and FPR95). Furthermore, ExCeL shows the best overall performance across both datasets, unlike other baselines that work best on one dataset but has a performance drop in the other.
Abstract:Behaviour biometrics are being explored as a viable alternative to overcome the limitations of traditional authentication methods such as passwords and static biometrics. Also, they are being considered as a viable authentication method for IoT devices such as smart headsets with AR/VR capabilities, wearables, and erables, that do not have a large form factor or the ability to seamlessly interact with the user. Recent behavioural biometric solutions use deep learning models that require large amounts of annotated training data. Collecting such volumes of behaviour biometrics data raises privacy and usability concerns. To this end, we propose using SimSiam-based non-contrastive self-supervised learning to improve the label efficiency of behavioural biometric systems. The key idea is to use large volumes of unlabelled (and anonymised) data to build good feature extractors that can be subsequently used in supervised settings. Using two EEG datasets, we show that at lower amounts of labelled data, non-contrastive learning performs 4%-11% more than conventional methods such as supervised learning and data augmentation. We also show that, in general, self-supervised learning methods perform better than other baselines. Finally, through careful experimentation, we show various modifications that can be incorporated into the non-contrastive learning process to archive high performance.
Abstract:Traditional spam classification requires the end-user to reveal the content of its received email to the spam classifier which violates the privacy. Spam classification over encrypted emails enables the classifier to classify spam email without accessing the email, hence protects the privacy of email content. In this paper, we construct a spam classification framework that enables the classification of encrypted emails. Our classification model is based on a neural network with a quadratic network part and a multi-layer perception network part. The quadratic network architecture is compatible with the operation of an existing quadratic functional encryption scheme that enables our classification to predict the label of encrypted emails without revealing the associated plain-text email. The evaluation results on real-world spam datasets indicate that our proposed spam classification model achieves an accuracy of over 96%.